"Uncharted" is a story of a documentary film crew who crash on an island, when they were in hopes of finding a rare animal, a jaguar, that is believed to inhabit the jungle. Unfortunate circumstances arise when her charter plane goes down and crashes on a remote island."Uncharted" is a story of a documentary film crew who crash on an island, when they were in hopes of finding a rare animal, a jaguar, that is believed to inhabit the jungle. Unfortunate circumstances arise when her charter pla... Read more
Starring Demetrius Navarro, Shana Montanez, Carlos Meza, John Hillard, Erin Howie, Frederick Sainz, Frank Nunez, Erlinda Navarro, Elizabeth Cantore
It's a horror movie, and has a rating of 2 out of 10 from Imdb which is fairly low for this kind of movie.
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