Saturday Night Inside Out
"Saturday Night Inside Out" is the feature-film debut of writer/director Connor McBride. The film follows Floyd, a 26 year-old in the midst of a quarter-life crisis. After being laid-off from his job, followed by a devastating break-up, he has lost who he was. Floyd ventures through Chicago on a fateful Saturday night to find himself again in this millennial mood-piece."Saturday Night Inside Out" is the feature-film debut of writer/director Connor McBride. The film follows Floyd, a 26 year-old in the midst of a quarter-life crisis. After being laid-off from his job, followed by a devastating... Read more
Starring Luke Paspalas, Alexandra Miller, Zach Bradley, Michael C. Hyatt, Sophie Morrison, Kristi Alsip, Sean Michael Williams, Sonya Ward, McKenzie Morrell, Michael J Feehrer
Watch "Saturday Night Inside Out" from streaming services Apple TV+ (itunes), Amazon released in 2021. It's a drama movie, and has a rating of 8.5 out of 10 from Imdb which is very high for this kind of movie, and is currently only available for purchase or rent.
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