Adapted from James Joyce's Ulysses, Bloom is the enthralling story of June 16th, 1904 and a gateway into the consiousness of its three main characters: Stephen Dedalus, Molly Bloom and the extraordinary Leopold Bloom.Adapted from James Joyce's Ulysses, Bloom is the enthralling story of June 16th, 1904 and a gateway into the consiousness of its three main characters: Stephen Dedalus, Molly Bloom and the extraordinary Leopold Bloom.
Starring Stephen Rea, Angeline Ball, Hugh O'Conor, Neilí Conroy, Eoin McCarthy, Alvaro Lucchesi, Maria Hayden, Aideen McDonald, Pat McGrath, Mark Huberman
Watch "Bloom" from streaming services Amazon, Roku Channel, Kanopy and several more released in 2004. It's a drama and romance movie, and has a rating of 5.5 out of 10 from Imdb which is fairly okay for this kind of movie.
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