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Where to watch "The Beachbuds"

52. Last Resort

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A billionaire, Misha, is dining with the resort's owner, Madame Macaca, discussing a bouncy house that Misha wants to buy from her. Bayo and Nola are eavesdropping but only hear that Misha is offering to buy something and that they think it’s the resort. They have heard that this billionaire buys businesses then fires everyone and tears down the buildings. To keep him from doing this, the staff starts making his stay the worst ever, noisy, uncomfortable, bad food, etcetera. It doesn’t seem to be working so Bayo attaches himself to the resort so they can’t demolish it. He makes a passionate speech about the resort being a family, then eventually finds out that Misha isn’t buying it, just a bouncy house. Bayo and Nola learn that they shouldn’t eavesdrop.

51. Bayo’s Big Shot

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To keep the resort's staff healthy, they must all get a flu shot. However, Bayo avoids it because he’s never had a shot before and he’s afraid it’ll hurt. He goes as far as hiding from everyone so they can’t administer the vaccine to him. They each try to trap Bayo but he’s too clever to be caught. Finally, Mr Putu explains the shot is to protect the resort's guests as well as the staff. Unless he gets the shot, Bayo won’t be allowed to help the guests and we know how Bayo loves serving the guests. Eventually, he agrees to get vaccinated and surprisingly, it wasn’t that bad at all.

50. Close Encounters of the Bird Kind

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Bayo and Alejandro are watching a movie about space aliens when they realize that Ozo looks a lot like the alien in the film. They start spying on him and notice he speaks in an odd language and keeps talking about a visitor coming from far away. Misunderstanding what they are seeing, they decide that Ozo is an alien and he’s helping an alien force invade the island. Mr Putu accidently releases this information to the public and causes panic around the resort. When Ozo returns from the airport with another “alien,” the staff attacks them with mustard and bananas. Afterwards, they find out that the other person is Ozo’s brother who is visiting for his birthday. They speak in a different, older island language and like to fly rockets for fun which is why Alejandro and Bayo thought they were from another world. If they had been upfront with Ozo, this never would have happened.

49. Finding Mr. Winky

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Mr Putu frantically calls everyone into his office because of a huge emergency. Mr Winky, Mr Putu’s Teddy bear, is missing. He explains how Mr Winky is always by his side growing up and it helped him through some rough stuff. The staff searches everywhere but they can’t find it. To help him, they try to find other things for Mr Putu to cuddle at night but they fail to find anything that makes him happy. Mr Putu is so distraught that Bayo decides to throw a memorial so everyone can share memories of Mr Winky and say goodbye to him. During the ceremony, Mr Putu spots a young boy who has found his Teddy bear. He confronts the boy and his mom, but when he finds out the boy is getting comfort from the Teddy bear, Mr Putu decides the boy should keep it. He wants him to get the same comfort he got from Mr Winky as a child. Luckily, Mr Putu’s mom has a backup Mr Winky in case of emergencies.

48. The Staycation

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Nola finds out that Bayo has never taken a vacation and the resort has strict rules saying that he has to. Bayo loves the resort and doesn’t want to go anywhere else, so he stays on the island and tries to do some fun things while at home. The problem is, he likes to work for fun. He goes to the resort to see if anyone needs help, but everything seems to be going fine without him. This makes Bayo feel like he isn’t needed since everything is running smoothly without his help. To feel needed, he starts adding more work for the staff by clogging toilets and ordering massive amounts of food, but everyone is still able to keep up. He eventually finds out that the staff had been working twice as hard to make up for Bayo being gone. They just wanted Bayo to have a great vacation, so they pretended everything was fine when it really wasn’t. They just wanted him to have his best day ever. To this, Bayo is touched.

47. Putu Who?

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Mr Putu has been hit on the head and forgets who he is. Bayo is very busy, so he leaves Mr Putu with the staff and tells them to help him remember who he is. Instead of telling him the truth, they decide to tell Mr Putu that he is the hardest worker on the island and that he loves doing everyone’s work. He believes them and starts doing everyone’s job while they relax. Although it’s great that Mr Putu is very hardworking now, he’s very bad at doing everyone’s job. Bayo finds out and enlists the staff’s help to try to get the old Mr Putu back by giving him a bump to the head. He eventually restored his memory and the staff learns not to lie to benefit oneself.

46. The Unusual Suspect

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Nola has always been the top security guard at the resort, but then one day, a fox is caught stealing and gets away from her. Nobody has ever gotten away from Nola. Instead of blaming herself, she starts blaming the guests and staff for causing the fox to escape. Bayo finally makes her understand that it was her fault that the fox got away and it’s okay to make mistakes. What's important is you learn from them. Nola does learn from hers and is able to finally catch the thief.

45. Adventures in Bratty-Sitting

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The resort owner needs Mr Putu to babysit her young son, Kevin. Seeing how polite he is, Mr Putu agrees and immediately has Bayo take over babysitting duties. Bayo soon learns that Kevin is the exact opposite of polite. He picks on everyone and does anything he wants because people are afraid of being fired by his mother, the owner. Mr Putu, fearing for his job, tells Bayo to do whatever Kevin wants, but after seeing how Kevin treats everyone, Bayo decides that he must tell the owner about his son's true behavior. In the end, she appreciates this and has Bayo help discipline Kevin for all the things he did while at the resort.

44. Litter Beach-Bug

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Bayo finds some litter at the resort and teams up with Pon-Pon to find out who did it. To their surprise, it’s Ozo, so they follow him to gather more evidence and discover he not only litters, he wastes energy as well. They have Nola write him tickets for this which angers Ozo. Since he can’t stop him from littering, Bayo finally gives up and stops picking up trash on the beach. Ozo is shocked when he sees just how dirty the beach gets when Bayo doesn’t pick the litter up every day. Ozo now understands that he was wrong and that they have a responsibility to keep the island clean. In the end, Ozo helps Bayo clean up their beautiful beach.

43. A Zubuck and a Dream

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Bayo finds a briefcase full of money and tries to find whoever lost it but can’t. He then decides to give the money to charity, but all his friends convince him to spend it on them. Feeling like he can’t trust his friends, he gives the money to Rudy Magma, a slick businessman, who says he can triple Bayo’s money. Bayo doesn’t trust his friends anymore, so he lets Rudy take his money. However, he soon finds out that Rudy tricked him and won’t give the money back. Feeling like this is their fault, Bayo’s friends successfully hatch a plan to get the money back and then give it all to Bayo’s charity like what Bayo wanted. They also apologized for thinking of themselves and not thinking of their friend.

42. Jungle Scouts

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Bayo and Nola are in charge of a Boy Scouts-like group that Alejandro desperately wants to join. Nola informs him that he would have to pass some of their tests to become a member. Unfortunately, Alejandro fails miserably at everything. Later, the kids in the Jungle Scouts troop mistake him for a Jungle Scout leader, so he decides to take them on a trip into the jungle so he can be part of the group. He then gets lost and puts the scouts in danger, but when Bayo finds Alejandro, he convinces Alejandro that he has what it takes to save them. In the end, Alejandro does end up saving the scouts while learning a valuable lesson about honesty.

41. Bird’s Eye View

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Mr Putu is out golfing when he accidentally breaks the new wax statue of the resort’s founder, Madame Macaca. Embarrassed by what he did, Mr Putu hides the statue in a tarp and takes it back to his office to try to repair it. Meanwhile, Bayo and Alejandro are flying a drone but crash it when Nola tries to confiscate it. The drone lands in Mr Putu’s office where Bayo and Nola witness, through the drone’s camera, Mr Putu dragging what looks like a body inside. They are worried that spying is wrong, but are even more worried that Mr Putu may have a body in his office. They try to get into Mr Putu’s office but he won’t open the door. They eventually get inside and lock Mr Putu up in jail even though he claims it was a wax figure in his office. In the end, they find out he is telling the truth and realize they never should have been spying on him. For once, Mr Putu didn’t do anything wrong.

40. Out of Pon-Trol

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Pon-Pon loves to cook because it helps maintain balance in her life. When the resort dining room has shut down for repairs, she starts to become unbalanced. To help her, Bayo uses a food delivery app called Ozo, created so that Pon-Pon can keep cooking and maintain her Karmic balance. Unfortunately, the app starts giving out free meals, so Pon-Pon becomes so busy in her kitchen she injures herself. Bayo and the others want to help, but she locks herself in the kitchen, refusing to let anyone else aid her. Bayo finally gets to her and finds out that cooking is what made her unique in her family. She’s afraid if she lets anyone help her, she won’t be unique at the resort. Bayo makes her understand that it’s okay for friends to ask for help and that Pon-Pon will always be the best, most unique chef on the island. Pon-Pon understands and agrees to let others help her.

39. Dirty Birdy

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Bayo hurts his foot, so everyone gives him special treatment, especially Mr Putu, because he wants Bayo healthy enough to do his work again. Bayo starts to enjoy getting treated like a king, so when CHET says he’s healed, Bayo lies to his friends and pretends to be hurt. To help him get better, Nola takes him into her hut and won’t let him go until he’s okay. It’s almost like she’s keeping him hostage. Bayo escapes and is chased around the island but is eventually caught. He finds out that the staff knew he had lied and they were teaching him a lesson by keeping him trapped at Nola’s.

38. Ibu-Pendence Day

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The Independence Day holiday is here. Mr Putu’s mother shows up to compete as a team with Mr Putu, but he claims he’s too busy to spend time with her. He has Bayo spend time with her instead, which is fine until he sees all the fun his mom and Bayo are having. Instead of talking to his mom, Mr Putu finds a goat to be his new mom and competes in the holiday competition. During a race, the goat cheats and it looks like Putu’s mother will fall and lose, but Putu saves her and vows to finish the race with his mom. He realizes that Independence Day is about family and togetherness and he should have been sharing it with his family all along.

37. Guardians of the Al-Axy

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Bayo and Mr Putu discover that Alejandro’s lifeguard certificate has expired, so he’ll need to take a test to get recertified. Alejandro blows off the test and finds work with Mickey the beef, a shady business owner. Bayo convinces Alejandro that he should take the lifeguard test since he is good at his job. However, Alejandro finds out that CHET the robot has replaced him so he becomes distraught. Luckily, CHET can’t swim and Alejandro must save him, thus showing why Alejandro needs his job back. Mr Putu says that Alejandro can skip the test because he saved CHET from drowning and that’s what a good lifeguard does.

36. Sneezy Does it

2021 - Season 1

Bayo's sneezing a lot so Nola and Al try to figure out why, keeping him from working his dream job.

35. Birdy Dancing

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The staff has been dancing lately but it seems to bother Mr Putu. He says he hates it because it’s disturbing him. He eventually gets so fed up that he outlaws dancing on the island. The staff finds it hard to work without dancing so they create a secret dance club to do it. Everything is fine until Mr Putu finds out about the club. Bayo finally discovers that Mr Putu doesn’t hate dancing, but he just doesn’t know how to dance. He then teaches him and everyone can dance again.

34. Heavy Suit-y

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Mr Putu hears that an important travel critic is coming to the resort, so he wants the staff to treat them extra special except they aren’t sure who the critic is. A very discerning elephant arrives who seems exactly like a critic, so they give him the special treatment. The problem is they can’t seem to move his luggage. They try magnets and golf carts and flooding the lobby, but nothing works. They must get a good review if they can’t do something as simple as move a suitcase. In the end they discover that the elephant wasn’t the critic, he was just a suitcase salesman who had a special security feature on the luggage that made it immovable.

33. What Dreams May Come True

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The staff starts to believe that Pon-Pon’s dreams are coming true. Mr Putu learns of this and, with the help of CHET the robot, he sneaks into Pon-Pon’s bedroom at night and whispers fake dreams to her, dreams that will benefit Mr Putu. CHET feels guilty and eventually tells Bayo and Nola. With the help of the staff, Bayo stages a fake dream in Mr Putu’s bedroom to get revenge. In the end Mr Putu must make amends for using the staff for his own benefit.

32. The Tipping Point

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Bayo receives his first gratuity ever and loves how it feels. He then gives everyone on the staff a tip so they can feel good too. But things spin out of control when the staff starts expecting to be tipped for everything they do. They get so obnoxious about it that guests are leaving the resort and their rating on a travel app plummet. In the end Bayo convinces everyone to turn down tips because the best reward is a job well done and the smile on a customer’s face.

31. To Catch a Chief

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Nola’s Aunt Ida, a newly retired cop, is coming for a visit and she’s very excited because her aunt is the reason she became a security officer. Everything seems great until Bayo discovers that Nola’s aunt is planning to steal some priceless artwork. Instead of arresting her, Nola gives up on her job. If her hero is a criminal, then she has nobody to look up to and shouldn’t be in law enforcement. But Bayo explains that it doesn’t matter if her aunt is a bad apple, that doesn’t mean Nola has to be one. She is a hero in Bayo’s eyes. This inspires Nola who, with Bayo’s help, stops the robbery.

30. A Fistful of Zubucks

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Bayo invites all his friends to do something fun but everybody is too busy to spend time with him. That changes when Bayo finds a treasure map. The staff heads out to follow the clues that take them on a difficult journey to all sorts of remote parts of island. Eventually, they worry that there won’t be enough treasure, so they fight for the key that opens the treasure chest. Not long later, they find the treasure chest but all it contains is a mirror. Bayo explains that the treasure is all the friends together and that he secretly buried the treasure and made up the map so they could all spend some time together. The staff is so angry that they end up putting Bayo in the treasure chest, but they do it together like friends should.

29. Director’s Cut

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The owner of the resort asks Mr Putu to create a new TV commercial for the resort. Mr Putu names himself the director of the shoot but spends all his time picking out the right hat for the occasion. Meanwhile, Bayo and the staff must do everything for the commercial. However, Bayo manages to put together a great commercial, so great that the owner is coming to the island to say thank you at a special screening. When Putu finds out the commercial is great, he takes all the credit for it and never acknowledges the staff’s hard work, but when the owner of the resort wants to rewards Mr Putu by giving him a new, harder job, Putu comes clean and tells the owner the truth, that he had nothing to do with the commercial. The staff are praised for their good work and Mr Putu learns a lesson about telling the truth.

28. Super Bayo

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After reading a comic book, Bayo decides he wants to be a superhero. With Alejandro’s help he puts on a disguise and changes his voice so he can now be Super Bayo. Mr Putu likes the attention Super Bayo is bringing to the resort but Ozo finds it very annoying. In order to get Bayo to stop being a superhero, Ozo dresses himself like a super villain, The Handymaniac. He then tells Super Bayo to reveal his identity or he will do it for him. It appears that an epic battle between good and evil is about to commence. Alejandro, thinking the battle is taking too long to start, chains himself to a chair on a boat that is sinking from explosives. This forces Super Bayo and the Handymaniac to work together to save him. In the end, they do save Alejandro and Ozo admits he likes playing the superhero game.

27. Do the Kite Thing

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Mr Putu needs an amazing kite to enter the island’s annual kite festival. When he finds out that Alejandro won some kite festivals with his dad as a child, he puts Alejandro in charge. Alejandro, with Bayo’s help, builds an odd-looking kite made from food and strange objects that doesn’t even look like it’ll fly. Worried that they won’t win, Bayo secretly builds a new, better kite to enter the competition. Alejandro sees the new, beautiful kite and is brokenhearted that Bayo didn’t enter their kite. For Alejandro it was never about winning, it was just about spending time with his best friend, Bayo. To make Alejandro feel better, Bayo enters their original kite in the contest and it crashes. But Alejandro and Bayo win the award for Best Crash and are happy they got to spend quality time together.

26. Teach a Bird to Fix

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Ozo complains that he’s always too busy making repairs for the staff that he never gets a chance to do what makes him happy. To help him, Bayo makes a series of videos that show how to fix things and he posts them on the internet. The videos work so well that Ozo has all the time in the world to do what makes him happy. Unfortunately, the thing that makes him the happiest is repairing stuff. Feeling like the resort no longer needs him, Ozo packs up to leave the resort for good. Luckily, Bayo and Alejandro create a huge disaster that only Ozo can fix. Once he does, he feels useful again and stays at the resort.

25. Zoobak United

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Half the resort’s staff loves one football team while the other half loves another football team. Normally, this wouldn’t be a problem, but this is the first year the two teams will face each other in the final match. Motivated by this sports rivalry, each team’s fans start playing pranks on the other fan base until the pranks get out of control and threaten their friendship. After a cable outage, Bayo convinces everyone to put their differences aside to work together to fix the cable but also to repair their friendship.

24. UBird

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The taxi service on the island, run by Mickey the Beef, is terrible. He’s always late and rude to customers. Bayo decides the only way to fix this is to start a new island transportation service, Ubird. Bayo’s new service is so good it is hurting Mickey’s business. Mickey doesn’t think there is room for two taxi services so he challenges Bayo to a racing competition, the winner taking the loser’s car and business. Bayo wins but feels bad for Mickey, so he teaches Mickey how to give great customer service and gives him back his business.

23. Blast from the Past

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When the power goes out on the island Bayo decides they will replace the movie they were going to show the guests with a traditional puppet show. Bayo doesn’t know anything about doing a puppet show but he discovers that Ozo was once a gifted puppeteer. Ozo refuses to help because he had a mishap when he performed as a child that blew up the theater. Bayo tries to go through with the show but he is terrible at it. Ozo hates to see the audience laughing at Bayo because it reminds him of when they laughed at his performance as a child. To save Bayo, Ozo finally decides to help and does an amazing job putting on the puppet show.

22. BeachBud Origins

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While Alejandro is sick in bed, Bayo reads him a story about the origin of the island. The characters from the book who live in a tiny village are very similar to our resort staff. For instance, the lead, Bulby, looks very much like Bayo. The story happens during a time when happiness isn’t allowed because an evil bat will steal anything that gives them joy. The villagers want to go to war against the bat but Bulby convinces them that they should just try talking to the bat. Bulby does this and discovers that the bat hates happiness because he was picked on as a kid and is lonely now. The villagers decide to bring him to their village and show him friendship and happiness.

21. LA-Z Bird

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The resort staff receive a robotic smart chair as a reward from a guest. It’s amazing and does everything anyone asks of it. The staff agrees to share it but Mr Putu pretends to have a bad back so he can keep it for himself. Bayo and Nola soon discover that Mr Putu is lying and they chase him and the motorized chair around the island trying to get it back. After some close calls, they catch Mr Putu but end up in a precarious situation where Mr Putu must choose between saving Nola and Bayo or saving the chair. He does the right thing and eventually pays the price for being selfish.

20. Here Comes the Bird

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In order to bring in more guests, Mr Putu asks Bayo to make a wedding photo book of all beautiful weddings they’ve had at the resort. The problem is, they’ve never had a wedding at the resort. To fix this, Bayo plans a fake dream wedding for Nola so they can take pictures. Nola sees this as an opportunity to get closer to her crush, Bayo and to express what she would really like in her dream wedding. Unfortunately, Bayo fails to listen to what Nola wants and she calls off the fake wedding. Realizing he has hurt his friend's feelings, Bayo gives her everything she wanted in a fake wedding and takes some wonderful sample photos for new guests to enjoy.

19. Tales from the Campfire

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A slick producer, Rudy Magma, hosts a screenwriting contest. Mr Putu wants to write the perfect screenplay for it but he has trouble coming up with an original story. To help him, Bayo gets the employees together to tell campfire stories to see if any of these tales would make a great movie. Mr Putu doesn’t like any of the ideas until he combines them into one, big movie idea. After staying up all night, Putu turns in his script to the producer who hates the script. Mr Putu is depressed until he finds out the producer stole his movie idea and got it made. Even though he received no money for the idea, Mr Putu feels like a successful movie writer.

18. Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

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Bayo and Alejandro have a bubble blowing contest and Alejandro gets it tangled in his hair. He loves his hair but it has to be cut off to remove the gum. After the hair is gone, Alejandro becomes smart, so smart that it’s hard for Bayo to hang out with him like they used to. Smart Alejandro creates an Alejandro robot to keep Bayo busy but it’s just not the same. Bayo misses hanging out with his real best buddy. Bayo and Smart Alejandro work to find some things they have in common to help their friendship. Eventually, Alejandro’s hair starts growing back and he becomes good old not-so-smart Alejandro again.

17. The Hunt for Red Plaid Catfish

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Mr Putu always tells the story of how his ancestors have tried to catch the fabled Red Plaid Catfish but have failed. Mr Putu himself has tried several times and also failed but he feels that his next fishing trip will be different. Bayo and Alejandro come along and quickly discover that Mr Putu is a terrible fisherman. After a series of hilarious mishaps, the boat sinks and Mr Putu is knocked out. They can’t bear to tell Mr Putu that he failed at catching the big fish again, so when Mr Putu wakes up, Bayo tells him that he caught the fish and provides a fake picture of Mr Putu with the fish. Finally, Mr Putu has a fishing story he can be proud of and the employees no longer have to hear about "the one that got away."

16. WiFi Fo Fum

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Mr Putu gives Bayo a smart phone since he’s never had one. Up until now Bayo has always preferred one-on-one communication but he sees how a simple text can make someone smile. Soon, he gets obsessed with sending texts and emojis to his friends, but he starts annoying everyone and stops communicating face to face with people. His job and friendships are suffering, so the employees come together to convince him to put down the phone and enjoy the beauty of the island and his friends face-to-face.

15. The Suggestion Question

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Once a month, the resort collects suggestions from the employees on how to improve the resort. Most suggestions are harmless until they receive an anonymous one that suggests they should fire Bayo. Bayo can’t believe someone at the resort would want him gone. He asks Nola’s help and goes on a detective mission to figure out who wrote the note. Bayo is determined to make things right with them. Bayo and Nola eventually discover that it was his best friend, Alejandro, who made the suggestion. Alejandro didn’t really want Bayo fired for doing a bad job, he only did it so Bayo could have a day off and go to the movies with Alejandro to see a new, exciting feature.

14. What a Tool

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Bayo throws Ozo a surprise party for his fifth year anniversary working at the resort. Everyone gets Ozo tools, but being a handyman, he already has everything. When he opens Bayo’s gift, he is taken aback because it’s a tool he’s never seen before. He hides not knowing what it is until he finally blows up at Bayo in frustration admitting he doesn’t know what it is. It turns out that it’s not a tool but a special memento from when Ozo showed Bayo some kindness on his first day of work. Now the handyman must repair his relationship with Bayo by apologizing, something Ozo is not very good at.

13. Going Up

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Bayo and Alejandro go fishing together and find a message in a bottle. The message is an SOS signal but they see it as inspiration to write a song. This new tune becomes so popular, Bayo and Alejandro form a band and get hired to play in the resort’s elevator. As the band gets famous, it puts a strain in Alejandro and Bayo’s relationship. Singing is Alejandro’s dream but working at the resort is Bayo’s and now he must choose between the two. Alejandro finally realizes that he's hurting Bayo's dream and gives up the band because their friendship is more important. He also doesn't want to play in elevators anymore since he's afraid of heights.

12. Recipe for Success

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Bayo and Alejandro secretly enter Pon-Pon’s cooking in a contest even though she really just loves to cook as a way to center herself spiritually. When she wins, Mr Putu decides he can bring attention to the resort by promoting her as celebrity chef. He creates a Pon-Pon cooking show, a Pon-Pon cookbook, a Pon-Pon line of frozen dinners, but all this is so time consuming she is unable to follow her normal cooking routine which affects her spiritual center. Feeling off balance, she gets mad at her friends and snaps. Finally, Bayo finds a way to help her regain her balance and return to cooking at the resort.

11. Mutiny on the Bayo

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The resort has no guests because Rudy Magma, a slick cruise ship owner, is advertising the accommodations on his 5-star cruise ship. Bayo and the other resort employees want to know why it’s so much better than their resort, so they visit the ship to do some research. Everyone seems to love the place except Bayo, who sees that it’s clearly a terrible boat with terrible service. Everyone else seems to be fooled by a travel ratings app that gives everything 5 stars. Bayo eventually discovers that Rudy owns the app and has been putting up fake 5-star reviews. Once the customers discover this, they head back to the resort’s unmatched hospitality.

10. The Guesting Game

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Madame Macaca, the owner of the resort, tells Mr Putu he must stir up more business. Bayo suggests that he hold a special promotion for the millionth guest, an everything included vacation at the resort. Things get out of hand when Putu disguises himself as a female guest and wins the prize. As Miss Fritter Goop, Mr Putu takes advantage of the employees and the resort’s hospitality. But soon, they discover his clever ruse and exact revenge. Although he keeps his job, he learns what he did was wrong.

9. In Harmony’s Way

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It's Harmony Day on the island, a holiday where everyone must stop working and just relax, stay quiet and reconnect with nature. Bayo loves working and doesn’t want to stop, especially when the world’s most notorious guest, Misha Grizzlov, is set to arrive. Bayo must find a way to secretly treat this guest like a king while not being caught by Nola for working on Harmony Day. He eventually gets caught but learns the true value of Harmony Day and why it’s important to his friends.

8. Sleeping Duty

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When Mr Putu learns that bears get to hibernate for months, he claims to be part bear so that he too can get out of working. Bayo accepts this good-naturedly, installing Putu in a cave to hibernate and taking over as resort Manager. Unlike Mr Putu, Bayo likes to see everyone happy, so he says yes to anything the employees ask for. He even gives them all raises. Unfortunately, Bayo spends all of the resort’s money and now must trick Mr Putu out of hibernation to save the resort and its financial crisis.

7. Egg-stended Family

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Alejandro finds an egg on the golf course and can’t decide what to do with it, so Bayo and Nola decide to raise the egg together as a family. Nola hopes this will be a great way to get closer to her secret crush, Bayo, but parenthood is hard and Nola struggles to spend quality time with Bayo. Just when they’re getting the hang of it, Nola discovers that the egg’s mother is looking for it, threatening Nola and Bayo’s family. Nola is distraught, but when the egg hatches, Nola decides that they have to return the baby to its mother.

6. Bayo 2.0h No

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Bored during a staff meeting, Ozo designs a Robot to take his place. Bayo takes the Robot under his wing, naming him CHET and teaches him everything he knows about giving guests their best day ever. However, CHET soon surpasses his teacher and Bayo grows jealous. Making matters worse, CHET starts dressing like Bayo and even takes his name. Feeling threatened, Bayo tries to convince Mr Putu to get rid of CHET, but Putu decides to have them compete for Employee of the Week. Bayo is about to lose but then uses deception to sabotage CHET and cheat him out of the win. Unable to live with the guilt, Bayo comes clean and gives CHET the credit he deserves. At the same time, he learns that CHET was only being the best because he was copying Bayo who is the best.

5. Mr Putu’s Opus

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Mr Putu asks Bayo to help him write a book about his life, but his stories make Bayo sleepy. So Mr Putu decides to make up exciting stories of heroism and Bayo loves them. Mr Putu’s pleased with himself until his mother, Ibu, visits and reveals the truth that not only did Mr Putu never do any of the exciting things he told Bayo, his actual childhood was filled with unexciting things like knitting and figure skating. Putu is despondent, but Bayo convinces him there’s still hope. They can just recreate the heroic stories he told Bayo so the book will be true. Putu fails at this but ends up saving his mother’s life using his boring skills to accomplish it.

4. Thirsty for a Good Night’s Sleep

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Bayo tries to help an exhausted Mr Putu to get some sleep by buying him a waterbed from Rudy Magma, a slick mattress company salesman. It works so well that Bayo is inspired to get waterbeds for the whole resort and Rudy is inspired to sell more products filled with water. At first, everyone is happy and sleeps well until they find out that Rudy is using so much water in his furniture that he has caused a drought. With the island’s most precious resource threatened, Bayo sells Rudy on the idea of beds full of helium instead of water. Everything returns to normal except that Rudy’s new furniture floats away.

3. Mondo Alejandro

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A giant, dangerous wave is heading towards the island and Alejandro wants to surf it. Bayo doesn’t think his best friend has the skills to survive it, much less surf it, but he doesn’t want to hurt Alejandro’s feelings by telling him. Instead Bayo does everything he can to distract Alejandro in pursuing his goal. But unfortunately, Alejandro manages to catch on and his feelings get hurt anyway. In the end, Alejandro decides not to surf the dangerous giant wave and instead spends the time making up with his best friend, Bayo.

2. Birds of a Feather Bunk Together

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While binging the reality show Pig Brother, Mr Putu accidentally overbooks the resort. Rather than turns guests away, Putu checks them into the rooms of his employees, forcing Ozo, Alejandro, Nola and Pon-Pon to stay in Bayo’s hut. For a while they’re having a blast, until the cramped quarters lead to Bayo’s hut getting wrecked and the group migrating to Mr Putu’s hut. With his home packed full, Mr Putu misses the reality show’s finale and pays the price for making the booking mistake in the first place.

1. Bayo on the Case

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Bayo, interviewed for his dream job at the Zoobak Resort by his idol, Mr Putu. Bayo’s on the way to accomplishing this when he discovers a briefcase left by a busy orangutan guest. Determined to return the briefcase and still complete his task, Bayo gets slowed down by a series of hilarious obstacles involving the resort’s employees, ultimately losing the briefcase over the ocean as he tries to hand it to the parasailing orangutan. On the verge of accepting defeat, Bayo instead manages to show the orangutan the beauty of the island he loves and with the help of his new friends who work at the resort, he gets his dream job.

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