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Where to watch "Secret Girlfriend"

12. You Get a New Girlfriend
2009 - Season 1

11. You Have to Choose Between Two Girls
2009 - Season 1
Jessica is at a family vacation in Hawaii so Phil, Sam and You go to a party to pick up chicks. While there you get girls for Sam and Phil. When you arrive back home Mandy is in tour room and apologizes for being a bitch and finally recognizes that you broke up. The next morning she invites all of you to her fathers birthday party, that night. The hand model Phil took home last night has hurt his penis because of a failed hand-job. It is also revealed that Hot Girls make Sam have premature ejaculation. At the party Mandy gets her sister to hit on Phil to piss off her dad. When she tries to touch his penis he yells and pushed her onto Sam who then ejaculates all over himself. You sneak off and while talking to a waitress Mandy finds you and tries to get you to come with her. By this time Jessica is back from the airport so instead you ditch Mandy and go over to Jessica's where you finally have sex.

10. Your Buddies Get Into a Fight
2009 - Season 1

9. You Get An Aquarium Girl
2009 - Season 1
At a club, you, Sam and Phil debate the merits of having a pet hottie trapped in glass; Sam and Phil can't seem to get along, which leads to much punching and ketchup squirting.

8. You Try to Make Some Internet Cash
2009 - Season 1

7. You Solve a Porn-Related Mystery
2009 - Season 1
The guys use the latest technology to identify an adult-film star "you" encountered at the gym; Jessica tries to allay Mandy's jealousy by pretending to be "your" cousin.

6. 106
No release date yet
You charm some ladies into hooking up with your friends while Mandy turns "sane" to win you back, and later, you need to choose once and for all who will be your girlfriend.

5. 105
No release date yet
Your friends hire an "Aquarium Girl" to hang out on your couch in her underwear - and later, as you and Jessica hunt for a place to have sex before she leaves town, Phil gets jealous of Sam's new friends.

4. 104
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You and the guys get all CSI to figure out the identity of a porn star you met at the gym - and later, Jessica poses as your cousin to keep Mandy from getting jealous and killing you both.

3. 102
No release date yet
Phil tries to hook up with Jessica's hot lesbian roommate, and later, Mandy starts hanging out with Sam to make you jealous.

2. 103
No release date yet
You and the guys get an extremely low-energy dog to help pick up chicks, and later, Sam does whatever it takes to have his first wet dream.

1. 101
No release date yet
After your psycho ex dumps you "for the last time," you meet a hot new girl - and later, you and your buddies start hanging out at a strip club for the delicious buffet.