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Where to watch "Chumel con Chumel Torres"
13. Chumel con Chumel Torres 125
2020 - Season 5
Since we are always looking for ways to generate more energy with less environmental impact, wouldn't nuclear energy be a good option? Does it pollute or is it an answer to climate change?
12. Chumel con Chumel Torres 124
2020 - Season 5
From Twitter to HBO comes this weekly program of opinion, analysis and black humor with host Chumel Torres.
11. Chumel con Chumel Torres 123
2020 - Season 5
From Twitter to HBO comes this weekly program of opinion, analysis and black humor with host Chumel Torres.
10. Chumel con Chumel Torres 122
2020 - Season 5
From Twitter to HBO comes this weekly program of opinion, analysis and black humor with host Chumel Torres.
9. Chumel con Chumel Torres 121
2020 - Season 5
From Twitter to HBO comes this weekly program of opinion, analysis and black humor with host Chumel Torres.
8. Episode 8
2020 - Season 5
From Twitter to HBO comes this weekly program of opinion, analysis and black humor with host Chumel Torres.
7. Episode 7
2020 - Season 5
From Twitter to HBO comes this weekly program of opinion, analysis and black humor with host Chumel Torres.
6. Episode 6
2020 - Season 5
From Twitter to HBO comes this weekly program of opinion, analysis and black humor with host Chumel Torres.
5. Episode 5
2020 - Season 5
From Twitter to HBO comes this weekly program of opinion, analysis and black humor with host Chumel Torres.
4. Episode 4
2020 - Season 5
From Twitter to HBO comes this weekly program of opinion, analysis and black humor with host Chumel Torres.
3. Chumel con Chumel Torres 115
2020 - Season 5
From Twitter to HBO comes this weekly program of opinion, analysis and black humor with host Chumel Torres.
2. Episode 2
2020 - Season 5
HD. From Twitter to HBO comes this weekly program of opinion, analysis and black humor with host Chumel Torres.
1. Episode 1
2020 - Season 5
From Twitter to HBO comes this weekly program of opinion, analysis and black humor with host Chumel Torres.