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Where to watch "Alienators: Evolution Continues"

26. End Game
2010 - Season 1
With assistance from some missiles, the Genus successfully blanket the world. With civilization evacuating to shelters, the Alienators try a last ditch effort..

25. Meltdown
2010 - Season 1
The crew has to stop Scopes and the Genus from using decomissioned nuclear subs' reactors to evolve themselves. Meanwhile, Ira and Lucy argue over things.

24. Fire And Ice
2010 - Season 1
When a bizarre mutation of the Genus adapted to cold invades a ski resort in France, the team must work while General Woodman converses with a French associate.

23. REAPER (3): Alpha Omega
2002 - Season 1
It appears the team is still needed when Scopes and Gen. Granger try to blow up the moon.

22. REAPER (2): The Ark
2002 - Season 1
The Alienators head off into space after an outbreak occurs on The Ark, an experimental space-station for animal research in zero-gravity.

21. REAPER (1): Countdown
2002 - Season 1
After General Woodman uncovers a plot by Gen. Granger (and his newest "partner" Scopes) it's up to Ira and the team to take the madman's plans out of commisssion.

20. Itching For The Genus
2002 - Season 1
With no new outbreaks, it looks like the team may have made themselves obsolete.

19. General Disorder
2002 - Season 1
After General Woodman is infected by a bite from Scopes, the team must capture the creature in order to develop an antidote.

18. Head Case
2002 - Season 1
After being called to an old castle in England to investigate a possible Genus outbreak, Ira and the gang find everything suspiciously normal.

17. Cradle Will Fall
2002 - Season 1
When Wayne finally passes the test to become a real fireman, the gang must have tryouts to find replacements for him and Gassie.

16. Genus In Your Tank
2002 - Season 1
Genus-infected gasoline starts causing cars in New York City to mutate into Genus monsters.

15. Ira Knows Best
2002 - Season 1
Is the gang ever going to get a break? The Genus has followed them on their weekend off to Ira's family's farm.

14. Hot Java
2002 - Season 1
Ira and his crew track the Genus to the island of Java, Indonesia, near an active volcano, where Scopes has a plan to breed lots more creatures.

13. Year Of The Genus
2002 - Season 1
In Hong Kong, the gang races against time to track down a crate of Genus-infected fireworks before the New Year's celebration at midnight sets them all off.

12. To Carthage Then I Came
2001 - Season 1
Tracing a Genus outbreak to the Tunisian desert, Ira and his crew are trapped by Genus sandworms that travel through the desert sand as if it were water.

11. Roman Holiday
2001 - Season 1
Tracking a Genus outbreak to Rome, the gang are unable to do much sightseeing, as they must hunt down the creatures in creepy underground catacombs.

10. Dead Wayne Cells
2001 - Season 1
The most recent battle with the Genus has caused Wayne's sympathetic mutation system to accelerate, and identical clones of Wayne keep appearing.

9. Runaway Strain
2001 - Season 1
In experiments to create a microbe that will attack the Genus, General Woodman's scientists accidentally produce a stronger version of the Genus itself, which becomes airborne and threatens the entire facility.

8. French Underground
2001 - Season 1
After allowing a captive Genus to escape into the Paris subway system, General Woodman calls in Ira and his team for help searching the tunnels.

7. Junkyard Dogs
2001 - Season 1
While looking for repair parts for the fire truck, Wayne and Gassie stumble across a new Genus outbreak in a junkyard, and then get in trouble with General Woodman for having destroyed government property.

6. Swarm
2001 - Season 1
A rural outbreak of the Genus in wasp form doesn't look too difficult to quash, until Ira and his team discover the giant underground hive.

5. Slick
2001 - Season 1
An oil tanker infested with Genus cells runs aground near the Galapagos Islands, threatening a disaster for this birthplace of evolutionary studies.

4. Don't Drink The Water
2001 - Season 1
When Wayne accidentally washes the remains of a giant Genus amoeba into Glen Canyon's water system, the tainted water starts transforming the citizens into horrible Human-Genus hybrids.

3. Survival (3)
2001 - Season 1
The Genus escapes into the city's sewer system and evolves into its third stage, erupting into the town square.

2. Survival (2)
2001 - Season 1
Ira and his team discover the amazing adaptability of the Genus as it evolves into a fully sentient being that calls itself Scopes.

1. Survival (1)
2001 - Season 1
The Genus returns to Glen Canyon, and this time it is infesting City Hall.