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Where to watch "The Wannabes"

13. Classroom Musical Part Two
No release date yet
The detention drama gets ramped up as Mr. Pesckow relieves our gang from their service at Mr. Moody’s, and they are forced to find a way back into his “bad” graces. TV-PG

12. Classroom Musical Part One
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In an homage to classic and current musicals, the gang deals with the drudgery of detention. TV-PG

11. Beyond the Music
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The gang is busted by Mr. Pesckow, who disguises himself as a video host. Luckily, the whole charade is a dream of Mr. Moody's. TV-PG

10. Internet Sensation
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When a video of the kids performing is accidentally uploaded to the web, their secret is jeopardized. Before the gang decides to come clean, several doppelganger groups appear. TV-PG

9. Stuck in the Mall
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After a petting zoo runs wild in the mall and traps the gang in the sweet shop, the gang must deal with their fears about their futures. TV-PG

8. The Plagiarist, Part 2
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Alan and the gang reminisce over about time together at Highlands the night before a hearing that just may keep Alan in school. TV-PG

7. The Plagiarist, Part 1
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After Alan spends the day at the carnival instead of writing his sonata, he decides to steal an obscure piece off the Internet to turn in. Meanwhile, trouble arises on Sarah’s first date. TV-PG

6. Prank Wars
2012 - Season 2
Andrew celebrates his birthday in the lounge. Alan and Drew pull a prank on him by blowing up a birthday cake in his face. Sarah, angry they ruined a perfectly good Moody cake, convinces Andrew that everyone's laughing at him. Andrew declares war on them. He quickly strikes back, setting up Drew's dorm room in the hallway and waking him up, in his boxers, in front of his classmates. He then syrup and feathers Alan at his locker. Meanwhile, the girls have learned that highlands will be putting on a play of Antigone. Neither one plans on auditioning. After school, Shaylen shows up to the audition and is shocked to see Mariah there. Shaylen confronts her only to be called in for her own audition. This sparks an all out war between Mariah and Shaylen, both determined to get the lead role in the play. Later, Shaylen walks into Alan and Drew, who are planning to drop a giant water balloon on Andrew, but accidentally drop the balloon on Mr. Pesckow. Shaylen, inspired by Alan and Drew, switches Mariah's hair spray can with glue spray, causing Mariah's hair to stick up in all directions. During their second audition, Mariah tries to hide her hair under a "traditional Grecian head dress," but it unravels to reveal her crazy hair do. Shaylen's up next and realizes that Mariah has glued her to her chair. She tries to perform, but knocks over a piece of the set. Mariah and Shaylen get into a fight and are kicked out of the theater. Outside, Shaylen rips her pants when she pulls off the chair. The two girls laugh and apologize to one another, realizing they were acting foolish. Meanwhile, Alan and Drew have rigged a rope in front of the elevator. They run into Andrew and Sarah. Both teams thinking the other was in the elevator. We hear a dull pop and a scream. Sarah tries to run away, but steps in the rope, which snaps around her ankle and drags her out of frame. Mr. Pesckow then exits the elevator covered in pink foam. He angrily sends them to his office. The guys walk off, complimenting each other's pranks, forgetting about Sarah who swings back and forth on the rope, calling for help.

5. InDirect TV
2012 - Season 2
At lunch, Shaylen's upset that a boy she likes, Chazz, won't even acknowledge her existence. Before she can do anything about it, Mr. Pesckow appears in a HAZMAT suit and quarantines Sarah in her room, encasing her in a plastic bubble. As Sarah sits in her room, watching her favorite soap opera, Shaylen has an idea to pretend to like Drew in order to make Chazz like her. During a soap opera fantasy (Sarah's interpretation as she watches a soap opera on TV) Shaylen pretends to be in love with Drew, which causes Chazz to notice her. Back in reality, The plan has begun to work, but Drew seems to have real feelings for Shaylen. In a cop drama fantasy, we see Drew in an interrogation room, being questioned by Alan (good cop) and Mariah (bad cop). After some intense questioning, Drew admits to liking Shaylen. Back in reality, Alan is worried that Drew might be taking this too far, but Drew won't listen. Alan confides in Sarah. In a puppet show fantasy we see Drew, as a puppet, proclaim his love to Shaylen, as a puppet, but she doesn't feel the same way, singing to him how she only thinks of him only as a friend. Back in reality, Alan and Sarah are worried that if Drew gets hurt it might be the end of The Wannabes. Meanwhile, Becky overhears Drew reciting poetry to Shaylen to make Chazz jealous. Afterward, she runs up to him, saying how she wishes someone would read poetry to her. Drew, excited, begins to recite a poem to her. Later, conflicted, Drew goes to talk to Sarah. In a talk show fantasy, Sarah, a la Oprah, hosts the Oprah show. Drew, as a guest, says he's moved on from Shaylen and wants to be with Becky. Shaylen, confused, admits she was only pretending to like Drew to be with Chazz. Chazz arrives and tells Shaylen that he needs an honest girl – like Becky. Becky is smitten with Chazz and admits she only liked Drew because she thought Shaylen liked him. The next day in the lounge, Drew admits to momentary insanity and is back to being friends with Shaylen. Sarah approaches, saying, she wasn't the one who was sick and we see Mr. Pesckow walk by in a giant, plastic bubble, flanked by HAZMAT suits. Andrew runs behind, excited that his invention really works.

4. Whacky Manager
2012 - Season 2
The gang performs at Moody's as slices of pizza. After their performance they are swarmed by young fans, some even try to bite Mariah's costume, thinking it's a real slice pizza. A young guy approaches the gang and introduces himself. His name is Hank and he owns a club on the other side of town called Moxi and wondered if they'd like to perform there sometime. Mr. Moody isn't so sure about the idea, but the gang convinces him to give it a shot. The next day Mr. Moody and the gang visit Moxi. Mr. Moody isn't let in for being too old and has to sneak in. Meanwhile, Hank shows the gang around Moxi and asks them if they'd like to perform. The kids jump at the opportunity and have a blast. After the song, Mr. Moody finally agrees to give them a chance to perform at Moxi, but to not forget that working at Moody's is a punishment from Mr. Pesckow. But before Mr. Moody can finish talking to them he's dragged away by the bouncer for sneaking in. Hank shows up, congratulates them and offers to bring them on as his house band. The kids are in, but first they need to sign a contract, just a "formality." Drew quickly signs it and Hank reveals that the contract makes him their manager and he has a few new ideas for the group. We then see the gang performing different versions of their music, like Heavy Metal Night, Country Western, and German Techno. Finally, they can't take it anymore and decide to leave Moxi and return to Moody's Sweet Shop. At least there they can be themselves. Mr. Moody takes them back with open arms, but hank suddenly shows up and tells them that they have a contract. Mr. Moody quickly squashes the contract by revealing to Hank that all of the kids are under 18, which voids it. Hank exits defeated. The kids are bummed that they had to give up a paying gig, but Mr. Moody admits that he's been putting money aside for them for a rainy day.

3. Break; Dance
No release date yet
While the gang worries about who they're going to take to the Spring dance, real problems arise when Andrew forgets to book a band. Now it’s up to The Wannabes to save the dance. TV-PG

2. Playful Platypus
2012 - Season 2
While Sarah and Mr. Moody prepare to open the Sweet Shop for the day they are visitied by a wealthy woman, named Sandy, who is looking to throw a birthday party for her son… at 3pm today. Before Mr. Moody can refuse, Sandy gives him a blank check to make it possible. Later, when the gang arrives for another day at Moody's, they discover the Sweet Shop has been decked out in Australia-themed decorations – Sandy's son loves Australia. He surprises the kids, telling them that the party will also double as their first paying gig. The kids are excited, until they see the Australian animal costumes they'll be forced to wear. Drew is a Koala, Andrew is a Platypus, Alan is a Dingo, Sarah is a Wallaby, and Mariah & Shaylen are Kangaroos. They decide to go on, but discover that they're only performing for one kid, the birthday boy, Storge – no one else showed up. They realize, after a tearful story from Mr. Moody's past, that if they don't try to go out there and entertain Storge, he could be scarred for life. They give it their all, encouraging him to play a game of Whac-a-Croc, throw pie and muffins at Drew and Mariah in shark cut-outs, have a Velcro ball fight, and even try tossing him into a ball pit, but nothing works. Finally, the gang decides to perform to Storge, singing one of their songs. Before they know it, Storge is moving to the beat. They bring him on stage and he joins in singing, which draws the attention of some kids in the mall. Mr. Moody opens the doors and lets everyone in. Storge is having the time of his life, singing to the crowd.

1. Space Invaders
No release date yet
When Highlands is forced to host a nearby sports academy, the jocks and our gang butt heads, and our guys challenge them to a basketball game. TV-PG