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Where to watch "Being Eve"

13. Being True
No release date yet
Eve is saddened that Sam has decided to take Imogen to the school ball instead of her.

12. Being Tested
No release date yet
Sam enlists Eve to help him plant a hidden camera in Principal Grievely's house.

11. Being At War
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Mr. Inglewood organizes a game of paintball, but Eve sticks to her ani-war convictions and refuses to participate. When Sam begins bragging about how his class trashed her class in the game, Eve changes her mind and takes him on.

10. Being Obsessed
2002 - Season 2
Eve dreams that she is on the Titanic with Sam, not suprising as Sylvie is totally obsessed with it. She wakes up and saids she doesn't like Sam in that way. The dreams keep happening and in the end Eve just tells Sam the truth. The dreams finally end. Also her father has to put up with Mitsi, his clint, who has fallen for him even if he is married and Slyvie is desperate to find a date by stealing Charlotte's love potion out of her locker that she got from the internet.

9. Being Upstaged
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Mr. Inglewood's class begins a production of A Midsummer Night's Dream.

8. Being Reborn
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Sylvie has a near-death moment, decides to find religion, and ends up joining a local cult.

7. Being a Winner
2002 - Season 2
Sam and Imogen are now dating and Eve's not talking to Sylvie because of the whole birthday accident. Sylvie knows Eve is trying to avoid her and follows Eve into the boys bathroom where she tries to confront her. Suddenly, a boy runs in yelling how the headmaster is coming and another boy throws Sylvie a zipl-lock bag before running off. When the headmaster comes in, she sees Sylvie holding the bag and takes her away. The bag turns out to be Marijuana and Sylvie gets expelled. Imogen won't help Sylvie beacuse there's a contest going on at school that will send one student to Japan to go a one of the best schools. Eve is also in the contest and when Matt tries to get her to help protest against Sylvie's punishment, Eve doesn't want to because it will make her look bad to the judges. Finally, Eve realizes that friendship is more important than winning the contest and on the day she is supposed to give her speech, she protests against Sylvie being expelled in front of everyone in the aud

6. Being Grown Up
No release date yet
Eve and Ned celebrate their birthdays. Ned sporadically decides to move out.

5. Being Individual
2002 - Season 2
As Eve sruggles to increase people's interest in the Science Club, Imogen froms a cherrleading squad. Cheer fever races through Eden Heights High School, as everyone wants to be cheerleaders, including Matt ans Silvy. This leaves Eve alone with her map of New Zealand made of mold. Then, the arrival of a new science teacher shows Eve that being individual isn't so bad, but the cheerleading bug bites her too, and Eve is persueded by Imogen to become co-captain. After Eve is forced to place Silvy in the ""alternate"" spot, Eve realized she'd rather be an individual and withdraws from the squad, leaving Silvy to sub for her. Yet, all's well that ends well and with the new science teacher being rather attractive, the male membership of the Science Club skyrockets.

4. Being Alien
2002 - Season 2
When Sylvie's parents alllow her cousin to come and live with them, Sylvie is afraid that she will have to give up all her stuff for Imogen. When Imogen finally arrvies than Sylvie changes her mind immediately. Imogen is just like Sylvie, into fashion and into boys. The opposite of Eve. When Sylvie introduces Eve to Imogen things do not go to what Eve thought they would. She hates Imogen and thinks that she is stuck up and stop flirting with guys to make them do stuff for her. When Sylvie is forced to choose between her cousin and her best friend it is up to Eve to make it better. She tries harder but it only makes it worse. In the end Eve is happy with her individuality and ends up not wanting to actually have Imogen like her.

3. Being Famous
2002 - Season 2
Sam tapes skits done by his fellow classmates and airs them on TV. When it's Sylvie's turn to shine, she turns to Eve for help and has Eve write her script for her. Eve has a dream that she and Sylvie will be famous together. Slyvie becuase of her acting and Eve because she writes everything. But when Sylvie does great and takes all the credit, Eve gets angry and pretends she's too busy to write anymore for Sylvie. She then decides to do her own skit. But when she gets the chance, she gets camera fright and ends up goofing up the skit over and over again. Sam says he will only show the good parts on TV and Eve believes him. When her skit shows up on TV, Sam turns it into a blooper skit and humiliates her.

2. Being History
2002 - Season 2
Eve is angry with Sam who she shared her first kiss with denies that it ever happened.

1. Being Heartbroken
2002 - Season 2
Eve is devastated when Adam is forced to break up with her because he has to move far away to live with his father. She takes on all these extracurricular to keep herself busy and attempts to clear her mind of Adam. Trying to balance all these things out proves to be overwhelming for Eve as her thoughts of her relationship with Adam spills into her school work and daily life. The stress results in her receiving a ""D"" on her class movie review paper of ""Gone With the Wind"" where she bad mouths the characters of the movie because of the romantic and break up parts of the story that she connects with her personal pain over her own breakup. Mr. Inglewood understands what Eve is going through and gives he another chance to revise the paper. Sylvie becomes worried about her friend and tries to help her realize that she is having a hard time dealing and is heartbroken over the breakup with Adam, but Eve does not want to believe that. So Sylvie decides to take action by swearing off hook