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Where to watch "Travel Sick"

15. Japan
2003 - Season 2
Become a human snowball:Grub has to recreate the cartoon snowball scene by rolling down snow covered hill, gathering snow.Catch the monkey rapist:Catch the monkey which has been terrorising the women of a Japanese highland village.Wrestle a dwarf:Wrestle with a professional dwarf wrestler.Eat a cannibal:Eat part of a cannibal.Prove the Japanese will wear anything:Grub has to demonstrate the Japanese willingness to follow any western trends by handing out T-shirts with silly slogans on them.

14. Mexico
2003 - Season 2
Do a Mexican bungee jump:Jump from the top of a 30m pole simultaneously with three other people in the traditional Mexican jump.Sell a fake Chihuahua:In keeping with a tourists' terror tale, Grub has to pretend a different type of dog is a Chihuahua by shaving it and telling people that it is a genuine Chihuahua.Perform an Aztec sacrifice:Grub has to perform an Aztec sacrifice at an Aztec site, involving breaking into the site, slaughtering a Bread-man, ripping out its heart and setting it alight.Take part in a police bust:Grub has to assist the Police in making an arrest on the streets of Mexico City.Exterminate 1000 cockroaches:Grub has to join an exterminator visiting the filthiest parts of Mexico City in search of cockroaches to kill.Forfeit, Do the cactus run:Run and jump on a cactus following the traditions of drunk Mexican students.

13. Chicago
No release date yet
Crash a car:Grub has to crash a car into another car in the half-time interval of a demolition derby.Do a make-over on a bear's den:In traditional make-over style, Grub is made to make a bear's den feel more homely.Beat a bird at noughts and crosses:Grub takes on the American's champion at tic-tac-toe - a chicken!Have breakfast in a haunted house:One of the US's craziest eccentrics lives in his own self-styled haunted house - where Grub has to endure eating breakfast in bed.Sculpt a naked woman:In the dairy state of Wisconsin, Grub takes on the challenge of sculpting a naked woman - out of cheese.Forfeit, Play baseball without a bat.

12. Romania
No release date yet
Win the Romanian Lottery:Grub has to win the lottery using numbers predicted by a very different set of balls - pig's testicles.Kiss a moustachioed woman:Grub travels to a place where facial hair in females is a desirable characteristic, and tries it on with one.Have a pillow fight in Ceaucescu's bed:Grub pillow-fights a model in the bed of the former dictator.Drink a real Bloody Mary:Grub goes to Dracula's house, and drinks a real' Bloody Mary.Save a German tourist:Grub has to prevent German ramblers getting bitten by vipers.Forfeit, Drink a testicle smoothie.

11. The Netherlands
No release date yet
Get the ultimate head spin:Grub has to smoke some of the strongest marijuana in the Netherlands, then get attached to the turning sails of a windmill.Impregnate a cow:Grub has to collect a bull's semen, then put it into a cow.Pole-jump a canal:In traditional Dutch fashion, Grub has to cross a canal using a pole.Have a 10,000 dump:Grub has to demonstrate the workings of the human digestive system, and the hardiness of a diamond by eating a 10,000 diamond, and allowing it to pass through his body unharmed.Break the land cheese speed record:Using a car with wheels made of Edam, grub must break the record rolling down a hill - not easy to find in Holland.Forfeit, Have a bull jizz shampoo:Grub has to wash his hair with the semen collected in the earlier challenge.

10. Las Vegas
No release date yet
Kiss a bride with tongues:On your special day, would you snog Grub Smith?Kill America's most wanted:Grub uses America's favourite toys to take out America's most hated man.Beat the Las Vegas hot-dog eating champ:The Kid Cary de Grosa can eat sixteen hot dogs in a minute, and Grub tries to beat him.Sweep the factory floor:Seems easy, but not when the factory was submerged when they built the Hoover Dam.Survive a stand up routine:Grub is thrown in at the deep end with his first time on stage trying to do comedy.Forfeit, Get staked out in the desert:In keeping with the Vegas mobster legends, Grub gets staked out in the Nevada Desert

9. Italy
No release date yet
Ski down a volcano:Grub has to ski down the lava left by the last eruption of Mt. Etna.Snog Miss Tubby:Grub has to kiss the winner of the annual Miss Tubby contest for very very fat women.Have a poor man's roman banquet:Emulating the exploits of the Roman emperors, Grub has to make a meal of bizarre foods, like duck's tongue.Beat up a gladiator:Grub is forced to take on a pupil from the toughest gladiator school in Rome.Sleep with the fishes:In keeping with the Mafia saying from Sicily, grub has to actually sleep in a bath with fish.Forfeit, Sleep with a horse's head.

8. India
No release date yet
Wash an elephant's cock:Grub is forced to take on one of the worst jobs in India, and help an elephant keeper wash the giant mammals' genitals.Become a Human furnace:Grub has to have a pot of tea cooked on his flaming head.Exorcise your fat demons:Grub has to try to lose weight by having his fat demons exorcised by a local exorcist.Appease the rat gods:Grub has to offer his fruit covered body as a platter to appease sacred rats.Assist in a Hindu Funeral:Grub helps out by setting light to a traditional Hindu funeral pyre with recently deceased Grandma on it

7. Peru
No release date yet
Paint a picture of God:Grub had to see god and paint a picture of him, by taking ayahuasca, a local herbal hallucinogen made from vines.Get attacked by piranhas:Grub gets attacked by piranhitos (small piranhas) which are notorious street kids who have a reputation for attacking tourists in a huge swarm and stripping them of all their possessions. Grub dresses up like a typical tourist and walks through the area where all the attacks happen. Beat an Indian at darts:Grub plays an Indian in a traditional Bullseye style darts game, but Grub is using normal darts and the Indian is using a pipe and blow darts. Get cured by guinea pig:Grub has to get an ailment cured by a curandero using a Guinea Pig.Make crocodile shoes:Grub goes out with a caiman guy and pulls baby caimans out of the water in the Amazon.Forfeit,Drink Mansanto

6. Czech Republic
No release date yet
Play frisbee with a wild animal:Grub has to play Frisbee with a Czech resident's pet Lion.Do a somersault on skis:Visiting the dry ski slope near Prague, grub has to use the aerial ski jump pool to do a somersault.Take a picture of a ghost:Grub has to visit the most haunted place in the Czech republic, site of many reports of supernatural activity, and photograph a ghost.Break the world record for underwater beer drinking:A Czech man holds the record for underwater beer drinking, Grub has to take him on head-to-head and beat him.Stretch a dwarf:Using mediaeval torture machines in a castle dungeon, Grub has to increase the size of a dwarf by stretching him. Forfeit, Get stretched by a dwarf:The dwarf gets his own back.

5. Papua New Guinea
2002 - Season 2
Become a warrior:Grub must become a warrior in the traditional fashion, killing a bird of paradise and making a head-dress out of it.Tattoo a local:Grub has to make his mark on a local woman using their tools of charcoal and a lemon tree thorn.Serve an in-flight meal:Grub has to serve a meal in a plane - any plane he can find!Become a buffet for bats:Grub must try to persuade the bats living in PNG's notorious bat caves to eat off him.Eat a penis sundae:Grub has to eat an ice-cream sundae out of the penis gourd of a tribal elder called Wooka.Forfeit, De-louse a local:De-louse a local in the traditional fashion - using his teeth

4. South Africa
2002 - Season 2
Feed a gobstopper to a Great White:Grub travels out into the most shark-infested waters, to feed a sweet to a shark.Score a penalty against Mandela:Grub has to find Nelson and take him on the football pitch.Win a stick fight:Grub has to take part in a traditional fighting technique with local people, but not before getting a potion from the witch-doctor.Contact your ancestors:Grub is forced to get involved in a ceremony to contact his dead relatives.Win an ostrich race:Grub has to race against ostrich cowboys on an ostrich farm.

3. Brazil
2002 - Season 2
Become a Man:Grub puts his hand in a bag of biting ants as part of an ancient Indian coming-of-age ritual. Get a Spider out of the bath:Grub has to remove five Goliath spiders from his bath armed only with a toothbrush.Get a burger from a bull:Grub has to go from having a live bull, to tucking into a burger made from the bull, all in the traditional, if sometimes horrific, Brazilian Gaucho style. Prove Ronaldinho's goal was a fluke:Prove that Ronaldinho's goal which put England out of the world cup, was in fact a fluke, by getting Brazilians to attempt to recreate the shot, with Grub in goal, in the Maracana stadium.Win a game of beach volleyball:Grub first attempts to beat some girls on the beach, fails dismally, then has to resort to other means to win his game, and hires some dwarves. Forfeit, Sleep with an anaconda

2. Hong Kong
2002 - Season 2
Get blown up:Grub teams up with Bruce Law to take part in a movie style explosion.Throw up in the world's most expensive toilet:Grub is forced to eat several disgusting foods to make himself vomit into a gold-plated toilet.Put a cobra down your pants:Grub has to put a live cobra into his pants.Kick a grand-master in the balls:Grub takes on a man who claims to feel no pain - a Wing Chun Kung Fu Grand Master.Beat the spirits at paper-scissors-stone. Grub takes on the spirits via a medium at the classic game.

1. Thailand
2002 - Season 2
Brush a crocodile's teeth:Grub has to brush a crocodile's teeth, with ever shorter toothbrushes.Out glam a Ladyboy:Apply make up whilst descending on a rope from an 800ft tower, while a ladyboy does the same, then be judged by a tourist at the bottom. Carry a fridge over the River Kwai:Grub has to team up with a Japanese tourist in a symbolic act of unity between the previously hostile nations. Kiss a corpse: Grub has to kiss the decaying body of a Buddhist, whose remains have been preserved to show the importance of the soul over the body. Become a scorpion race track: Grub has to have scorpions raced up his body, with the finish line being represented by his nipples. Forfeit: Eat the loser, see above