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Where to watch "Regular Heroes"

8. Finale: Still Heroes
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We've met some incredible heroes. Now we'll see how their lives have changed since we saw them last.

7. The Inventor, The Nurse Practitioner and The Art Supplier
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J.J. Watt pays tribute to three regular heroes. Brad Halsey, founder of Building Momentum, sinks his time and money into an invention that could help battle Covid. 10 year old Chelsea Phaire sends art kits to kids in quarantine as a means of escape during these tough times. Nurse Practitioner Pamela Douglass provides free healthcare to homeless youth as she deals with her postponed wedding.

6. The Farmer, the Mechanic, and the Bus Driver
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Brad Paisley highlights three regular heroes. Farmer Daniel Hayden fears that he won't be able to feed America due to factory closures and limited PPE. Emergency Vehicle Technician Francisco Gomez works nonstop to keep fire trucks and ambulances on the road. Bus driver Tiffany Underwood works overtime to transport frontline workers to their jobs, despite a co-worker passing away from Covid.

5. The Doctor, The Animal Rescue Worker, and the Theater Owner
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Chris Paul shines a light on three regular heroes. Dr. Nana Afoh-Manin runs Covid testing pop up sites for those who are underinsured and underserved. Shelter manager Jessica Vacarro struggles to save animals in need as the number of neglected pets rises due to the pandemic. Theater owner Andrew Thomas starts hosting social distance friendly high school graduations at his drive-in.

4. The Sanitation Worker, the Advocate, and the RV Guy
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Kelly Rowland pays tribute to three regular heroes. Dana Marlowe works nonstop to ensure all women get the feminine hygiene products they need. Sanitation worker Angel Santiago continues to collect garbage, despite the risk of bringing Covid home to his 91 year old father. Woody Faircloth and his daughter donate RV's to healthcare workers so they have a safe place to quarantine.

3. The EMT, the Reverend, and the Trucker
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Nick Jonas spotlights three regular heroes going above and beyond for their communities. EMT Diana Wilson sacrifices not seeing her kids in order to assist those in need. Reverend Andy Bales risks his own safety to help the homeless, despite his many health issues. Trucker Serita Lockley continues to deliver essential items even though reduced fees are driving her business underwater.

2. The Science Teacher, the Deli Owner, and the Zookeeper
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Kevin Hart spotlights three regular heroes going above and beyond for their communities. Jonté Lee educates students with virtual science lessons from his home. Roman Grandinetti keeps his deli open to provide meals for first responders and students in need. Charlotte Trapman-O'Brien, despite the zoo being closed, commutes hours to ensure that the animals are fed and cared for.

1. A New World, A New Brand of Hero
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Alicia Keys pays tribute to the courageous efforts of three regular heroes. Senior Inventory Specialist Trevor Henry helps his hospital battle COVID-19. As owner of the only grocery store within a 5 mile radius, Burnell Cotlon keeps his doors open for the lower 9th ward community. Athena Hayley puts her health at risk everyday by continuing to feed the homeless on Skid Row.