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Where to watch "Mohawk Girls"

6. Warriors
2017 - Season 5
Bailey wants both James and a place in her community but can she have it all? Tired of living by the rules, Anna finally takes a stand and is happily surprised at the results. Zoe considers a huge life change but isn't sure she has the guts to do it. Caitlin has the ultimate choice to make - self-love or plain old love.

5. You In or You Out?
2017 - Season 5
Afraid that she's going to lose Butterhead, Caitlin does everything she can to keep him. After a surprise visitor helps Zoe feel brave, she stands up to her parents for the first time in her life. Bailey chooses James over her community but seeing the beauty of the place makes her waver. Anna's become the baddest mean girl in town but isn't sure this is the life she wants.

4. Shame Campaign
2017 - Season 5
Zoe forgoes her people-pleasing ways and tries to figure out what on earth she likes to do. Bailey takes James out into the community but it goes worse than she - and especially he - could have expected. Caitlin pursues her dream of a home hairdressing business but it jeopardizes her relationship with Butterhead. Anna makes great strides in becoming the kind of Mohawk she wants to be but her past actions undermine her progress.

3. White but A'right
2017 - Season 5
Bailey tries - and fails - to juggle life with James and life on the rez. When Zoe's journey toward a healthy life proves difficult, she fights the urge to relapse. Stuck in a life of conformity, Anna grows bitter toward Bailey for bucking the rules. Caitlin finds creative ways to bolster her self-esteem when things with Butterhead don't go as she'd hoped.

2. Pocahottie
2017 - Season 5
Zoe returns home from rehab to face the music - and the rumor mill. Caitlin discovers the notion of self-love and warps it to suit her needs. James invites Bailey to meet his family and it goes surprisingly well - then surprisingly badly. The partying lifestyle takes its toll on Anna until she finds an unexpected source of energy.

1. Midas-itis
2017 - Season 5
Anna achieves belonging but questions whether she is willing to pay the price of conformity. Getting treatment for her sex addiction, Zoe struggles in the touchy-feely environment of rehab. Bailey faces the ramifications of choosing white guy James Caitlin, back together with Butterhead, is in the community's good graces again but must figure out how to break up with Leon.