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Where to watch "Justice League Action"

59. Enter the Darkseid!
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58. Night of Fear
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57. Hands of Abra!
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56. Cold Heart
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55. Claws of Cheetah
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54. Gorilla Island
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53. Fast Run
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52. Party Animal
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Stargirl has to enlist Constantine's help.

51. She Wore Red Velvet
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A short film about mountain biking and dirt jumping shows not only cycling, but the general problems of modern life. Through parables, it also illustrates the greatness of nature and life. The movie takes place on the domestic "playground", more precisely in Slovenian towns Idrija, Cerkno, Ljubljana and its surroundings.

50. Unleashed
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Space Cabbie inadvertently learns about a great threat.

49. Race Against Crime
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Batman must team up with Booster Gold.

48. Ein anderes Leben
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Green Lantern accidentally leaves his ring in a restroom.

47. Captain Bamboozle
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Booster Gold starts offering secret tours of the Watchtower.

46. Barehanded
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Green Lantern vergeet na het wassen van zijn handen in een intergalactische wc-ruimte zijn ring, en komt er later achter dat 'ie weg is. Wat volgt is een wilde achtervolging op de aliens die hem misschien hebben gejat.

45. Watchtower Tours
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The Justice League falls victim to the Phantom Zone ray.

44. It'll Take A Miracle!
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Only Harley Quinn has the power to stop Gorilla Grodd.

43. Harley Goes Ape!
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The Joker traps Batman, and the League turns to Riddler.

42. System Error
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Batman discovers he and the rest of the League are robots.

41. E. Nigma, Consulting Detective
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Superman and Flash fall into one of Luthor's traps.

40. The Brain Buster
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Batman discovers that the League are robots.

39. Forget Me Not
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Batman is forced to track Mr Miracle to save Big Barda.

38. The Ringer
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The Justice League can't remember being superheroes.

37. Phased and Confused
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The League learns that Sinestro has grown in power.

36. Superman Red vs Superman Blue
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Luthor decides to split the Justice League into two groups.

35. Superman's Pal, Sid Sharp
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Sid Sharp poses as a superhero to get closer to Superman.

34. The Cube Root
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Ronnie Raymond and Martin Stein have to stop Calculator.

33. Best Day Ever
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Joker and Lex Luthor join forces to evade the League.

32. Booray for Bizarro
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Amazo launches an attack, stealing the League's powers.

31. Booster's Gold
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Booster Gold brings dinosaurs back from the past.

30. Superslečna na hlídání
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Stargirl must turn to Constantine for help with babysitting.

29. Mxy's Mix-Up
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The Justice League's efforts to protect the UN go haywire.

28. The Fatal Fare
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Space Cabbie learns about a great threat to the Justice League when he gives Darkseid a ride.

27. Time Out
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Batman and Booster Gold join forces to stop an alien.

26. All Aboard the Space Train
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The JLA enlist the help of Space Cabbie and Jonah Hex to prevent an intergalactic train hijacking.

25. The Trouble with Truth
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Poison Ivy takes control of Swamp Thing.

24. Inside Job
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Atom shrinks Superman so he can visit his fellow Kryptonians in the bottled city of Kandor.

23. Garden of Evil
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Batman has Plastic Man disguise himself as Two-Face in order to set a trap for Deadshot.

22. Battle for the Bottled City
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The goddess Athena offers Diana the position of the Goddess of Truth on Mount Olympus.

21. Double Cross
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Superman is infected by a dangerous nanite virus.

20. Freezer Burn
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Batman and Firestorm team up to fight cold villains, Mr Freeze and Killer Frost.

19. Rage of the Red Lanterns
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Chased by the Red Lanterns, Lobo seeks sanctuary with the Justice League.

18. Field Trip
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A group of teenage super heroes are being shown around the Fortress of Solitude.

17. Plastic Man Saves the World
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Plastic Man takes it upon himself to infiltrate a ship.

16. Luthor in Paradise
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With help from Circe, Luthor steals an artefact that will give him god-like powers.

15. Hat Trick
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Evil wizard Felix Faust steals Zatanna's magical top hat in an effort to release a demon.

14. Speed Demon
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Brother Night uses his dark magic to control the Batmobile and kidnap Zatanna.

13. Trick or Threat
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Trick-or-treating children dressed as the Justice League investigate a spooky house on Halloween.

12. Repulse!
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Lex Luthor infects Superman with a magnetic charge that repels everything.

11. Play Date
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Toyman takes over the Justice League and turns our heroes into avatars in a diabolical video game.

10. Under a Red Sun
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Batman and Barda must locate a planet with a red sun where Superman has been teleported.

9. Time Share
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Batman and Blue Beetle travel back in time to stop Chronos from destroying a young Dark Knight.

8. Galaxy Jest
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Joker is abducted into space by Mongul.

7. Zombie King
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Grundy escapes his Louisiana prison intent on using a magical crystal to raise the dead.

6. Nuclear Family Values
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Firestorm encounters the Nuclear Family, a misguided group of robots who resemble a sitcom family.

5. Follow that Space Cab!
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While Superman escorts prisoner Mr Mind between planets, he is attacked by Lobo.

4. Abate and Switch
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When the JLA tries to stop the Brothers Djinn, the ghoulish trio direct spells on our heroes.

3. Night of the Bat
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Superman and other members of the Justice League battle Batman after he's possessed by a Djinn.

2. Power Outage
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A ghoul named Calythos tries to use the Justice League's power to open a volcano.

1. Classic Rock
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Believing he is saving a homeless man, Batman intervenes for a wizard.