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Where to watch "Clifford El Gran Perro Rojo"

38. Clifford's Valentine Collection / Ready, Set, Vet!
2021 - Season 3
Clifford's birthday is on Valentine's Day, and Emily Elizabeth still doesn't have a gift for him! In a series of never-ending errands, Emily Elizabeth and Samantha go on a quest in search of the perfect gift. / Emily Elizabeth pretends to be a vet with all the dogs on the island in order to help Clifford feel better about his upcoming appointment.

31. The Storm / Officer Clifford
2021 - Season 3
When Hudson gets scared during a storm, Clifford and Bailey devise a way to turn the scary sounds into a goofy and fun symphony of music. / Clifford is inspired to create his own K9 Safety Patrol unit on Birdwell Island. But, is it possible for something to be too safe? Clifford struggles to understand the balance between safety and fun with the help of his trusty officers.

30. Cool Clubhouse / The Birdwell Islandeers
2021 - Season 3
Building a clubhouse was supposed to be fun, but when Emily Elizabeth, Samantha, and Pablo can't agree on the look of the house, they angrily decide to go their separate ways. The friends realize the best "nest" is the one they build together. / Emily Elizabeth, Clifford, Samantha, Pablo, and Jack all set out on an adventure as the "Birdwell Islandeers."

29. All Grown Up / Picture This
2021 - Season 3
Emily Elizabeth and Clifford decide to be "grown ups." They put their special lovies aside, start their own pretend store, and do things (that they think) adults do. Soon, the friends realize that there's no rush to grow up. / Emily Elizabeth, Clifford, and friends set out on a journey across the island to help Samantha capture the essence of Birdwell Island via the perfect photo.

28. Samantha's Perfect Day / Welcome Home, Natalie Chan
2021 - Season 3
Emily Elizabeth, Pablo, and Jack have planned a very special surprise party for Samantha's birthday! But, when Samantha gets upset, they realize that they planned the perfect day for themselves, not Samantha. / Natalie Chan, the author of Pablo's favorite comic book series, Animal Star Rangers, is moving to Birdwell Island! Pablo rallies his friends and gets everyone to help welcome her.

27. The Birdwell Times / Night at the Library
2021 - Season 3
Emily Elizabeth and Samantha pretend to be reporters and write their own newspaper for Birdwell Island, but nothing "newsworthy" seems to be going on. / The Birdwell library is having its annual "All Aboard Book Nite" sleepover and all the kids are excited to spend the whole night on the library ferry with Mrs. Clayton, but Pablo feels nervous without his nightlight.

26. Too Many Pets / Clifford's On His Own (Season 3)
2020 - Season 3
Inspired by a book, "Dara's Pet Daycare," Emily Elizabeth and Clifford open a pet daycare and invite pets from all over Birdwell Island to attend. All goes as planned, until the friends realize sometimes life is different than stories. / Samantha and Emily Elizabeth are having their first sleepover with just the two of them but Clifford is nervous to spend a night without his best friend.

25. Searchers of the Lost Coin / Birdwell Backwards (Season 3)
2020 - Season 3
While playing kickball with his friends, Pablo loses his lucky coin and worries that his team won't win without it. The gang searches the island but realizes that all Pablo really needed to win was self-confidence. / Emily Elizabeth announces it's Backwards Day! She and Clifford have fun eating dinner for breakfast and saying "hello" instead of "goodbye," until they break a special model boat.

24. The Spectacle Spectacular / The New Babysitter (Season 3)
2020 - Season 3
Anthony needs glasses. But after he gets his new eyewear, he's hesitant to wear them, until Emily Elizabeth and all of Birdwell Island show him glasses can be cool--and helpful for adventures, too! / Mr. and Mrs. Howard are going out and Emily Elizabeth and Clifford's regular babysitter is out of town. When a new sitter arrives, they worry she won't know the regular "Babysitter Night" routine.

23. An End By Every Friend / Bailey's Starry Night! (Season 3)
2020 - Season 3
It's Emily Elizabeth's turn to read at story time, but the book she chooses is missing its last page! With the help of friends, she comes up with a very clever and creative solution. / Bailey is staying with Clifford and Emily Elizabeth while Sam goes to the mainland for the night. Clifford is excited to have a sleepover, but Bailey is not so sure, as she has never spent the night away from home.

22. The March of the Sea Turtles / Squirrely Situation (Season 3)
2020 - Season 3
The baby sea turtles on Birdwell Island have hatched, but instead of crawling into the ocean, they walk around town. Can the kids figure out what's distracting the turtles in time to safely direct them to sea? / Emily Elizabeth and Clifford are inspired a "Comfy Cozy Homes" magazine and decide to turn Clifford's doghouse into a warm and cozy paradise. But cozy things keep disappearing!

21. Dancing By the Book / Tucker's Tooth (Season 3)
2020 - Season 3
There's a big dance party on Birdwell Island tonight, and Emily Elizabeth and Jack are determined to show off their favorite dance move. / Tucker's loose tooth is causing him some worry, and preventing him from doing his job as Birdwell Island's firehouse dog.

20. The Wild Wolf Pack / Putt-ing It Together (Season 3)
2020 - Season 3
Clifford is inspired to start his own wild wolf pack after Emily Elizabeth reads him a book about wolves. / After envisioning the perfect mini golf course for Birdwell Island, Emily Elizabeth sets out to create it in her own backyard.

19. Adventures of Clifford the Good / Surf's Up & Down (Season 3)
2020 - Season 3
After reading about Robin Hood, Clifford is determined to become Birdwell Island's own do-gooder, Clifford the Good. / Jack, a natural talent at every sport, gets upset when the gang learns to surf and he isn't an expert right away.

18. Whale of a Time / Clifford's Museum (Season 3)
2020 - Season 3
When Emily Elizabeth and Clifford learn the legend of Babette, the giant, mysterious white whale of Birdwell Island, they go whale watching to try to catch a glimpse of the legend. / When Emily Elizabeth and Clifford find a mysterious treasure on the beach, an old belt buckle, they open Clifford's Museum of Lost Things --a museum of all the cool things Clifford has found on the island.

17. Farm Friends / The Big Book Giveaway
2020 - Season 3
Emily Elizabeth and friends pretend to be farmers and start their very own farm in her backyard! / Emily Elizabeth and Clifford pretend to be Library Fairies as they help Mrs. Clayton gather book donations for the library. But when Clifford's favorite book accidentally gets donated, they're worried they'll never be able to find and get it back!

16. Captain Chrysalis / It's Berry Season! (Season 3)
2020 - Season 3
Pablo's butterfly has just hatched and he is so excited to play with her! But, it turns out butterflies aren't the happiest in jars. / Berry season is one of Emily Elizabeth and Clifford's favorite times of year. When the pair gets up early to go berry picking, they get carried away with berry-day-dreams and don't leave any berries for the rest of Birdwell Island!

15. Towel Team Go! / Puppy Preschool (Season 3)
2020 - Season 3

14. Reasonable Eggsplanation / Birdwell Island Agents (Season 3)
2020 - Season 3

12. Clifford and the Big Red Tomato / Dogbot
2020 - Season 3
The tiny seed that Emily Elizabeth planted has grown into a HUGE tomato! While she and Jack try to figure out what to cook with it, Tucker and Fire Chief Franklin also try to figure out what to make for the Firehouse Feast. / Emily Elizabeth and Clifford pretend to be robots on robo-missions to help her parents get ready for a dinner party that evening.

11. Mount Norma / Hide and Sneak
2020 - Season 3
Jack's dad reads to the kids about his old travel buddy, Ravi, who scaled a mountain and chose a name for it. The kids are inspired to pretend to be mountain climbers themselves and scale a "mountain"of their own—the local hill. / The friends are playing an epic game of Animal Star Rangers Hide-and-Seek to save the galaxy! But Clifford's size makes playing hide-and-seek difficult.

10. Aunt Violet The Pilot / Abra-Ca-Lifford!
2020 - Season 3
Emily Elizabeth has made a big surprise gift for her Aunt Violet: drawings of all the cherished moments they've shared together folded into paper airplanes. / When Emily Elizabeth's dad shares his old magic set with her and Clifford, the two friends decide to become magicians!

9. Making Lemonade Out of Lemons / The Watering Hole
2020 - Season 3
In order to raise funds for new soccer jerseys, Emily Elizabeth, Clifford and friends decide to set up a lemonade stand. / Emily Elizabeth is so excited to go swimming in the town pool, but it's not open yet! She passes the time with Clifford by reading a book about animals in the Serengeti.

8. Muddy Buds Hit the Suds / Lights, Camera, Clifford
2020 - Season 3
Emily Elizabeth, Clifford and friends are pretending to be racecars in the mud. That is, everyone except Tucker. He doesn't want to get dirty, because he's afraid of the bath that will have to come after! / After Outdoor Movie Night, Samantha is inspired to make a movie of her own. But, she has a hard time doing so when her friends have SO many ideas!

7. Coming Soon! / Fire Dog Tucker
2019 - Season 3
Pablo's favorite comic book author was scheduled to visit Birdwell Island, but now she can't make it! Emily Elizabeth, Clifford and friends try to cheer up disappointed Pablo by putting on a performance based on one of his treasured comic books. / Tucker has to overcome his fears to pass the Fire Dog Challenge and become an official Fire Dog.

6. Season 3
No release date yet

5. Things That Go Bump / Sherlock Bones
2020 - Season 3
Emily Elizabeth and Clifford host their first-ever backyard campout with all their dog and human friends. Things are going great until they start getting spooked by weird noises and shadows! / After a bunch of salty snacks, Clifford and his doggy friends are THIRSTY! But when they head over to their community dog bowl, they find it is missing.

4. Knights of the Wobbly Table / Don't Lead Me a Stray
2020 - Season 3
Emily Elizabeth and Clifford visit the library to find a special book. But when they arrive, they find that it's missing and was last checked out by EMILY ELIZABETH! / It's the annual Pet Adoption Fair on Birdwell Island! Emily Elizabeth and Clifford want to help others find their forever friends, just like they did.

3. Hiccup Pup / Top of the Charts
2020 - Season 3
Clifford has the hiccups and keeps knocking down the doggy biscuit tower. / Emily Elizabeth gets inspired to create her own song--the happiest song in the world.

2. The Birdwell Island Blues / The Big Red World
2020 - Season 3
Emily Elizabeth's day has started out terribly and she is in a bad mood. Her bad mood causes a chain reaction, and soon almost everyone on the Island is having a bad day. / When Jack shows his friends his dad's trunk of global travel treasures, the kids are inspired to take a pretend "world tour" around Birdwell Island.

1. Red Beard the Pirate / The Space Race!
2020 - Season 3
After reading a book about pirates, Emily Elizabeth and Clifford go on a pretend swashbuckling adventure around Birdwell Island in search of treasure! / Emily Elizabeth, Clifford and Samantha announce their plans to play astronauts and journey to Mars (really just the far end of the island). But, Pablo and Jack had the exact same idea. It's a race to see which team can reach Mars first!