10. Twins

2017 - Season 2

Dr Jack Lewis is on a mission to understand why identical twins are such an asset to science from development in the womb onwards.

9. Gut

2017 - Season 2

Jack meets a poker player who has won millions in high stakes international tournaments using his gut instincts.

8. Empathy

2017 - Season 2

We meet an individual who has an extraordinary neurological condition, mirror touch synaesthesia, allows them to feel the exact sensation or emotion of another.

7. Music

2017 - Season 2

Dr Jack is going to sing with a choir like no other. Many of the members cannot talk, but they can sing!

6. Cyborg

2017 - Season 2

Dr Jack meets David Rose who uses a new technology that doesn’t work with his paralysed body – it actually taps directly into his mind.

5. Genius

2017 - Season 2

In this episode, Dr Jack Lewis investigates the neuroscience behind genius. He meets a genuine genius, Sabrina Chevannes, a woman with an IQ of 178 at just 4.

4. Hypnosis

2017 - Season 2

In this episode we explore the science of persuasion and discover that even a hardened sceptic can be convinced – Dr Jack himself included.

3. Plasticity

2017 - Season 2

Dr Jack meets a man who has defied all odds by miraculously recovering from severe brain damage, after a car crash left him lying in a coma for three months.

2. Risk

2017 - Season 2

Dr Jack meets extreme risk taker Matthew Adams. Will tests at the University of Cambridge show that Matthew has a different brain from non-risk taking Jack?

1. Lying

2017 - Season 2

Dr Jack Lewis also meets an incredible man who woke from a coma to his brain producing a string of lies, he was confabulating.

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