Hosted by comedian Christopher Titus, the half-hour game show Pawnography features contestants competing against each other and the Pawn Stars—Rick Harrison, Corey Harrison and Austin “Chumlee” Russell—in three fast-paced rounds of trivia style questions to win money and coveted items from the World Famous Gold & Silver Pawnshop. Rick, Corey and Chumlee are featured in each episode vigorously defending their treasured items from confident and brainy contestants. The cherished items up for grabs are from Rick’s personal collection and he doesn’t want to give them up–this is the only game show that doesn’t want the contestants to win! Will a lucky contestant be able to stump the man who knows everything or will Rick prevail and walk away with his money in his pocket and his prized possessions intact?Hosted by comedian Christopher Titus, the half-hour game show Pawnography features contestants competing against each other and the Pawn Stars—Rick Harrison, Corey Harrison and Austin “Chumlee” Russell—in three fast-paced roun... Read more
It's a reality and history show, and has a rating of 4.6 out of 10 from Imdb which is fairly low for this kind of show.
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