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Where to watch "Ice Cold Gold"

101. Höhen und Tiefen in Grönland
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Chad Watkins konnte mit seinem Saugbagger in Grönland nur wenig zum Erfolg des Teams beitragen. Deshalb treffen Eric Drummond und seine Schatzsucher-Gefährten vor der Abreise in die 6000 Kilometer entfernte Tundra eine harte Entscheidung.

13. Back to the Beast
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With never before seen footage we highlight the first two summers of our miner\'s journey through the arctic battling harsh conditions and isolation. A sneak peek into year three reveals unprecedented dangers that lie ahead.

12. Divided or Conquered
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The miners have 48 hours left to explore Greenland, and the jaws of winter are closing in. Josh, Jesse and John work their remaining targets, while Eric, Gator and Americo head the most north they have ever been.

11. Sixty Degrees of Separation
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The miners split into two factions after an irreparable disagreement between Eric and Josh. While Eric's team sticks to the original plan and finds a large gold deposit and a supply of crude oil, Josh's team runs into trouble.

10. Fight for Gold
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Eric brings the team together for one final gold hunt in Eqi, Greenland. Then, after weeks of tension between the miners, brothers Josh and Jesse reveal their plan to pursue their own targets for the remainder of the season.

9. Eqi Gold
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As their faith in Eric's strategy loses steam, the miners hope to find huge quantities of gold in Eqi, Greenland, like they did last season.

8. Weird Science
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Doug leads the miners across a fractured ice sheet to collect samples, and the team gets one day to prepare for their most important target of the season. Then, a communication breakdown sends everyone into a frenzy.

7. Trapped on Cloud Island
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The miners find themselves scattered and trapped on a dangerously remote island surrounded by ice. Eric convinces everyone to trek across an ice sheet as big as Manhattan, New York, and faces serious consequences.

6. When It All Falls Down
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After a week of tireless prospecting in unstable Saqqaq, Greenland, the miners return to Ilulissat, Greenland, and add a new member to the team. However, disaster strikes when their equipment falls 2,000 feet from a chopper.

5. Golden Glacier
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With two days left to explore the three most dangerous areas in Saqqaq, Greenland, Eric pushes his team past their limits. If neither team can locate the gold source, his legitimacy as a leader will be questioned.

4. Frozen With Fear
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Time is running short in Saqqaq, Greenland, as Eric pushes the team to explore every corner of the mountains surrounding their base camp for gold. When Jesse and Gator refuse, Americo follows Eric up a deadly, 1,200-foot slope.

3. Death From Above
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The miners split into two groups and set out on a recon mission. Battling sleep deprivation, one team faces a deadly valley with falling boulders while the other repels into a glacial ice cave that could collapse at any moment.

2. Midnight Run
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The miners travel through Greenland's unexplored and unforgiving wilderness in search of ultimate treasure. While half the team discovers what could be a massive gold deposit, the rest become stranded 5 miles from camp.

1. Adapt or Die
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Before the miners embark on their third trip to Greenland, Eric calls a meeting to discuss massive changes to the operation, including enlisting two new members. Then, the team discovers devastating news about their ruby deposit.