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Where to watch "Big Hero 6 de serie"

19. The Mascot Upshot
2021 - Season 3
Hiro plans to defeat The Mascots once and for all.

18. Krei-oke Night
2021 - Season 3
Krei invents a karaoke machine.

17. Noodle Burger Ploy
2021 - Season 3
Noodle Burger Boy and the mascots abduct Fred.

16. A Fresh Sparkles
2021 - Season 3
When Big Hero 6 find Mr. Sparkles working at the Pizza Party-torium, he tells them he's decided to leave the world of crime behind.

15. Return to Sycorax
2021 - Season 3
When Krei is lost in the old Sycorax building, the heroes must search the abandoned monster factory to find him.

14. The MiSFIT
2021 - Season 3
In order to recruit child prodigy Rishi Patel, Professor Granville enlists Hiro to give him a tour of SFIT.

13. De-Based
2020 - Season 3
When Basemax opens a spam email, she gets infected with a virus.

12. The New Nega-Globby
2020 - Season 3
Globby and Honey Lemon feel guilty about trapping Nega-Globby in the Glop-Vac.

11. Go Go the Wooweroo
2020 - Season 3
Go Go reluctantly goes undercover as the co-host of Wendy Wower's television show.

10. Krei-oke Night / The Mascot Upshot
No release date yet
Krei enlists Big Hero 6 to help launch his latest invention, a karaoke machine he calls “Kreioke.” Hiro plans to defeat The Mascots once and for all.

9. A Fresh Sparkles / Noodle Burger Ploy
No release date yet
When Big Hero 6 find Mr. Sparkles working at the Pizza Party-torium, he tells them he’s decided to leave the world of crime behind. Noodle Burger Boy and the mascots abduct Fred.

8. The MiSFIT / Return To Sycorax
No release date yet
In order to recruit child prodigy, Rishi Patel, Professor Granville enlists Hiro to give him a tour of SFIT. Krei goes missing in the old Sycorax building!

7. The New Nega-Globby / De-Based
No release date yet
Globby and Honey Lemon feel guilty about Nega-Globby being trapped in the Glop-Vac. Basemax gets infected with a virus from a spam email!

6. Big Hero Battle / Go Go the Woweroo
No release date yet
4 2 Sing, a famous boy band, decide to be crime fighters and challenge Big Hero 6 to a “superhero-off.” Go Go reluctantly goes undercover as the co-host of Wendy Wower’s TV show.

5. Cobra and Mongoose / Better Off Fred
No release date yet
Fred is attacked by mechanical cobras, however their target is a former spy codename: Mongoose! Fred meets the girls of his dreams, only to be rejected by her!

4. A Friendly Face / Big Chibi 6
No release date yet
Hardlight crashes Karmi's autograph session for her new chibi series. Trini attacks the city using Krei's new automated vehicles!

3. Trading Chips / Mini Noodle Burger Max
No release date yet
Hiro switches Baymax and Mini-Max’s chips so that Baymax, using Mini-Max’s body, can fit inside a tiny space and offer Mochi medical assistance.

2. Mayor for a Day / The Dog Craze of Summer
No release date yet
Big Hero 6 responds to Richardson’s every whim when he is made mayor for the day. Hiro enlists the help of the team when Granville's three dogs go missing whilst under his watch!

1. The Hyper-Potamus Pizza-Party-torium
No release date yet
Hiro’s faith in his friends starts to fray when they show up late to a mission. Hiro and a short-handed Big Hero 6 must attempt to stop Noodle Burger Boy and his new sisters!