26. Restful-Rock and the Coyote
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Yakari and Little-Thunder set off in search of Restful-Rock, who left at daybreak on horseback. They find him on the prairie, just when he is about to be attacked by a wolverine. With the help of a herd of buffalo, Yakari manages to chase the wolverine away. He joins Restful-Rock and asks him why he left.

25. The Chief's Headdress
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A friendly Sioux tribe has elected a new chief: Little-Buffalo. Yakari and his parents must visit him and offer him a gift, a magnificent chief's headdress. It has been a long time since Yakari and his parents have spent some quality time together, so they are delighted at the thought of this journey.

24. The Tepee Builders
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The tribe arrives in their summer territory, but as they are pitching their tepees, they realize that several of the poles that make up the frames have been damaged. This is a job for the only expert who can carve some more: Slow-Strider! Yakari is dumbfounded: the Sioux who knows the most about trees is slower than a tortoise!

23. The Winged Totem
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During a game of hide-and-seek, Yakari finds an abandoned totem in the forest. WiseOne informs him that it belonged to their ancestors. The totem must be delivered to the land of the eagles, so that the souls of the ancients may be at peace.

22. The Red Ribbon
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Yakari and Little-Thunder are determined to save a coyote who has fallen victim to one of the tribe's oldest traditions: the red ribbon race. As practice for hunting on horseback, a red ribbon is tied to a coyote's tail, because these are the fastest animal on the prairie, and the riders then set off in pursuit.

21. SOS: Herd in Distress
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The foals in the herd of wild horses that Yakari and Rainbow like to watch are captured by a cunning hunter from another tribe. Yakari goes to Free-Horse for help. The three friends set off in search of the stolen foals, but the hunter knows he is being followed, and reacts very shrewdly: he covers his tracks, sets traps, and seems able to be in two places at once.

20. Two's Company
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Long-Snout the grizzly and Big-Fangs the wolf have come to ask Yakari for help. Their respective sons have disappeared after they were forbidden from playing together. Yakari finds the tracks of the two runaways, but he must act fast, because a wolverine has beaten them to the punch, and the rain is beginning to wash away the pair's tracks.

19. Under Eagle's Beak
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Rainbow must gather some very rare medicinal flowers that only grow on top of a very high mountain, Eagle's Peak. When Soft-Horn, a mountain goat, warns Yakari and LittleThunder that a storm is brewing, they decide to go let Rainbow know.

18. The Flying Bear Cub
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Yakari and Little-Thunder must find Honeykins, a missing bear cub who was so fascinated by the eagles flying above him that he was carried onto the mountain by a hurricane. The papoose feels guilty about his disappearance, because he made a kite for the bear cub who cherished it as he had always dreamed of being able to fly.

17. Wild-Wind's Secret
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Rainbow warns Yakari that for two moons, small quantities of dried meat have been disappearing regularly from the supplies tepee.

16. Silence is Golden
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Sick with a sore throat, Yakari temporarily loses his voice... as well as his incredible ability to talk to animals. But a chipmunk needs his help because a swarm of bats has invaded his burrow. With Little-Thunder's help, the brave papoose gives it his all, despite being mute.

15. Dance of the Lynx
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The whole camp is buzzing with excitement! The tribe is preparing for the Dance of the Lynx, a ceremony where they pray to Mishipashoo, the sacred spirit of the Great Lynx, for a prosperous hunting year. But there's a bad omen: the rock around which the ceremony is supposed to take place is struck by lightning.

14. Free-Horse
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All the horses in the camp, who are essential to the tribe's survival, have disappeared. A white arrow is found in the empty enclosure. Wise-One says that it is the hallmark of "Free-Horse", an evil spirit who flies with the wind. The hunters are furious, and set off with their weapons in search of the horses.

13. Great-Yakari
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Pursued by a hungry lynx, Wide-Eyes the bassaris is saved at the last second by Yakari and Little-Thunder, who happened to be passing through the forest. Yakari was searching for arnica flowers for his mother who needs them to make a pain remedy. In order to protect his friend Wide-Eyes from the lynx, Yakari suggests he join them on their search.

12. In Search of the Snow Trees
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Slow-Strider and Eyes-Always-Shot head to the Land of the Great Hills in search of some snow tree bark, a remedy for Restful-Rock, who is suffering from "red eye". In order to make sure the mission is going to plan, Yakari and Little-Thunder follow them from a distance.

11. An Unlikely Duo
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Silver-Necklace the peccary has taken a young wolf cub under her wing, after he is separated from his pack. But Silver-Necklace's herd doesn't want a predator in their neck of the woods so the peccary turns to Yakari and Little-Thunder to help her find the wolf cub's pack.

10. A Guide in the Darkness
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Supplies are running low, and the hunters are forced to extend their hunting grounds into the Badlands. Straight-Gaze forbids Yakari from coming along: it's too dangerous. But after having a bad dream, Yakari senses that their mission is in peril, and decides to set off in pursuit of his father.

9. Restful-Rock and the Coyote
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Yakari and Little-Thunder set off in search of Restful-Rock, who left at daybreak on horseback. They find him on the prairie, just when he is about to be attacked by a wolverine. With the help of a herd of buffalo, Yakari manages to chase the wolverine away. He joins Restful-Rock and asks him why he left. The old man tells him that a friendly coyote, who once saved his life, had come to him in a dream asking him for assistance. If the coyote is in danger, he feels duty-bound to rescue him. Yakari and Restful-Rock continue the journey together, and discover that the coyote has been captured by a cruel hunter who wants to turn him into his hunting dog. Yakari and Little-Thunder manage to free the coyote with the help of Big-Beak the singing bird, Ray- of-Honey, and his mother. After an emotional reunion with Restful-Rock, the coyote is free to go on his way.

8. The Red Ribbon
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Yakari and Little-Thunder are determined to save a coyote who has fallen victim to one of the tribe’s oldest traditions: the red ribbon race. As practice for hunting on horseback, a red ribbon is tied to a coyote’s tail, because these are the fastest animal on the prairie, and the riders then set off in pursuit. The winner is the one who brings back the ribbon. Yakari thinks this tradition is cruel, and in order to persuade the tribe to abandon it, he decides to attempt an impossible feat: beat all the riders in the tribe, without a horse.

7. SOS: Herd in Distress
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The foals in the herd of wild horses that Yakari and Rainbow like to watch are captured by a cunning hunter from another tribe. Yakari goes to Free-Horse for help. The three friends set off in search of the stolen foals, but the hunter knows he is being followed, and reacts very shrewdly: he covers his tracks, sets traps, and seems able to be in two places at once. Yakari finally solves the mystery of the hunter: he doesn’t work alone, because there are two of him. He has a twin. Once they learn the twins’ secret, Yakari and his friends manage to rescue the foals and return them to their herd.

6. Silence is Golden
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Sick with a sore throat, Yakari temporarily loses his voice... as well as his incredible ability to talk to animals. But a chipmunk needs his help because a swarm of bats has invaded his burrow. With Little-Thunder’s help, the brave papoose gives it his all, despite being mute. But the breakdown in communication means there is one misunderstanding after the other: the selfish chipmunk prefers to interpret the papoose’s gestures to suit his own ends, and drags everyone else into his own problem. The only solution is for Yakari to get his voice back! The papoose manages to get Little- Thunder to take him to his friend the bear. There, Yakari eats some honey and gets some well-needed rest. In the morning, he can speak again, and manages to negotiate with the bats so that they leave the chipmunk’s burrow and settle in the bear’s cave, to the latter’s delight.

5. Free-Horse
No release date yet
All the horses in the camp, who are essential to the tribe’s survival, have disappeared. A white arrow is found in the empty enclosure. Wise-One says that it is the hallmark of “Free-Horse”, an evil spirit who flies with the wind. The hunters are furious, and set off with their weapons in search of the horses. With Little-Thunder’s help, Yakari manages to track them down in an unfamiliar valley, before the hunters can find them. There, the papoose finds Free-Horse, a wild young squaw who looks after horses and protects their freedom. The fascinating Native-American girl will only set the tribe’s mustangs free once Yakari has proven his bravery and his sincere affection for the horses. Using his power to talk to animals, will the papoose convince them to follow him of their own free will, and bring them back home in victory?

4. In Search of the Snow Trees
No release date yet
Slow-Strider and Eyes-Always-Shot head to the Land of the Great Hills in search of some snow tree bark, a remedy for Restful-Rock, who is suffering from “red eye”. In order to make sure the mission is going to plan, Yakari and Little-Thunder follow them from a distance. Careful not to reveal himself, the young boy twice has to save the men from a sticky situation, before he too finds himself in hot water. Little-Thunder alerts Slow- Strider and Eyes-Always-Shot, who save Yakari just in time. All three carry on their journey together, but their troubles are not over, because a thick fog descends upon them. Separated from his two companions, Yakari meets a bear cub called Honey-Stripe who has lost his mother, and helps him find her again. Just when Yakari is reunited with Slow-Strider and Eyes-Always-Shot, the fog lifts, and they are all amazed to find a grove of snow trees hidden behind a hill. Mission accomplished!

3. Droopy-Ear
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How did Droopy-Ear the dog’s ear get droopy? Yakari tells Rainbow the story: some time ago, there was an unfamiliar dog who Yakari was never able to approach, because he always kept a careful distance from the Sioux. Then one day, Reckless-Crow, who tended to hunt alone, was injured and fell to the ground far from help. Was this the end for the hunter? No: the dog found him and took his medicine bag to show it to the other Sioux and get help. But on the way, he was attacked by some crows and fell off a cliff. No harm done... except a broken ear. After Yakari and Little-Thunder found him, the dog first had to recover the medicine bag, which had been stolen by the crows, before he could locate the injured Sioux. Seeking forgiveness, the crows lent Yakari a hand. Reckless-Crow was rescued. The brave dog was given the nickname “Droopy-Ear” and stayed in the camp to live with the Sioux.

2. The Good Seed
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During a drought, a friendly Sioux tribe contacts Yakari’s tribe for some emergency food supplies. Midnight-Braids offers to deliver the provisions herself, because she is originally from their tribe. The squaw sets off on the journey with her son Yakari, but it isn’t exactly a walk in the park. The chipmunk, Mic-Mac the crow, and the grizzly bear are also famished, and would very much like to eat their precious cargo. Together, Yakari and Midnight-Braids must foil their enemies’ plans if they want their perilous mission to succeed.

1. Chasing the Turquoise
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Midnight-Braids is very unhappy: she has lost the beautiful turquoise given to her by Straight-Gaze. Yakari sets off in search for it, accompanied by Little-Thunder. Just when he finds the precious stone, a chipmunk grabs it and stuffs it inside his cheek. The little creature agrees to give it back but only if Yakari helps to clean out the entrance to his den first. Then Linden gets his paws on it first and thinks it’s funny to tease Yakari and Little-Thunder with it which drives them nuts. The little beaver finally understands that Yakari isn’t joking around, but as he hands the turquoise back to him, it falls in the river and is snatched up by a salmon, which hurtles downstream until it is caught by a big bear. Negotiations with the bear go badly, but then he chokes on the stone when he tries to swallow the fish. Yakari, Little-Thunder, and Linden manage to extract the stone from his throat and save his life... And Midnight-Braids finally gets her turquoise back!