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Where to watch "Trulli Tales"

52. I Want to Bread Free
2018 - Season 1
Copperpot finds the magic cookbook and must make black olive oil.

51. I Want to Bread Free
2018 - Season 1
Ring, Zip, Stella and Sun use magic for the most trivial things.

50. The Rabbit Affair
2018 - Season 1
King Trulli asks Ring to watch Brutus and warns him not to open the cage.

49. A Trulli Fairy Emergency
2018 - Season 1
The children are tasked with preparing biscuits for school.

48. Copperfly
2018 - Season 1
Copperpot is transformed into a butterfly and Sun takes him to the greenhouse.

47. Surprising Pea Soup
2018 - Season 1
Sun decides that she does not like legumes.

46. Tarallini's Day
2018 - Season 1
Ring becomes Zip's new idol; Copperpot's mum helps him search for the magic cookbook.

45. New Oil Day
2018 - Season 1
Sun prepares for the villagers to pick olives and Stella organizes the bazaar.

44. Stella's Ribbon
2018 - Season 1
Stella is in charge of sewing tutus for the dance show, but is easily distracted.

43. Cloudy With a Chance of Onions
2018 - Season 1
Zip and Sun refuse to accept their defeat against Ring and Stella.

42. Oscar's Nose
2018 - Season 1
Sun isn't happy when the children are forced to team up with Oscar.

41. Guilty Gressini
2018 - Season 1
Zip is blamed for something Stella did; Copperpot bewitches a stick.

40. Kaboom Cake
2018 - Season 1
Stella finds it hard to please everyone when she bakes a cake for a contest.

39. The King's Donkey
2018 - Season 1
Zip borrows something without asking from the king's special collection.

38. The Royal Ball
2018 - Season 1
Stella asks a few favors from Sun and Ring in order to finish her dress in time for the Royal Ball.

37. Mega Giga Burger
2018 - Season 1
Zip decides that he only wants to eat cheeseburgers.

36. Mousey
2018 - Season 1
The villagers argue and the children realize that it's over Copperpot.

35. Olympiads
2018 - Season 1
Ring cheats in a race against his friends.

34. Clock-A-Doodle-Doo
2018 - Season 1
Granny Trulli gives the children a recipe for a boiled egg.

33. Pie of Truth
2018 - Season 1
The Trullalleri attend classes at the famous school of magic and cooking in Trulloland.

32. Sorbet on Ice
2018 - Season 1
Ring, Stella and Zip skate on the ice rink.

31. Gingerbread Castle
2018 - Season 1
Things go wrong when Zip smuggles Mrs. Latruffe's puppy into the bakery.

30. Oil of Fame
2018 - Season 1
Ring learns that his ancestors gave their name to a type of oil they invented.

29. The New Kid in Class
2018 - Season 1
Sun wants to try new things, but her friends think she is doing too much.

28. False Alarm
2018 - Season 1
Copperpot invades the village.

27. Crazy Carrot Muffins
2018 - Season 1
Stella refuses to use a deformed carrot and throws it away.

26. I Want to Bread Free Part 1 / I Want to Bread Free Part 2
No release date yet
Ring, Zip, Stella and Sun keep using magic for any reason. Trulli Grandma takes their wands away and gives them the recipe for Labour Bread. The children need to gather the ingredients without using magic. Meanwhile, Copperpot puts the villagers to sleep with a magic lullaby. After searching the village, Copperpot finally finds the Magic Cookbook. Now he just needs to make black olive oil to release his ancestor. The situation is critical Ring, Zip, Stella and Sun absolutely need to find a way to stop him without their magic wands!

25. A Trulli Fairy Emergency / The Rabbit Affair
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Children must make biscuits with herbs and spices for school, but Stella is too shy to offer her idea and runs away towards the forest. There, she meets fairies who call for her help : Copperpot has kidnapped their friend to use her fairy dust and fly! Stella will have to find the courage within herself to stop Copperpot's plan. Trulli King has to be away for a little while. He asks Ring to look after Brutus, his pet rabbit. However, he warns Ring: the cage shouldn't ever be opened and Brutus shouldn't ever eat celery...

24. Surprising Pea Soup / Copperfly
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Even though she's never tried them, Sun decides she doesn't like legumes. On Legumes' Day, she decides to fill her pot with candy, so that she doesn't have to eat legumes. It's a godsend for Copperpot who happens to need candy to launch his sticky candy puff attack. A lot of new butterflies have hatched in the castle greenhouse and the King has planned to set them free that evening. Sun, who loves butterflies, is so excited that she gets clumsy. She shelters a strange bearded butterfly without realizing it is Copperpot.

23. New Oil Day / Tarallini's Day
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While Sun methodically packs for the olive harvest, Stella makes a mess out of the various boxes. Copperpot takes advantage of the confusion to sneak his bottomless basket into the harvest. Zip has a new idol: Ring! He starts doing everything like him and even customized his wand so that it looks like Ring's. Copperpot is visited by his Mommypot with whom he teams up to find the Magic Cookbook.

22. Cloudy with a Chance of Onions / Stella's Ribbon
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Zip and Sun lose a Trulliball game against Ring and Stella. Refusing his defeat, Zip demands they replay the game! Copperpot arrives in the village on his hot-air balloon and creates a rainfall of onion over the villagers who cannot stop crying. The Wizard Chefs need to find a solution, but Zip is missing in action. Stella is in charge of sewing tutus for the ballet recital. But she keeps getting distracted and tries to help everyone. She ends up giving her ribbon to the ballet master, without realizing he is Copperpot in disguise.

21. Guilty Gressini / Oscar's Nose
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Stella has broken the ancestor's gressino, and Zip gets accused instead. He even gets disciplined for it, but Stella is too afraid to confess she did it. When Copperpot attacks the castle with his enchanted grissino that ties up everyone, Stella understands she needs her friends to stop Copperpot. At school, the kids need to team up with Oscar for a group assignment. Sun is not very enthusiastic - she thinks they will get a bad grade because of him. But Oscar's exceptional sense of smell will help them defeat Copperpot!

20. The King's Donkey / Kaboom Cake
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Trulli King shows his donkey collection to the Wizard Chefs, and Zip borrows a figurine without asking for permission. His friends find out and advise Zip to give it back. On the way to the castle, the kids see a big donkey statue, and Zip decides to put it with the King's collection, but little does he know that Copperpot is hiding inside. Stella bakes a cake for her friends, but Ring doesn't like. Stella bakes another cake, but this time Zip doesn't like it. Ignoring Trulli Grandma's words, she is determined to bake another cake.

19. Mega Giga Burger / The Royal Ball
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During lunch break, Zip declares he wants to eat only cheeseburgers from now on. Trulli Grandma gives the recipe for homemade burgers, but Zip wants to improve them Zip-style: with a lot, a lot of cheese. His friends get upset. Zip finds a caravan on the village square and orders, unbeknownst to him, one of Copperpot's bewitched burgers that makes him fly in the air! During the royal ball, Stella finds out that the unknown princess dancing with Trulli King is none other than Athenina!

18. Olympiads / Mousey
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Ring cheats while racing to the bakery with his friends. Trulli Grandma gives the chefs some advice about the importance of not cheating. But when Copperpot declares that he wants to take part in the competition, Ring feels pressured by his friends' cheering and he ends up cheating... Stella has found a little toy mouse made out of a walnut shell and decides to keep it, even after she's found out that it belongs to Sun, who is very sad about having lost her toy. In the village, people are quarreling over mysterious robberies.

17. Pie of Truth / Clock-A-Doodle-Doo
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Zip does not dare to tell his friends he lost his magic wand. He decides to hide the truth from them, until he realizes Copperpot now has his wand and that a giant tornado is blocking one of the village's windmills! Stella, Zip and Ring are waiting for Sun before they all go for a ride on Mrs McPeck's cart. But Sun is late, and because of that, the children miss the cart! Meanwhile, Copperpot manages to stop the time using a magic hourglass, so that he can look for the cookbook.

16. Gingerbread Castle / Sorbet on Ice
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Zip has to look after Mrs Poodle's dog Pinenut. He decides to hide in a basket and sneak it into the bakery. Stella sees the pet and Zip makes her promise to keep it a secret! But Stella ends up telling everybody about Zip's dog, and Zip has to take the dog outside the bakery. While Ring, Stella and Zip are having fun at the ice skating rink, Sun quits as soon as she falls for the first time. Irritated, Sun leaves the kitchen lab when she fails at making Trulli Grandma's recipe.

15. The New Kid in Class / Oil of Fame
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Sun reorganizes the book from the library by colours, but her friends think she's overdoing it. A new student joins their class and Sun is convinced that he'll agree to organize books with her. The new kid agrees, as long as Sun helps him find Trulliland's most special book... When he finds out his ancestors gave their name to a special oil of their own invention, Ring starts dreaming about having an oil named after him.

14. Crazy Carrot Muffins / False Alarm
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While in culinary decoration class, Stella refuses to use a deformed carrot and throws it away. Copperpot gets a hold of it and he decides to bring it to life. He persuades the carrot to go fetch the magic cookbook! When Carrottboy wrecks havoc in the village, Stella reasons with him: being different doesn't make him mean. Zip likes triggering false alarms to draw attention to them. But Ring, Stella and Sun don't enjoy it as much as them and they get angry…

13. Wise Margherita Pizza / Beards for One, Beards for All
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When Copperpot arrives at the village wearing a suit of armour that makes him invincible, Zip will have to understand that using your brain is much more efficient than using brute force! Stella has a new haircut, but she doesn't like it at all. When she finds out that Copperpot has made everyone grow a beard in the village, she decides to venture into his lair to borrow his potion and make her hair grow back.

12. Treasure omelet / Babble Apple
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As Zip is late to school, Ring, Stella and Sun team up with Nino for the omelet competition that is taking place that day. A very jealous Zip decides to give his friends the cold shoulder and team up with an unknown chef, Chef Omeletpot. Professor Grow asks the children to pair up and work on projects related to apples. But Sun and Ring can't agree on their project. It is even worse when Trulli Grandma lets them choose between to recipes (a sweet one, and a savoury one).

11. A Sticky Situation / Pizzica
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The wizard-chefs chat with the beekeeper to prepare their presentation on bees, while Stella is playing with her yo-yo. When Trulli Grandma gives them the recipe for honey baklava, Stella is still playing and accidentally knocks over Frisella's jar of honey... It's Pizzica party day and the children want to do a traditional dance in front of everyone. But Zip isn't comfortable with it: he's a bad dancer and is afraid of looking silly. While his friends help him learn the dance, Copperpot bewitches the village with a magic tambourine.

10. Hero By Mistake / SOS Milkshake
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By accident, Zip saves Sun from a falling sack of flour. Everyone treats him like a hero, and Zip is happy being the centre of attention. Ring's fear of the dark causes him to confuse grains of pepper with chocolate chips. Because of him, Trulli King eats a very strong grain of pepper, which prevents him from choosing the perfect chocolate to cook Trulliland Specialty: the dark chocolate olive oil praline.

9. Phantom Pumpkin Cake / Don't Waste Food
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Zip finds it funny to startle his friends, but he is the only one laughing… He even goes too far when his joke ruins the recipe of the day! His friends get angry and Zip leaves the lab. The Wizard Chefs need to go get some stale bread from the villagers. But Stella thinks some pieces of bread are not good enough for her and throws them away. In the meantime, Copperpot's blob has been released into the village. He is devouring the stale bread Stella threw away and keeps getting bigger and bigger.

8. Patient Pudding / Dragonina
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Zip cannot wait to take part in the Trulliball game organized by Professor Jump. So much that he botches the recipe for Patient Pudding turns into a speedy pudding that starts jumping everywhere! Trulli Grandma introduces the recipe for the Chef's Ratatouille, for which the children can pick any vegetable they want. But Ring cannot make up his mind, and there comes Copperpot, riding on the back of a dragon! Ring will need to have enough courage to make quick decisions and defend Trulliland against Copperpot and Dragonina.

7. Coppercat / Kingly Cake
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Zip is too busy adding stickers to his sticker album to weed his garden patch. Trulli Grandma advises them not to push to tomorrow what they need to do today. Zip sees a strange cat that somehow looks like Copperpot walking around in the village, but he prefers to keep playing rather than warning his friends immediately. It's the king's birthday. The children want to bake him his favourite cake - hazelnut cake. But there is no hazelnut left to be found anywhere in Trulliland!

6. Whack-A-Hole / Brave Fruit Salad
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Zip finds a four-leaf clover and is convinced he can now succeed at everything. Copperpot appears in the village using an olive to create magic tunnels and steals Zip's clover. Sun is terrified of ants, but she refuses to admit it in front of her friends. When Copperpot's lair gets invaded by ants, he has a brilliant idea: using a magic potion that transforms the ants and turn them into an army, so they can bring him all the books in Trulliland. Sun will have to face her fear in order to help her friends defeat Copperpot.

5. Big Bad Breath / Friendship Tea
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The day of the great Risotto tasting has come! Trulli King asks the children if he can taste their recipe. Ring is so confident he decides not to read Trulli Grandma's recipe - he knows it by heart! In the rush, he messes up the recipe. Miss Frisella's got a cold. Sun offers to replace her and take care of the daily tasks at the bakery. She is so sure of herself that she refuses to let her three friends help. Ring, Zip and Stella follow Trulli Grandma's advice and go looking for chamomile flowers to prepare tea for Miss Frisella.

4. A Genie's Plan / Sun's Lost Notebook
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Copperpot opens a jar and frees a powerful mean genie inside his lair, but the genie refuses to obey - the genie locks Copperpot inside a jar and heads toward the village. Stella is surprised to see an elastic arm come out of nowhere and she knocks over an inkwell that spills over Sun's notebook. She tries to explain it wasn't her fault, but Sun won't hear it: she won't believe this elastic arm story!

3. Perfume for Miss Frisella / Sincere Stromboli
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In botany class, Professor Grow shows the children how to distil orange blossoms to get their essence. Zip gets an idea: he will make some orange blossom perfume for Miss Frisella. Sun has created a super delicious zesty olives recipe and Stella doesn't want to hurt Sun's feelings and is afraid to tell her they taste terrible.

2. Princess for a Day / The Curiosity Banana Souffle
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Sun is named princess for a day and she uses her title as an excuse to make her friends do anything she wants. Zip wonders what Stella is up to when she mysteriously leaves these days... Curiosity makes him ignore Trulli Grandma's advice and he convinces Ring and Sun to follow Stella...

1. Humble Pie / The Victorious Pound Cake
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Sun is bragging too much about the tomatoes she will show during the Tomato Fair Contest. She uses her power to boost the growth of her tomatoes, but Copperpot sees her and thus learns how to grow giant tomatoes. He will try to crush the village while ridding the gigant tomato plant! Trulli Grandma then asks them to bake a Victorious Pound Cake, which requires them to solve four riddles. Copperpot prepares a potion that turns him into a giant chicken. Our friends will learn how to work as a team to save the village.