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Where to watch "Transformers Animated"

13. Endgame (Pt. 2)
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Prowl and Optimus Prime are on the defensive when Lugnut's clones attack Detroit.

12. Endgame (Pt. 1)
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Ratchet is determined to go to the moon to save Omega Supreme.

11. This Is Why I Hate Machines
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Ratchet and Captain Fanzone are catapulted to Cybertron in an accident on the Space Bridge.

10. Decepticon Air
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A turbulent space storm hits as the Elite Guard heads back to Cybertron with prisoners.

9. Human Error (Pt. 2)
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Sari hunts for a way to help the Autobots escape from Soundwave's altered reality.

8. Human Error (Pt. 1)
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Optimus Prime is concerned when Soundwave action figures are sold for Christmas.

7. Predacons Rising
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Blackarachnia is desperate to find Wasp before the Autobots or the Elite Guard do.

6. Five Servos Of Doom
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Optimus Prime and Prowl are suspicious when Sentinel has success in capturing fugitive Decepticons.

5. Where Is Thy Sting?
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Optimus Prime tries to warn Sentinel Prime of Longarm's true identity.

4. Three's A Crowd
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Bulkhead confronts Dirt Boss and the Constructicons when they steal the city's oil supply.

3. Transwarped (Pt. 3)
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One Autobot has suffered severe damage, while another is overloading.

2. Transwarped (Pt. 2)
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The Autobots struggle to defend Detroit; Megatron and the Decepticons focus on conquering Cybertron.

1. Transwarped (Pt. 1)
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The Autobots try to contact Cybertron to warn them of Megatron's spy.