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Where to watch "The Detectives"

17. Fatal Twist
2003 - Season 9
A real estate agent is found beaten and strangled in the basement of a home for sale. Crime techs find boot and finger prints on her body. Fingerprints from her jewelry that had been pawned match those found on the victim. A pregnant woman is found dead appearing to be the victim of a robbery. An autopsy reveals she died of asphyxiation and head trauma. Investigators uncover blood that belongs to the victim and the husband, concluding that the man killed his pregnant wife.

16. Critical Evidence
2003 - Season 9
A man discovers skeletal remains lying just outside the African Lion Safari section of an Ontario zoo. The team searching for the victim's identity employed a technique of re-hydration to attempt to lift a fingerprint and authorities would have to piece together the cause of death. A woman finds the body of a 76-year-old man, who had been shot. Several footprints were found at the scene. Authorities look for known burglars in the area and compared shoe samples with those from the victim's home.

15. Written in Blood
2003 - Season 9
A man calls 911 claiming his wife fell down the stairs and died. There is a large amount of blood on and around the body. The Medical Examiner concludes the woman died as a result of a blunt force trauma. Blood spatter is found on the man's clothing, proving he beat his wife to death. A man tells police that his wife is missing. Her body is found in a ravine the next day. Their home is searched and police find her blood on the walls of the man's home. Blood spatter suggests the woman was shot.

14. Loved to Death
2003 - Season 9
A woman is found dead in the bathtub. Teeth marks on the body were analyzed, and teeth molds were made in an attempt to match to the bite marks and they matched. In 1980, the remains of a woman were found in Indiana. Twenty years later, the Sheriff in Ohio contacted the highway patrol, requesting their help in locating a Jane Doe. The Indiana Sheriff remembered the woman in the box. DNA samples were extracted and compared-perfect match. All investigators had to do now, was find her killer.

13. Stolen Youth
2003 - Season 9
A man calls 911 and reports his 9-year-old daughter has disappeared from their front yard. Police grow suspicious when they discover the girl's blood on her bed sheets. The child's body is found wrapped in a bag with her father's prints all over it. A 10-year-old girl goes missing. Two people walking in an alley discover the body of a young girl. Investigators take samples of the body and tire samples from the scene pointing to a neighbor's son as the kidnapper and killer.

12. Price of Murder
2003 - Season 9
A security guard finds a man dead in the driver's seat of his car shot once in the back of the head. Police later receive a tip linking the man's wife and a friend to the murder; the motive was a large life insurance policy. A woman calls 911 claiming 3 men burglarized her home, beat her husband to death and bound their hands with tape. Police find a fingerprint and question the man to whom it belongs. He tells police the victim's wife promised the men money if they aided in his murder.

11. Broken Trust
2003 - Season 9
A family moving into a new home opens a large drum on the property and finds the mummified remains of a woman dead for nearly 25 years. Samples extracted lead investigators to the deceased's former employer. A Supervising Nurse noticed the number of deaths in the ICU unit had more than doubled from the previous year with no increase in admissions. A particular nurse was on duty during 80% of those deaths. Investigators found drugs that the nurse injected into patients just before they died.

10. Murderous Attraction
2003 - Season 9
A woman is rushed to the hospital. Blood tests find 6 times the lethal amount of arsenic in her system. Questioning her husband, who increased the amount of his wife's life insurance, he admitted to poisoning her. A man calls 911 claiming his wife shot herself in the head. Her husband and neighbors are questioned, and it seems she'd been suffering from depression. A forensic scientist specializing in bloodstain interpretation is brought in, signs point to the woman's husband as the murderer.

9. Raw Greed
2003 - Season 9
Two men are found beaten to death in the bar. Witnesses tell of a man who frequents the bar. A search of his home and vehicle turn up a tire iron. A wealthy man is found beaten to death in his own home. Divers find in a pond behind the house, a pipe with the man's blood on it. His heir's fingerprints match those found on the victim's belt, and her shoe prints match those from the murder scene. Ordinary objects carry enough evidence for forensic scientists to piece together complicated murders.

8. Out to Kill
2003 - Season 9
Blood was found in front of a woman's abandoned vehicle. Police get a tip about a man who is impersonating police officers. Investigators get tire samples of the man's car and find blood matching the dead woman. A boy is reported missing. His friends reported seeing the boy with a man. A hotel clerk tells of a man in her hotel who fits the description. Police find hair in the man's car that match the boy's DNA. Sometimes witnesses are the only link between criminals and forensic experts.

1. Hidden Obsessions
2003 - Season 9
In these cases, the murderer went out of his way in an attempt to hide any evidence the victim's body might carry to lead investigators to them. In the end, community participation and cutting edge forensic technology leads authorities to the guilty parties.