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Where to watch "Soy Luna"

80. Episode 80
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Everyone is reunited, and all misunderstandings and arguments forgotten. Germán visits the place where Antonio founded the first studio, and is given his old report card by Antonio's brother. Diego and Francesca only just make it back from Cadiz in time for the show, where Germán proposes to Angie on stage in front of the audience. They marry in the company of all their friends, and Violetta and León sing at the wedding.

79. Episode 79
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Gery deletes Clement's confession before Violetta can watch it. Diego and Francesca are on their way to Cadiz on the wrong ferry and have to busk for a return fare. Camila is torn between returning to Buenos Aires for the movie or staying with her friends. Germán and Angie continue to miscommunicate and argue. Nicolás asks Matías to help him persuade Jade he still loves her. Fede takes Ludmila for a walk and surprises her by pointing to a star he's had named for her. Violetta and León realize they have been kept apart for too long, and kiss.

78. Episode 78
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Pablo decides Violetta and León should sing together at the Seville festival. Germán can't bring himself to tell Angie his true feelings. Clement confesses everything he and Gery have been up to in a video and sends it to Violetta. Nicolás tries to reconcile with Jade, but she is convinced he doesn't love her after speaking to Matías. Antonio's brother, Carmelo, arrives, claiming to know Germán. Violetta receives Clement's video while she's touring Seville with her friends.

77. Episode 77
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Priscila realizes her own daughter is in Angie's car and drives into its path, saving Angie, Violetta and Ludmila from a more serious accident. Camila hides the fact she will have to kiss another man in the movie from Broduey. Priscila realizes how bad her actions have been and asks Germán's help to become a good mother to Ludmila. Violetta and León argue and call off their duet at the festival, but later discover their accidental duet and reunite. Germán decides to confess his true feelings for Angie.

76. Episode 76
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Angie refuses Germán's suggestion that she move in with him for fear of Priscila. León is jealous of Alex's closeness to Violetta. Jade returns Clement's abandoned guitar to him. It is decided that León and Violetta should sing a duet at the Paris festival. The Boy Band receive copies of their first record. Camila gets her movie script but panics when she realizes she will have to kiss the leading man. Alex confesses to León that he and Gery have been keeping León and Violetta apart. Priscila sabotages Angie's car brakes.

75. Episode 75
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Violetta tries in vain to get Nicolás to allow Clement back into the studio. Gregorio blames Andrés for fixing the entrance exam results. Germán announces that he is the new owner of the studio. Olga catches Angie and Ramallo in a friendly hug and becomes jealous. Germán walks in on Priscila and Ludmila arguing and protects Ludmila from her mother. Jade helps Nicolás to see why his son lied to him. Malena confesses it was her who altered the entrance exams. Nicolás sees his son perform and cannot disguise his pride.

74. Episode 74
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Violetta sticks up for Alex in front of León. Ludmila refuses to help Priscila plot against Germán and Angie. Matías tries to get closer to Nicolás and persuade him to take his sister back to ensure his own wealthy lifestyle is safe. Pablo's feelings for Brenda grow stronger. Maxi agrees to mentor the band once more. Clement leaves his guitar in the park and abandons his musical dreams. The teachers discover someone has been altering exam results. Nicolás agrees to sell the studio to Germán.

73. Episode 73
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Violetta desperately tries to talk Nicolás into selling the studio to her father. Violetta and León unwittingly compose a song together while thinking about one another. The Boy Band do a photo shoot for their first album cover. Germán thinks Angie is over him. Camila is only able to cry on camera when she recalls some of Broduey's words. Jade apologizes to Clement for exposing his attendance at the studio to his father. Priscila urges Ludmila to help her gain revenge on Germán and Angie.

72. Episode 72
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Nicolás is furious that Clement has been attending the studio without his consent, and rebukes Pablo for registering him under a false name. Ludmila loves Fede but cannot forgive him for suspecting her of pushing Violetta down the stairs. Germán overhears Angie telling Olga that even with Priscila out of the picture, he still feels distant to her. León is jealous when he hears that Alex loves Violetta. Nicolás refuses to sell the studio to Germán, jeopardizing its future.

71. Episode 71
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Violetta and León almost kiss again, but she backs away at the last minute. Broduey doesn't approve of Camila's role in the film, but promises to support her. Alex confesses his love to Violetta but she only wants to be friends. Naty tells everyone that Ludmila is leaving to live in Africa with her father. Maxi struggles with his new band. Germán offers to look after Ludmila until he can settle in Buenos Aires. Nicolás finds his son singing with Violetta at the studio.

70. Episode 70
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Violetta and León fall foul of Gery and Alex's plan to tear them apart. Priscila turns herself into the police, and Ludmila realizes her mother has been lying to her to keep her estranged from her father for years. Germán advises Jade to be honest with Nicolás to win him back. Violetta acts as Pablo's right hand as part of her thesis and suggests setting up a record label while Maxi mentors a new band. Priscila goes missing, finally showing up to see Germán and Angie.

69. Episode 69
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Violetta waits for the right moment to tell Germán about Priscila being responsible for her accident. Priscila finds out about the CCTV evidence against her, and manages to obtain the only copy. Violetta apologizes to Ludmila for having suspected her, and the two work together on a duet to perform at the French Embassy. Matías helps Jade realize that she is over Germán and in love with Nicolás. Camila is offered a role in a movie. Ludmila's father arrives in Buenos Aires.

68. Episode 68
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Violetta refuses to believe that Priscila could push her down the stairs and blame her own daughter. A film director shows an interest in Camila's acting abilities. Ludmila resigns herself to being sent to Switzerland, and the students are invited to a festival in Paris. Priscila hears Angie and Violetta discussing their suspicions and tells Germán they are plotting against her. Jade unwittingly expresses her regret to Nicolás about their separation. Violetta and León resolve to find out the truth about the accident and find CCTV footage!

67. Episode 67
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Violetta is convinced Ludmila is responsible for pushing her down the stairs. Diego and Gregorio grow further apart and Gregorio's bad temper deters visitors to the studio. Naty believes that Ludmila is innocent and tries to convince everyone else. Germán announces the winners of the contest and offers Pablo a job as director. Angie argues with Priscila and realizes it was her who pushed Violetta. Violetta finds that Germán also believe Ludmila. She vents her frustration to León, and the pair begin to figure out the truth.

66. Episode 66
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León helps Violetta overcome her fears to sing in front of the contest officials. Germán gives up trying to persuade Nicolás not to sell the studio, but Violetta urges the students to keep fighting for their dream. Germán suspects Priscila has destroyed the gold record he gave to Ludmila. Priscila puts a poisonous spider in Angie's car, but Ludmila saves her. Gery tries to come between Violetta and León. Germán decides to buy the studio himself. Priscila pushes Violetta down some stairs and blames it on Ludmila.

65. Episode 65
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Broduey overhears Camila running lines from her script and mistakenly thinks she wants to break up with him. Priscila gives Violetta the earrings she had made from Ludmila's melted down gold record to spite her daughter. Matías pressures Jade to make up with Nicolás to protect his millionaire lifestyle. Pablo agrees to return to the studio. Nicolás tells Germán he intends to sell the studio. León and Violetta continue to be drawn together, despite vowing to stay as friends.

64. Episode 64
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The studio reopens its doors. Broduey can't forgive Camila for accepting the part in the director's new project without consulting him. Nicolás decides to leave Jade after learning that she bought the studio behind his back. Francesca locks Diego and Gregorio in a room together in a desperate bid to get them talking. Priscila discovers that Angie and Germán came close to kissing. Ludmila becomes the girl Fede fell in love with, and Violetta and León struggle to stay just friends.

63. Episode 63
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Violetta thanks the Boy Band for quitting the record label to support the studio. Gregorio and Diego attend the therapy sessions which Francesca arranged. Olga is angry that Ramallo is having secret classes with Angie. Priscila rebukes Germán and Violetta for not welcoming her into their family. Germán finds out that Nicolás doesn't know Jade has bought the studio, and threatens to tell her husband unless she reopens it. Violetta and León find it hard to remain just friends, and come close to sharing another kiss.

62. Episode 62
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Ludmila regrets opening up to Fede and Violetta. Angie manages to prevent Jade from telling Priscila about the kiss with Germán. Broduey catches Camila with the director and doesn't approve of her participation in his new project. Germán, Angie, and Gregorio meet with Jade to try and persuade her to reopen the studio, but without success. Olga sees Ramallo taking classes with Angie and mistakenly believes they are on a date. Priscila finds the band rehearsing at her home and is furious. The Boy Band quits the record label.

61. Episode 61
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Germán and Angie try to deny their feeling after sharing a kiss. Gregorio tries in vain to make Jade reopen the studio. Violetta and León decide that the best way to stay together without hurting one another is to stay friends. Jade agrees to reopen the studio on the condition that Germán marries her. Lena is asked by Youmix to pursue her career in Spain, and says goodbye to the studio. Jade tells Priscila about Germán and Angie's kiss, and Ludmila breaks down in front of Fede, unable to cope with the pressure from her mother.

60. Episode 60
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Violetta decides to be just friends with León. Angie is disappointed when Germán doesn't try to prevent her leaving for Europe. She decides to stay after all, and later she and Germán sing together and share a kiss. Priscila tries to stop Ludmila going to the recording of the DVD by locking her in her room, but Olga frees her. Violetta and Ludmila grow closer and Ludmila confesses she feels guilty about sabotaging Lena's press conference. Jade sees Germán and Angie kissing and decides to close the studio. León joins Violetta on stage and kisses her.

59. Episode 59
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Priscila tries to watch the film of Germán and Angie embracing, but Fede manages to erase it just in time. Ludmila returns to the studio, but later tries to sabotage rival Lena's press conference. Andrés closes his vlog and says goodbye to his followers. Jade finds out Matías helped cover up the footage of Germán and Angie. Gregorio walks in on the Boy Band's secret rehearsal and throws them out of the studio. Angie decides to go back to Europe, and Violetta tells León she is determined to get over him, unaware that he wants her back.

58. Episode 58
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Ludmila cannot accept that Lena has taken her place in Youmix, so Violetta tries to cheer her up in a sisterly fashion. Angie vents her frustration about the situation at the studio to Germán, who gives her a comforting hug, unaware that they are being filmed. Matías finds the footage and gives it to Violetta to prevent Jade seeing it. Violetta hides it, but Priscila finds it in her room. Naty and Maxi get back together and Ludmila asks Gregorio if she can return to the studio.

57. Episode 57
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Violetta and León clear the air after realizing that Germán sent the email. Priscila pushes Ludmila to get reinstated at YouMix. Matilda says goodbye to Maxi and tells him to win Naty back. Priscila sets up a romantic dinner with Germán, but Olga and Ramallo inadvertently ruin it. Ludmila sings for Fede to show him her true feelings. Andrés misses a meeting with the record company. Violetta, preoccupied thinking about León, misses a rehearsal, and Gregorio replaces her with Jade as star of the show.

56. Episode 56
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Violetta is furious with Germán for reading her emails. Ludmila tries to cover up her dismissal from Youmix, but Priscila finds out and destroys the golden record which Germán gave Ludmila. The guys from the studio accept the Boy Band's invitation to be part of their DVD, but León objects. Priscila argues with Violetta in front of Germán and later throws Angie out of the house. Violetta finds she can't get over León, and her wish to see him again comes true when he turns up on her doorstep.

55. Episode 55
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Priscila tells Violetta to keep quiet about their confrontation, but Angie senses the tension between them. Broduey's jealousy leads to the music video being cancelled, and things get worse for the Boy Band when Gregorio kicks them out of the studio. Ludmila is fired from Youmix for revealing that her relationship with Harry was a publicity stunt. Priscila tricks Germán into confessing that it was him who accidentally sent Violetta's email to León in front of his daughter.

54. Episode 54
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Violetta vows to get over León, accidentally giving Alex false hope. Naty kisses Harry but admits she is still in love with Maxi. Gregorio and Jade announce plans to put on a show in hope of finding a new sponsor, but Angie opposes this. Naty and Hurry's kiss appears in magazines, making Ludmila furious. The Boy Band records a new video, but the director angers Broduey by asking Camila out. Priscila confronts Violetta about encouraging Angie to admit her true feelings for Germán.

53. Episode 53
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León is angry with Germán for interfering in his love life, as is Violetta when she finds out what her father has done. Camila offers Naty a part in the video, unaware that the others boys are annoyed Broduey offered his girlfriend a role without consulting them. Priscila is angry that Germán stood up for Angie against Jade, and Angie, not wanting to cause trouble, offers to go back to Europe. Maxi catches Naty kissing Harry. Jade offers to fund a show to attract business to the studio. León decides to find a new love.

52. Episode 52
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Angie refuses to leave the studio, and Germán tells Jade he'll quit if Angie goes. Violetta fears she sent the hurtful email to León herself by mistake, and writes him an apology which he deletes without reading. Gregorio finds out about Jade and Nicolás' wealth. Broduey asks Camila to be in the boy band's video. Violetta and León perform together, but still can't resolve their differences. Germán feels guilty for sending the email and resolves to tell León the truth.

51. Episode 51
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León tells Violetta he wants to move on from their relationship. Violetta vents her frustration in an email to León that she doesn't intend to send, but when Priscila finds Germán reading it, she persuades him to send it. Camila and Ludmila both experience jealousy issues. Angie and Germán become close again while singing together. Jade buys the studio building, much to Matías' shock, and when Priscila appoints her director in order to get rid of her, Jade fires Angie.

50. Episode 50
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Violetta overhears León talking about how she has hurt him and runs away. Jade decides to sell her island and use the money to exact revenge on Germán. Gery and Alex sing together and become closer. Priscila confronts Germán over his feelings for Angie. Beto realizes Olga is still in love with Ramallo and breaks up with her. Francesca finds out about the Italian producer's deception. León admits to Violetta that he wants her back.

49. Episode 49
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Violetta and Francesca make up, but Diego is upset by Francesca's decision to move to Europe. Nicolás buys Jade an island in Dubai. Jade goes missing before the wedding, but the ceremony finally takes place and Violetta sings in place of Olga whose nerves get the better of her. Violetta calls León as Roxy, but has second thoughts later when she overhears him talking to Gery about her. Angie and Beto are concerned that Gregorio is jeopardizing the studio.

48. Episode 48
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Violetta refuses Alex's kiss and he pretends he doesn't have feelings for her for fear of losing a friend. Gery denies it was her who messed up the meeting with the record label. Francesca agrees to go to Italy with the producer if he backs the studio financially. Ramallo tries to warn Germán that Priscila is not what she seems. Jade calls off the wedding again. Ludmila uses Harry to make Fede jealous. Camila and Broduey make up thanks to the vlog advice. Violetta and friends create a website for the studio. León misses Vilu.

47. Episode 47
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Violetta finds out that León and Gery were never a couple. Ludmila tries to explain her relationship with Harry is just for publicity, but he won't listen. Francesca turns down the Italian businessman. Priscila starts work at the studio. The studio welcomes the online project winners, but before a performance can take place, their equipment is seized against the studio's debts. Olga and Ramallo quit Personal Space. León confronts Gery about posing as Violetta. Violetta sings for Alex, and he tries to kiss her.

46. Episode 46
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Violetta is furious with Francesca and Diego for concealing their relationship. Germán promises Priscila he will devote more time to his family. Harry, a British Youmix artist, arrives to start a promotional campaign with Ludmila, and they are asked to fake a romance. Andrés sees Camila and Broduey arguing and vlogs about it. Beto reproaches Gregorio for refusing financial help for the studio. An Italian businessman wants to hire Francesca. Violetta confronts León about his relationship with Gery.

45. Episode 45
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Violetta and León argue, and she is left believing León and Gery are together. Andrés' vlog gets thousands of followers. Violetta comforts Angie after a row with Priscila. The boys' band signs a record deal. Francesca decides to confess her relationship with Diego to Vilu in a letter before Ludmila gives them away. But later, Violetta sees them together for herself. Jade thanks Germán for not pressing charges against her. Gregorio tells the students that the studio is doomed!

44. Episode 44
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Violetta and Alex believe that León and Gery are a couple, and Gery continues to mislead them. Maxi is upset that Naty has been composing songs for YouMix behind his back. Ludmila catches Francesca and Diego together and takes a picture, which she threatens to show Violetta. Matías persuades Jade to go ahead with the wedding to Nicolás, but when she goes to Germán's to invite everyone, she argues with Priscila and is escorted out by police. The studio's financial situation gets worse. Violetta resolves to ask León if he is with Gery.

43. Episode 43
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Violetta protests her innocence, but León accuses her of sabotaging the record label meeting in front of everyone. Gregorio bans Germán from the teachers' room, and Pablo refuses to come back to the studio as he doesn't want to see Angie and Germán together. Germán throws Olga, Ramallo and Beto out of the house for rehearsing too much. Ludmila finds and returns Violetta's journal. Andrés starts a vlog. Jade calls off her wedding to Nicolás. Alex fools Violetta into believing Gery and León are a couple.

42. Episode 42
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Gregorio is furious with Angie for agreeing to Germán's new position at the studio, and Angie finds his constant presence there hard as she still has feelings for him. Ludmila becomes Naty's assistant. Fran apologizes to León, and they make up, but when Violetta tries to patch up León's friendship with Broduey and Maxi, they end up arguing. Gery, posing as Violetta, sabotages the boys' band meeting with a record label. Jade entices Olga and Ramallo to sing at her wedding with money. Priscila throws away Violetta's diary.

41. Episode 41
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León cannot forgive Violetta for pretending to be Roxy, and blames Maxi and Broduey for keeping the truth from him. Angie and the kids can't accept Gregorio's decision to close the studio and ask Germán for help. He agrees to pay the debt and become the new manager. Andrés finds out that Fausta is really Francesca, and fears he might be in love with her, but Francesca dreams about Diego. Germán tries to find out why Ludmila quit the studio. Jade tries to hire Personal Space to play at her wedding. León finishes with Violetta for good.

40. Episode 40
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Fran and Diego manage to keep their relationship a secret from Violetta, but Fran worries about risking her friendship and decides to end things with Diego. Fede vows to keep away from Ludmila. Olga realizes she still loves Ramallo. León begs Roxy for one last meeting. Germán is disappointed in Ludmila's decision about the studio. Priscila is jealous of Angie and argues with Violetta. Gery finds out about Roxy and asks Alex's help to unmask her. Gregorio announces that the studio must close. León sees Roxy, kisses her, and realizes the truth.

39. Episode 39
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Violetta sings to León as Roxy, but he doesn't hear her with his headphone in. Maxi agrees to keep Diego and Fran's secret, but he has doubts. Ludmila threatens to tell Germán what Priscila is really like if she forces her to leave the studio. Jade asks Olga, Angie and Violetta to be bridesmaids to ensure Germán's attendance at her wedding. León writes Roxy an email. Germán gives Ludmila a gift and tells her to follow her heart. Gregorio fires Milton from the studio. Fede discovers Ludmila's deception and Violetta sees Fran and Diego embrace.

38. Episode 38
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León can't believe he's lost Roxy and searches for her. Priscila decides to manage her daughter's career and prevents Ludmila from resigning from YouMix. Alex tries to get closer to Violetta. Angie accepts Germán's help unraveling the studio's financial problems. Violetta is excited to get a call from León, but disappointed when he wants to know how to contacts Roxy. Rockbones head off on tour. Gregorio discovers Milton's ruse. Maxi realized Diego and Fran are a couple. Violetta visits León once more to tell the truth.

37. Episode 37
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Violetta can't bring herself to tell the truth and Roxy says goodbye to León forever. León follows her and nearly catches Violetta changing out of Roxy's outfit, but with help from Diego and Francesca, they manage to hide the truth from him. Gregorio breaks the bad news that the studio hasn't found a sponsor. Ludmila opens her heart to Germán. Violetta decides to hold an auction to raise funds for the studio. Ludmila decides to resign from YouMix for fear of losing Fede, and León resolves to erase Violetta from his life.

36. Episode 36
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Roxy flees before León can kiss her. Alex sees Jade and Nicolás at the studio and manages to sneak away before he is discovered. Milton loses the studio a sponsor. Beto and Ramallo talk Olga into forming a band with them. Broduey and Maxi discover who Roxy and Fausta really are. Germán helps out Angie with the studio finances, making Priscila jealous. The studio is in financial trouble, and Germán warns Gregorio they may have to shut down. Violetta visits León as Roxy, determined to tell him the truth.

35. Episode 35
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After arguing with Violetta, Ludmila decides to tell León who Roxy really is. Violetta stops her and agrees that she will keep the truth about Ludmila still being a Youmix artist from Fede if Ludmila keeps quiet about Roxy. León tells Gery he only sees her as a friend. Milton turns away a potential sponsor for the studio to spite Gregorio. Angie catches Violetta transforming into Roxy. Jade arrives at the studio with Nicolás, who is unaware his son is performing. Fede asks Ludmila out again. León kisses Roxy.

34. Episode 34
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Camila and Violetta prevent León from finding out who Roxy really is. Maroti asks Ludmila for a signed authorization from Violetta to use her song. Ludmila lies to Fede and says she has resigned from YouMix. Alex encourages León to forget Violetta and pursue Roxy. Angie comes face to face with Roxy and has suspicions. Clement tries to warn Nicolás about Jade. Violetta discovers Ludmila hasn't really resigned from YouMix and tries to warn Fede. Ludmila discovers the truth about Roxy and Fausta.

33. Episode 33
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Roxy withdraws from León, and he blames Violetta for coming between them. He confronts Violetta and tells her to stay away from him and Roxy. Ramallo and Beto fight a duel for Olga. Priscila finds out about Ludmila's ruse and encourages her to pursue a career at Youmix. Roxy and Fausta pretend to be awful dancers to get out of the show. Angie catches Milton mistreating his students. León sees Roxy entering Violetta's house. Camila tries to fool him by dressing as Roxy, much to León's bewilderment.

32. Episode 32
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Fausta and Diego carry on with their sham romance to keep Andrés at bay. Violetta helps them, unaware of the true nature of her friends' relationship. Ludmila agrees to leave the studio to pursue her career at YouMix. Jade buys a wedding dress. Beto realizes that Milton is responsible for students dropping out. Ludmila is resentful of Violetta and Fede's closeness and ruins some of Violetta's clothes. Violetta uses her alter ego to test León.

31. Episode 31
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León and Violetta dance a waltz together and he confesses to feeling confused about her and Roxy. Angie sees Jade crying in the street and tries to comfort her. Ludmila is heartbroken over her break up with Fede, but she is chosen to be the new star of YouMix. However, Maroti tells her she must leave the studio if she accepts. Andrés falls in love with Fausta. Violetta and Ludmila find living together challenging. Milton disregards Gregorio's authority and appoints Angie. Jade accepts Nicolás' marriage proposal to spite Germán.

30. Episode 30
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Fede is angry with Ludmila at having stolen her YouMix audition song from Violetta. Germán continues to hide his real feelings for Angie. Jade turns down Nicolás' marriage proposal, much to the disappointment of Matías who dreams of being a millionaire. León is hurt at not receiving an invite to the engagement party and confides in Roxy. Ramallo and Beto accidentally ruin the engagement cake while arguing. Fede ends his relationship with Ludmila. Jade tries to sabotage the engagement, but fails.

29. Episode 29
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Violetta manages to fix Roxy's wig before her secret can be revealed to León. Seba begs Camila to reconsider her decision to quit Rockbones. It's decided that Ludmila will replace Camila in Rockbones, and Camila should join a band with Roxy and Fausta. But the pressure of the pretense becomes too much for Francesca. Angie offers to help out at the studio. Priscila momentarily shows her true colors to Violetta. Nicolás proposes to Jade. Angie sees Germán in his wedding suit and confesses that she would take Priscila's place.

28. Episode 28
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Diego pretends he doesn't know Roxy and Fausta, keeping their secret. Germán calls the police, thinking Jade has kidnapped Priscila, but actually she has spent the day in a spa. Diego sees that Gregorio is overwhelmed and considers returning to the studio to help out. Camila walks in on Violetta dressing up as Roxy but promises to keep her secret. León asks Roxy out in front of Gery, who is consumed with jealousy. Ludmila has her audition for Youmix. León takes Roxy for a walk, but her wig gets caught on a branch!

27. Episode 27
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Germán talks to Ludmila after her outburst. Camila refuses to leave Rockbones despite Broduey's jealousy. Gregorio watches the recording Maxi made of Roxy and Fausta and wants to invite them to sing in an upcoming show. Naty finds out about Ludmila's audition for YouMix. Angie is appointed as Violetta's governess once more. Jade can't disguise her jealousy and threatens Priscila. Diego walks in on Roxy and Fausta at the garage and recognizes them.

26. Episode 26
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León hears 'Roxy' sing, and thinks he recognizes the voice, but Gery convinces him otherwise. Camila tries to help Broduey overcome his jealousy. Milton wants to keep Pablo away from the studio. Despite Francesca's reservations, Violetta accepts León's offer for Roxy and Fausta to use the garage as a rehearsal space. Germán gets fed up of Olga and Ramallo arguing about the new governess for his daughter and resolves to find one himself. Violetta fails to turn up for rehearsals with Ludmila.

25. Episode 25
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Violetta asks León if she can use the garage for rehearsals. Ludmila tries to persuade Fede to return to YouMix. The students visit Pablo and beg him to reconsider leaving the studio. Milton drives some of the pupils away from the studio with his aggressive methods. Fede joins the boys' band. Ludmila arranges her audition with YouMix. Violetta returns to the garage in disguise and sings for León.

24. Episode 24
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Violetta is pleased to have Angie back. Gregorio tries to convince Pablo to stay as head of the studio. Ludmila resolves to live in Africa with her father, but changes her mind when Fede comes to Buenos Aires. León won't answer Violetta's calls. Angie gives Violetta a new dress for the wedding. Jade thinks about sabotaging the wedding. Ludmila steals a song from Violetta, hoping to become the next star of Youmix. Violetta and Francesca walk in on Gery singing for León.

23. Episode 23
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Pablo tries to cheer up the students after the news that YouMix is withdrawing it's sponsorship of the studio. Nicolás has to restrain Jade from attacking Priscila. Violetta decides to terminate her contract with YouMix. Priscila pressures Ludmila to sing with Violetta for her party. Gregorio announces plans to stage a show to attract new sponsors. Ludmila ruins Violetta's party dress. Pablo resigns from the studio and appoints Gregorio to replace him. Angie returns to comfort Violetta.

22. Episode 22
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Maxi and Broduey aren't happy about Camila and Naty joining Rockbones. Diego is worried that his father will close Artrebel. Fran and Diego continue to date in secret. Nicolás hires Matías as Jade's chauffeur. Ludmila refuses to sing with Violetta at the wedding. Violetta can't get León out of her mind. Pablo interrupts the boys' rehearsals to break the news that YouMix is ending its sponsorship of the studio.

21. Episode 21
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The news of Antonio's death leaves everyone in deep mourning. Especially the first days in the studio are hard to cope with. Pablo has difficulties to return to his daily routine as director of the studio and to continue to run it successfully. Milton is the only one who takes advantage of the tragedy by taking the chance to take over the school. Meanwhile, Francesca still cannot bring herself to tell Violetta about her relationship with Diego. At the same time, Violetta and León are beginning to question their own relationship.

20. Episode 180
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Nina advises Luna to enter Sharon's room to spy on her. Rey and Maggie take photographs of paintings so that a painter makes forged copies. The guys accept Matteo's suggestion of moving in with them to the loft. Ámbar is furious with Sharon. Gary and Ana kiss for the first time. Meanwhile, Emilia steals a kiss from Matteo and takes a picture. The Red Sharks do not listen to reason and mistreat José Furbi. Luna admits that she fancies Matteo a little. There is a clash between the Red Sharks and the Rollers.

19. Episode 19
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All the stolen goods fall out of Andrés' locker, making him the prime suspect. However, he tells Erica that he knows Clement is the culprit. Finally, Diego announces that Erica is the thief, because she suffers from kleptomania. His heart almost bursts when Francesca finally reciprocates his love. León, on the other hand, is jealous because he thinks that Violetta pays too much attention to Clement. But things get much worse for Clement when he injures himself during rehearsals. Are his tour plans in danger now?

18. Episode 18
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Francesca still wonders what the others will think when they hear about the romantic feelings between Diego and her. Just now Violetta is telling her about her affection for Diego. But Francesca doesn't understand that this is only platonic and rejects Diego. As the thefts get out of hand, the kids make a plan to catch the culprit. The boys think it would be best to break up the band, if León joins them on tour. But as soon as he has made up his mind, Clement confronts him with his jealousy.

17. Episode 177
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Ámbar sends herself the video that Ramiro recorded. The kids confront Ramiro over what he did. Maggie finds out that Rey works for Sharon, they both make a radical decision. Jazmín's new video about Ámbar and Benicio caused quite a stir and Simón feels very hurt. Matteo realizes that Simón likes Ámbar. Nina thinks that Eric's behavior is odd. Gary watches the video but avoids a row with Nina. Matteo tries to reach Luna but she avoids him. Gary takes very drastic measures regarding Nico, Simón and Juliana.

16. Episode 16
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The family tries to catch up with Ludmila on the way to the airport, but she returns to the hotel herself, completely devastated. At the same time Violetta learns about a new YouMix tour, but Germán insists that the four stay in Europe. After "Alex" has sent Violetta a video, León finds out about it and confronts him. Since Francesca ignores him, Diego devises a plan with Camila's help that forces her to talk to him. Everything seems complicated - will the students still be able to go on tour together?

15. Episode 15
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Angie flies from Paris to Spain to surprise Violetta and Germán. Diego's girlfriend Erica wants to convince Diego to reveal his feelings to Francesca. Meanwhile, Gery wants to take advantage of Violetta's absence and tries to get closer to León. And Beto has fallen in love with Olga. When he tries to charm her with his piano playing and his voice, she has butterflies in her stomach. Inspired by this, Diego now also begins to reveal his feelings to Francesca. In search of love, Ludmila sets off for Rome.

14. Episode 14
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After Jade has broken into Germán's house again and needed to be picked up, Parodi urges Matías to kick her out of the house. Francesca is jealous of the girl at Diego's side, but what she doesn't know is that she is the goddaughter of Diego's mother. Maxi and Naty make up. Violetta is mad at León because she saw him with Gery. Ludmila and Violetta have to share a room in Barcelona. Ludmila sees a photo of Federico with another girl in a magazine and wants to leave for Italy immediately. Suddenly Angie shows up at the hotel.

13. Episode 13
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When Marco and Francesca decide to remain friends, Francesca admits her feelings for Diego. But then she sees him in the park with another girl. Meanwhile, Milton pulls Diego and Gery from the YouMix presentation. Allegedly, Pablo has ordered to do so. In revenge, Gregorio now denies all members of the studio access to "Art Rebel". Without further ado Violetta decides to visit León there. However, once she's there, she sees something completely shocking for her. Has Gery finally managed to drive a wedge between Violetta and Diego?

12. Episode 12
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Violetta and Ludmila don't respond well to Germán's and Priscilla's idea to marry. The plan for the four of them to travel is not met with much enthusiasm from the girls either. Unfortunately, Naty's intention to make Maxi jealous doesn't work. Ludmila manages once again to bring Violetta down in the studio. Antonio learns that some of the students want to switch to "Art Rebel". Violetta asks Diego to dissolve the band so that León doesn't leave the studio. León finds out about it and is angry with Vilu. Both of them have a serious altercation.

11. Episode 11
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After collapsing on the stage of "Art Rebel" León is rushed to hospital. Naty believes that something romantic is going on between Maxi and Francesca and is urged by Ludmila to make a move. Marco makes it to the preliminary round at the Royal Auditorium in London. Francesca realizes that she has feelings for Diego. Ramallo comes back and finds that there is a new maid. Violetta and Ludmila learn of their parents' plans. León doesn't feel happy in the studio anymore. Because he wants to pursue his dreams, he makes a decision that hurts Violetta deeply.

10. Episode 10
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Marco's claim that Diego advised him to break up with Francesca creates new trouble between all parties involved. In order to avoid having to go to Africa, Ludmila apologizes for her behavior, but still threatens to break up Priscilla and Germán. When she sees León with Gery, Violetta uses Clement to make him jealous. Ramallo's disappearance makes Olga so desperate that she quits her job and leaves as well. While Germán and Priscilla are making big plans, a dramatic incident occurs during the opening ceremony of "Art Rebel".

9. Episode 9
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Germán thinks that Violetta is responsible for the voice modifying software and grounds her. But Maxi finds out that Ludmila is the one behind it and tells Germán. After his motorcycle accident León suffers from dizzy spells. Olga is deeply shocked by Ramallo's sudden disappearance. Germán confronts him, but Ramallo insists on leaving the city. Camila believes that Francesca and Diego have feelings for each other. Priscilla threatens Ludmila that she will face serious consequences if she tries to undermine her relationship with Germán ever again.

8. Episode 8
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Germán hears Violetta telling Camila that she doesn't feel good about his new relationship. Ludmila has contradictory feelings because she has driven Germán and Priscilla apart. Germán wants to talk to Priscilla, but during the conversation they both realize that neither of them has called the other to end the relationship. Violetta accidentally sees León hugging Gery. Ludmila secretly installs the voice-modifying software on Violetta's computer. When Violetta finally discovers the software, Priscilla comes into the room.

7. Episode 7
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León is awakened from his coma by Violetta's kiss. Germán and Priscilla share their first kiss right before Jade's eyes. Shortly afterwards, Ludmila uses a voice modification program, fakes her mother's voice and breaks up with Germán. Meanwhile, Ramallo, bakes a tiramisu for Olga, who considers the dessert a marriage proposal. In the meantime, Francesca decides to give her relationship with Marco another try. Germán accidentally overhears a conversation between Violetta and Camilla in which Violetta admits that she disapproves of her father's new relationship with Ludmila's mother.

6. Episode 6
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León is unconscious and taken to hospital after a motorcycle accident. When Violetta sees him lying in a coma, she is extremely worried. But then she manages to awaken him with a kiss. Priscilla, on the other hand, threatens Jade. If she doesn't leave her and Germán alone, she will regret it. Olga also puts her foot down - either Ramallo proposes to her or the relationship is over. Meanwhile Marco declares his love to Francesca - in the presence of all his friends.

5. Episode 5
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Germán has invited Priscilla and Ludmila to dinner. It ends in disaster when Ludmila, offended by her mother's insults, storms out. Later, Ludmila warns Violetta about Priscilla, saying that she is a terrible person. Meanwhile, Diego tries to convince Francesca to talk to Marco about their break-up. As Gregorio leaves the studio, Diego decides to follow in his footsteps. León is so upset that he wants to leave the studio too now. To vent his frustration, he goes to the motocross track. But then an accident happens.

4. Episode 4
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Olga is about to play a dirty trick on Ramallo in order to finally get a marriage proposal out of him. But Violetta discovers her plans and stops her. For Gregorio, the time has come to leave the studio to pursue his own dreams. As Ludmila's anger mounts over the growing bond between Germán and her own mother, she asks Violetta for help to drive a wedge between the two. Meanwhile, Ludmila's mother drops the accusations against Violetta when she learns that Germán is her father. Can she get her daughter to follow her example and bury the hatchet?

3. Episode 3
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Just as the students are back from their European tour, they are faced with a new challenge - they have to organize a show completely by themselves. Meanwhile Olga plays a prank on Ramallo to get him to propose to her. At the airport Ludmila tumbles down the escalator. Ludmila is convinced that Violetta pushed her on purpose. Elsewhere it turns out that the mysterious woman in Germán's life is, of all people, Ludmila's mother. Are Vilus and Ludmila's lives being turned upside down as a result?

2. Episode 2
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Violetta is terrified in the untethered balloon, while her friends frantically chase it from the ground. They are eventually reunited to celebrate Vilu's birthday. Germán asks Ramallo to find out about Priscila, but later meets her again by chance. Milton mistreats his students while Gregorio makes progress with Artrebel. Jade visits Germán, and Olga continues her campaign to marry Ramallo. Violetta and León argue about the girls' decision to do a radio interview without consulting the boys, unaware they are live on air!

1. Episode 1
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Violetta and friends are on tour with YouMix. Violetta and León are together, but his suspicious behavior causes friction between them. There is also tension between Marco and Naty, and Camila and Broduey. Matías and Jade are released from prison and vow revenge on Germán. Milton, a new teacher joins the studio, and a new student, Clement. Germán meets Priscila at a charity do. Olga hints at a proposal from Ramallo. León saves Vilu when she falls from a body harness on stage, but a romantic balloon ride goes wrong when the balloon gets loose!