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Where to watch "Royal Pains"

8. Uninterrupted
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Evan and Paige suddenly find themselves with a very full house. Divya hears back from Johns Hopkins University. Hank starts a new chapter of his life.

7. The Good News Is...
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Hank pinpoints the cause of a legendary stage actress's memory loss and musical hallucinations. Paige and Evan get their pregnancy test results.

6. Home Sick
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Hank tracks down his dad and finds out why he fled. Jeremiah learns the virosome he developed is now in clinical trials, a fact Boris hid from him.

5. Saab Story
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When Divya visits Hank's mentor to learn about Stony Brook's medical school, she gets a less-than-warm welcome. Paige struggles with side effects.

4. Doubt of Africa
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Jill visits from Africa, with a companion. Jeremiah unexpectedly connects with a patient. An Ebola scare creates a rift between Hank and Evan.

3. Fly Me to Kowloon
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In Hong Kong, Hank comes up with a creative way to prevent the theft of Boris's DNA. Divya helps Paige bring up a delicate topic with Evan.

2. Palpating the Orbital Rim
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An investigation into HankMed's data hack finds a surprise. A stunt woman mysteriously keeps fainting. A pet helps Jeremiah connect with his parents.

1. Stranger Danger
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Hank grows wary when his father makes a sudden life-changing decision. Back from sabbatical, Jeremiah gets rattled by a mischievous first patient.