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Where to watch "Pacto de sangre"

133. En donde todo comenzó

2019 - Season 1

The Vial-Errázuriz family has faced many crises, but none like the one experienced in this last episode of "Pacto de Sangre". The assassins of Daniela Solís confessed for the last time and accepted their crimes, but there are still loose ends to discover and accomplices to catch.

132. Nunca traiciones a tus amigos

2019 - Season 1

131. No hay vuelta atrás

2019 - Season 1

130. Una nueva víctima

2019 - Season 1

129. El verdadero monstruo

2019 - Season 1

128. Unos juegos asquerosos

2019 - Season 1

127. El gran error de Benjamín

2019 - Season 1

126. Yo soy el Señor Rojo

2019 - Season 1

125. La visita del terror

2019 - Season 1

124. Una cobarde traición

2019 - Season 1

123. Todos son unos asesinos

2019 - Season 1

122. Le conté todo a Carmen

2019 - Season 1

121. Una revelación fatal

2019 - Season 1

120. Hasta nunca general

2019 - Season 1

119. Adiós sin honores

2019 - Season 1

118. El crimen pasional

2019 - Season 1

117. Un apoyo de mentira

2019 - Season 1

116. De vuelta al jardín secreto

2019 - Season 1

115. Todo se terminó

2019 - Season 1

114. Yo soy la muerte

2019 - Season 1

113. Te voy a matar

2019 - Season 1

112. Eres un enfermo

2019 - Season 1

111. Sin escapatoria

2019 - Season 1

110. Mano negra

2019 - Season 1

109. Una perversa ofensiva

2019 - Season 1

108. Locos y enfermos

2019 - Season 1

107. La gran confesión de Gabriel

2019 - Season 1

106. Ellos fueron

2019 - Season 1

105. ¿Dónde está mi hija?

2019 - Season 1

104. La gran estafa

2019 - Season 1

103. Deshonra familiar

2019 - Season 1

102. Yo la maté

2019 - Season 1

101. Marco en fuga

2019 - Season 1

100. Advertencia de peligro

2019 - Season 1

99. Hasta siempre Josefa

2019 - Season 1

98. La gran crisis de Trinidad

2019 - Season 1

97. No fue nuestra culpa

2019 - Season 1

96. Perdóname Josefa

2019 - Season 1

95. Impacto de Sangre

2019 - Season 1

94. Lo sabe todo

2019 - Season 1

93. La llamada

2019 - Season 1

92. La confesión del general

2019 - Season 1

91. Pesadilla sin fin

2019 - Season 1

90. La verdad del Señor Rojo

2019 - Season 1

89. El plan perfecto

2019 - Season 1

88. La gran mentira

2019 - Season 1

87. Alianza del mal

2019 - Season 1

86. Marco a la deriva

2019 - Season 1

85. Al rescate de Josefa

2019 - Season 1

Maite and Feliciano sneaked into Marco's house and discovered that he had brutally beaten his wife. For her part, Ines is determined to continue with the plan while Gabriel ran to help the love of his life. Feliciano seized his "friend" and interrogated him harshly.

84. Esto no es amor

2019 - Season 1

83. La verdad de Marco

2019 - Season 1

82. Las chicas del Rojo

2019 - Season 1

81. Esta hija es tuya

2019 - Season 1

80. El celular de Karina

2019 - Season 1

79. Feliciano sin salida

2019 - Season 1

78. El Acuario en la mira

2019 - Season 1

77. Quién eres

2019 - Season 1

76. Secreto del pasado

2019 - Season 1

75. El show de Marco

2019 - Season 1

74. La furia del general

2019 - Season 1

73. Trinidad al acecho

2019 - Season 1

72. Herida abierta

2019 - Season 1

71. El jardín secreto

2019 - Season 1

70. La teoría de Alonso

2019 - Season 1

69. Se pudrió todo

2019 - Season 1

68. La cómplice

2019 - Season 1

67. Bienvenido Gabriel

2019 - Season 1

66. Amigos de mentira

2019 - Season 1

65. Adiós Gabriel

2019 - Season 1

64. Benjamín al rescate

2019 - Season 1

63. El error de Roberto

2019 - Season 1

62. ¿Dónde está Marco?

2019 - Season 1

61. Marco en peligro

2019 - Season 1

60. Las confesiones de Ignacio

2019 - Season 1

59. El nuevo sospechoso

2019 - Season 1

58. La manipulación de Trinidad

2019 - Season 1

57. La mejor venganza

2018 - Season 1

56. El deseo de Gabriel

2018 - Season 1

55. Marco enloquece

2018 - Season 1

Feliciano interrogated Roberto and the man denied knowing Daniela and Karina. Trinidad, told the police about the use of her credit cards. Marco received a devastating call that put his relationship with Josefa in the head. Raimundo and Ágata got married but their friends damaged the special moment.

54. Gabriel se rebeló

2018 - Season 1

Feliciano discovered Ignacio's whereabouts and confronted him to confess if he was the murderer of Daniela Solís. Gabriel, wants to amend his mistakes and that's why he asked Raimundo, Marco and Benjamín to support him. Ignacio, confessed that he was in love with Daniela and that he believes that Karina was killed because of the information she handled. Roberto, mysteriously resolved the finances of the company but now he will have a new concern when Feliciano interrogates him in his office.

53. La extorsión

2018 - Season 1

Feliciano discovered a new clue that incriminates the Vial-Errázuriz family, especially Ignacio. Josefa and Maite had a nice gesture with Daniela's mother. Carmen, asked Maite to write a book about her daughter. The "Red" reappeared but this time with a new victim. Gabriel, tired of the situation, extorted his friends with a video that will leave them impacted.

52. Plan 'perfecto'

2018 - Season 1

The 4 friends, in different ways, learned that the case of Daniela Solís was reopened. Benjamin and Trinidad want to protect their son and prevent him from testifying before the police. Marco and Raimundo faced a serious crisis that will put a son's pendence on their friendship.

51. Nuevas pruebas

2018 - Season 1

Carmen agreed to give Daniela's diary to Feliciano to find her daughter's murderer. Ignacio, in a state of shock, made a crude confession to his parents. Josefa, talked with Gabriel and asked him to end their relationship. Benjamin and Trinidad decided to admit their son to a clinic to treat his depression.

50. Colapso

2018 - Season 1

Benjamin did everything possible to prevent his son from committing insanity. Josefa, sought desperate help to get away from Marco. Feliciano handed a very precious object of Daniela to her mother.

49. La tristeza de Ignacio

2018 - Season 1

Ignacio will try desperately to find the culprit for the death of Karina. Maite, was worried about Dominga and asked her to stay away from Benjamin's son. Josefa, woke up bewildered in the place that least expected. Hernán, talked with his son and spoke contemptuously of his grandson. Ignacio, will look for desperate measures to end his pain.

48. Ignacio sospechoso

2018 - Season 1

The signing of a high-level lawyer and her statements in front of the detectives caused this young man to be questioned greatly, unleashing doubts about an eventual responsibility in the deaths of Daniela and Karina.

47. Benjamín y Trinidad en alerta

2018 - Season 1

This couple worried after Ignacio was summoned to testify as a witness in the case of Karina's death. While Hernan's daughter is worried about her son, Ignacio's father is afraid that his crime will be exposed.

46. El último adiós

2018 - Season 1

Daniela Solís and Karina Leiva were veiled by their loved ones and also by those who were responsible for their deaths in a ceremony marked by a tense calm and emotional speeches.

45. La mataron

2018 - Season 1

Ignacio and Carmen learned of Karina's unexpected death. Although the first was told that it had been a suicide, he quickly assured that this was a murder, as happened with Daniela Solís.

44. Qué hiciste Benjamín

2018 - Season 1

Trinidad's husband exposed his weaknesses after drinking more than necessary after murdering Karina, whose death was quickly discovered by Dominga and several of the people close to this suffering young woman.

43. Resiste Karina

2018 - Season 1

Benjamín executed the final part of his plan to permanently silence Daniela's best friend. In addition, Feliciano already suspects that the disappearance of this adolescent is directly related to the murder of Carmen's daughter.

42. Yo la quería

2018 - Season 1

Benjamín decided to tell Karina his truth, taking advantage of the fact that she was suffering the effects of the drugs that he forced her to take. Trinidad's husband told how his relationship with Daniela was.

41. Karina sin salida

2018 - Season 1

This teenager is at the mercy of Benjamín, who has the young woman doped and tied in a room, since he still has not decided what he will do with her. Will Daniela's best friend have a way to escape?

40. La verdad de Benjamín

2018 - Season 1

This surgeon showed what he is able to do to hide his dark secrets. This after that, by chance, starred in a tense encounter with Karina, the best friend of his former lover.

39. La revelación del Rojo

2018 - Season 1

Already installed in "The Aquarium", Karina was able to investigate the most hidden side of Daniela Solís, discovering a key clue about the older man who would have captivated the deceased's young heart.

38. El acuario

2018 - Season 1

Thanks to the discovery of Dominga, Karina learned of the existence of a mysterious place that her deceased friend attended regularly before his disappearance. For this reason, she decided to investigate in the field to know the secrets that her partner hid.

37. Marco al descubierto

2018 - Season 1

After hearing the truth about her work problems, Josefa decided to face her husband with everything. However, the violence marked a tense conversation that ended with tears and blood.

36. Benjamín al mando

2018 - Season 1

The father of Ignacio and Clara took advantage of the birthday of his eldest son to give indications of a new plan, which he hid from his wife. What will this surgeon plot? Can Trinidad find out?

35. El cumpleaños de Ignacio

2018 - Season 1

The oldest son of Benjamín and Trinidad turned 18, the perfect occasion to organize a barbecue in the Vial Errázuriz house. It was an evening that was marked by ugly misunderstandings and disproportionate gifts.

34. Trátame mejor Benjamín

2018 - Season 1

Bored with the indifference of her husband, Trinidad decided to face him in the worst way, realizing what he is capable of doing to achieve his goals. Could she give away his own partner?

33. El diario de Daniela

2018 - Season 1

Feliciano decided to reactivate his investigation, looking for some clue in the room of the deceased young person, an idea that had fruit and that could be key to discover what really happened with this mysterious woman.

32. La paranoia de Trinidad

2018 - Season 1

The mysterious absences of Benjamín are on alert to his wife, who had no problems recriminating him face to face. In addition, he faced his eldest son because of the bad influence that Karina would generate on him.

31. El video de Vanessa

2018 - Season 1

Maite decided not to pay attention to her daughter, showing the audiovisual record of Daniela's work to Feliciano and Ágata, who noticed a simple detail when she saw it. What turn will this story make?

30. Ágata de la discordia

2018 - Season 1

The journalist generated more than one conflict after publishing a story in which she shared credits with Maite, something that did not seem to the latter woman. In addition, she caused the grief of Raimundo, who saw her with Alonso in a very compromising dinner.

29. El jefe de Karina

2018 - Season 1

After a series of threats, Daniela's best friend finally had a "face to face" with the man behind the website where she works. This was witnessed by Carmen, who had to face the truth of her deceased daughter.

28. ¿Qué le pasa a Benjamín?

2018 - Season 1

Trinidad's husband is showing a strange behavior, starting by having sex with another woman; to then hold a striking conversation with Elvia, who was his childhood lullaby.

27. El trabajo de Daniela

2018 - Season 1

Karina steeled herself and decided to tell Carmen what her daughter was doing before she passed away. However, this woman's reaction was not as expected. In addition, Benjamin showed a facet - until now - unknown.

26. Que vuelva Feliciano

2018 - Season 1

After finding out about the detention of the "Chuzo", Carmen decided to speak with the media to express her full support to the detective who helped her to know what happened with her daughter. It was a call that generated controversy.

25. Dime la verdad

2018 - Season 1

While the capture of the "Chuzo" impacted many of those responsible for the death of Daniela Solis, Marco violently rebuked his wife for wanting to resume her work, showing his worst "face".

24. La alianza de Maite y Ágata

2018 - Season 1

These journalists traveled to Papudo in search of information about the case of Daniela, a trip that allowed them to find a key clue. In addition, Dominga's mother discovered the hidden side of Carmen's deceased daughter.

23. Las sospechas de Alonso

2018 - Season 1

Hernan's youngest son was restless after hearing a revealing conversation between his father and Benjamin. In addition, Arnaldo, the care of the house in Zapallar, left a book that could generate more than any doubt.

22. El equipo se acabó

2018 - Season 1

The fault and the break with Josefa have collapsed Gabriel, who is close to revealing his terrible secret, something that aroused the fear of Raimundo. In addition, Hernán was exposed at the funeral of one of his most loyal employees.

21. El inmenso dolor de Carmen

2018 - Season 1

This woman recognized the remains of her deceased daughter, which generated a strong impact on her and those who witnessed the moment. In addition, Gabriel and Josefa had a tough conversation about their future.

20. El dilema de Josefa

2018 - Season 1

After discovering that she is pregnant, Marco's wife realized her desperation by not knowing if the baby she expects is her husband or Gabriel. In addition, Maite and Trinidad learned of the secret of this depressing woman.

19. Amigos por siempre

2018 - Season 1

Benjamín, Marco and Raimundo had to face the consequences of their actions against Gabriel, who questioned their years of friendship and companionship by a deception of criminal characteristics.

18. Daniela está muerta

2018 - Season 1

The tests that Feliciano requested confirmed that the remains found belonged to Carmen's daughter, which greatly affected her closest and one of those involved in her mysterious death.

17. Feliciano al acecho

2018 - Season 1

The detective decided to investigate the possibility that the body found in Batuco was Daniela Solís. This after Carmen recognized the hands of her daughter in some photos of his office.

16. Mente criminal

2018 - Season 1

After the scandal generated by Gabriel in full lunch, Trinidad decided to tell Benjamin his plan to get rid of Daniela's body, an idea that gave account of everything she is able to do to hide the truth.

15. La polola de Ignacio

2018 - Season 1

By things of the destiny, Karina accompanied the son of Benjamín and Trinidad to his house, which woke up quickly the suspicions of this last one. In addition, the new plan of those responsible for the death of Daniela had a first effect.

14. El Plan B

2018 - Season 1

After the failure of the false messages, Trinidad decided to change strategy to hide the crime of Benjamin and his friends. In addition, the truth was revealed behind the unexpected dismissal of Josefa.

13. El error de Trinidad

2018 - Season 1

The mother of Ignacio and Clara made a grave mistake in passing themselves off as Daniela, something that generated an immediate reaction on the part of Carmen. In addition, Josefa lived an injustice in the school where she works.

12. La duda de Feliciano

2018 - Season 1

This detective has suspicions of the messages that Carmen received, reason why he decided to be involved in full in the case of Daniela Solís. In addition, Trinidad made it clear to Benjamin and his friends who is in charge of fixing the big "problem".

11. El mensaje de Daniela

2018 - Season 1

The SMS supposedly sent by Carmen's daughter from Argentina had a great impact on those responsible for her death, generating mistrust in the group. Who was behind this macabre plan?

10. La ira de Benjamín

2018 - Season 1

The discovery of Vanessa's videos on Ignacio's computer unleashed all the fury of Trinidad's husband, who supported his partner's reaction. In addition, Gabriel decided to confess everything to Josefa.

9. Una pista para Carmen

2018 - Season 1

Daniela's mother received unexpected information about her daughter, which aroused her hope, but also boosted her fears. In addition, Benjamin and Trinidad discovered a connection of their eldest son with the deceased dancer.

8. Trinidad a cargo

2018 - Season 1

Benjamin and his wife cut up Daniela's corpse. However, hiding the remains ended up being an equally difficult task for the mother of Ignacio and Clara, who took the reins of what to do after the dismal process.

7. Raimundo en crisis

2018 - Season 1

The guilt and financial problems unleashed all the insecurities of this man, who put his life at risk. Likewise, Trinidad and Benjamín took a path without turning back in the path of the crime.

6. El plan de Trinidad y Benjamín

2018 - Season 1

The sale of the land of Hernán caused the absolute despair of this couple, who decided to take the reins of the matter in their own hands, taking a road without return and marked by crime.

5. La confesión de Benjamín

2018 - Season 1

After being confronted by Trinidad about what happened in the bachelor party, this man had no choice but to tell the whole truth, generating unsuspected consequences.

4. Las sospechas de Trinidad

2018 - Season 1

Benjamin's wife investigated the bachelor party that her husband and friends held in Zapallar. However, the search for information uncovered an inconceivable revelation for this woman.

3. El celular de la discordia

2018 - Season 1

The existence of a second phone of Vanessa greatly complicated those responsible for her death, who seek to hide whatever happened. On the other hand, Maite realized that she can not trust her closest friends.

2. Secretos en riesgo

2018 - Season 1

The revelation about Vanessa's true identity sparked the dread between Benjamín, Gabriel, Marco and Raimundo, making them doubt their covenant. On the other hand, Maite, Josefa and Trinidad discovered that they have the "enemy" closer than they thought.

1. Un accidente fatal

2018 - Season 1

The surprise commitment of Raimundo to marry a young unknown caused an unforgettable night for him and his best friends, Benjamin, Gabriel and Marco. However, it was not the way they imagined.

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