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Where to watch "Tartarughe Ninja - L'avventura continua"

3. Return of Shredder
No release date yet

2. Shell Shocked
1998 - Season 2
(Synopsis credited to Fogu.com) The Turtles are a little surprised to meet up with Astronema, and even more surprised to find out that the Power Rangers aren't make believe like they originally thought. Astronema then takes over the minds of the Turtles, and sends down a monster to the Angel Grove Power Plant. The Rangers fly down on their Galaxy Gliders and are almost defeated by the monster until the Ninja Turtles intervene and destroy the monster on their own. The Rangers are grateful for the Ninja Turtles' help, all except for Andros who is suspicious of them. The Rangers take the Turtles back to their Mega ship and give them a tour. The Turtles then reprogram DECA (the Mega ship's computer), defeat the Power Rangers, and take over the ship. Astronema arrives and informs Dark Spectre that she has captured the Power Rangers except for the Red Ranger, who ends up freeing the other Rangers. They escape in the Mega Shuttle but Donatello chases after them in the Mega ship. Suddenly the

1. Save our Ship
1998 - Season 2
(Synopsis credited to Fogu.com) The Power Rangers are trying out Andros' SimuDeck when they're informed by Alpha6 that they have returned to Earth's orbit. They decide to relax on Earth and pick up some supplies, but Astronema notices and follows them. Bulk and Skull see the Dark Fortress through their new telescope, and tell their findings to Professor Phenomenus, a crackpot scientist trying to prove the existence of aliens. Meanwhile Andros notices that they've been followed to Earth by Astronema's Quantron forces and learns that they plan to destroy the Mega Shuttle, which is docked at the Nasada building. Ecliptor is sent down to Earth to delay the Power Rangers while Astronema destroys Nasada and the Mega Shuttle. The Rangers defeat Ecliptor and launch the Mega Shuttle back into space. Astronema then makes a super-sized Ecliptor, which the Rangers also defeat. Astronema realizes that she's going to have to play the Rangers at their own game, so she uses the Dark Fortress to summon