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Where to watch "Kiya & the Kimoja Heroes"

26. Kimoja Crystal New Year / Kimoja Crystal New Year Part 2
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Kiya is selfish in preparation for the Crystal New Year. When Haddy steals the tip of Crystal Eyes to start her own Head Quartz, Kiya will face a big decision.

25. Daddy Jo's Dance Down / The Groovier Mover
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Kiya unleashes her competitive side when she decides to beat Zane in the monthly Dance Down. Haddy tries to outdo Daddy Jo's Groove Mover with her flying version of the truck.

24. Motsie and the Baby Bush Babies / UniWolf
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Motsie goes way overboard in trying to protect a bush baby mom. Primadonna tries to control Unipug after he accidentally gets her crystal and starts behaving like a wild animal.

23. The Chair of Honour / Acrobrat's Fun House
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Shandu wants to rebraid Motsie’s hair, but Motsie will go to any length to avoid it. Acrobrat starts stealing everyone’s cool belongings for his new den.

22. Kimoja Friendship Sleepover / Rise of the Blob
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Primadonna takes over Kiya's sleepover — to the point where Kiya kicks her out in frustration. Jay works with Kiya and Motsie to rein in a huge blob of dough.

21. Chikobrat / Jay and the Invisibility Ray
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Chikoleko is recruited into mayhem by Acrobrat. Jay accidentally makes Motsie invisible!

20. Kimoja Go! / Kimoja Go! Part 2
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A big go-kart race is happening where everyone can race the streets of Kimoja. Motsie faces a dilemma: to help other competitors or forge ahead and win the race?

19. Who's Got Talent / Snow in Kimoja
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The three heroes start doubting their abilities even though Gogo Flo guides them to believe in themselves. Kiya worries about getting her mom’s hot cocoa recipe perfect.

18. It Takes a Kimoja Village / Motsie's Space Race
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Jay takes over a community scavenger hunt. When Motsie learns that Haddy has invented a spray that gives her supersonic speed, Motsie feels she must keep up with her nemesis.

17. Double Trouble! / Size Me Up
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Acrobrat takes advantage of looking exactly like Kiya to pull pranks, and try and ruin Kiya's reputation. Motsie and Primadonna battle it out as giants!

16. Primadonna's Bodyguards / The Squish Bouncer Bandit
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Kiya, Jay and Motsie are tricked by Primadonna into being her bodyguards. Motsie will have to let go of her obsession and share her toy in order to save the day.

15. Stealing the Spotlight / Duel of the Inventors
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In trying to get picked to be in a show, Jay gets competitive with Primadonna. Haddy says she’s the best inventor in Kimoja and challenges Motsie to an invention duel.

14. The Primadonna Puzzle / Fear of Mission Out
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When Kiya discovers Primadonna has taken Daddy Jo’s kebabs, she lets her anger get the best of her. When Motsie and Kiya share moments of bonding, Jay can't help but feel left out.

13. Galactoslug Gets His Groove Part 1 / Galactoslug Gets His Groove Part 2
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Galactoslug steals Kiya’s headband thinking it will make him a great dancer! Kiya realizes she can bring out the dancer in Galactoslug without the crystal.

12. Primadonna's Detective Agency / Day of the Slugs
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Jay gets upset when Primadonna is praised for finding a lost kid when she didn't. When Motsie saves Kimoja from the slugs, Jay realizes that he underestimated her.

11. Jay and the Super Fans / We Heart Art
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When Jay receives a new instrument from a "secret admirer," he wants to play it for his fans. When Acrobrat steals everyone’s paintings, Kiya wants to protect only her own picture.

10. Ready Set Freeze / Honey Camp
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Haddy challenges Motsie to a skating race. Marianne takes the group for a camping trip in the Nature Reserve.

9. King of Pranks / Bugging Out
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When Acrobrat starts playing tricks on the residents of Kimoja City, Jay can't help but find them funny. When Motsie's gear starts to malfunction, she is sure something is up.

8. Smelly Business / Kiya's Monster Movie Night
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Motsie loses her special science notebook while trying to make a special gift for her Moms. Kiya doesn't want to share her Daddy-and-Daughter movie night with her friends.

7. Kiya and the Boombastic Blower / Acroboo!
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Kiya makes a mistake and is worried about upsetting Motsie, so she tries to cover it up. When rumors circulate that the dance studio is haunted, Kiya hides that she is afraid.

6. Fight or Flight / Clash of the Kora
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Jay and Motsie argue whether flight or speed is better. Jay is super excited by the chance to play Kiya’s family "Kora" in a concert.

5. A Little Birdy Told Me / The Night of 1000 Lights
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When a bird takes an interest in Jay’s music, Jay wishes he could hang out with him always as his pet. Kiya learns that letting jealousy guide her comes with a price.

4. Going Solo in a Snowglobe / Revolting Robots
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After a squabble with his sister, who wants to show him her new gadget, Jay leaves in a huff. Motsie is super keen to get skating on a new ramp but has to help tidy the park first.

3. Kiya's Potluck / Musical Mash-up
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MC Harmony is sad, so Kiya invites her to their evening Potluck Supper. Jay is asked to play the old Kimoja guitar in a concert to celebrate the Boabab tree.

2. Zero to Hero / Take a Step Back
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Jay is thrown off his game when he makes a few mistakes and begins to doubt himself. Zane keeps annoying Kiya!

1. Kiya and the Kite Monster / Cosmic Catastrophe
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When Kiya discovers that Motsie and Jay have made their own kites for the kite festival, she decides she can build her own. Daddy Jo is excited to watch the meteor shower.