6. Guy's Keys to the Kingdom

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At Fry or Fly Fest in Nashville, the six candidates try to impress Guy Fieri, the judges and the festival crowd with the creativity and flavors in their tents. Guy is impressed but issues one more challenge before awarding the Chicken Guy! franchise keys.

5. Heating Up

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Guy sends the candidates for a challenge at Nashville's Fry or Fly Fest.

4. Chicken Guy! Pop-Up

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The candidates host a CG! pop-up at Guy Fieri's Branson Kitchen and Bar.

3. Graduation at CG! University

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The six candidates continue their training at Chicken Guy! University, but one has to leave for a day to save his job at home. The competition takes an emotional toll on everyone as they face the challenge of making three full meals by themselves.

2. Pop Quizzes, Taste Tests

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Guy Fieri is disappointed when one candidate decides to leave the competition. The first challenge for the remaining six is a pop quiz and taste test on the Chicken Guy! menu and brand. Then they develop a milkshake and sauce that reflect their backstory.

1. Ready to Fly or Fry

No release date yet

Guy Fieri introduces the six highly-competitive job candidates, and the arrival of a seventh candidate causes a big upset. Their first challenge is to learn the Chicken Guy! food items and line and then feed a crowd of hungry customers.

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