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Where to watch "A.D. La Bibbia Continua"

12. The Abomination
2015 - Season 1
Emperor Caligula's statue arrives and draws everyone to the battleground of the Temple.The disciples stand firm on Jesus message and Cornelius becomes the first Roman convert.

11. Rise Up
2015 - Season 1
James confronts Caiaphas and wins concessions for the disciples. The Zealot army grows but their Ethiopian backer turns to Jesus. When Peter resurrects Tabitha many more are drawn to His message.

10. Brothers in Arms
2015 - Season 1
Saul preaches in Jerusalem and Caiaphas is enraged. James the Just comes to help Peter tackle Caiaphas. The Zealots and Ethiopians plot against Rome.

9. Saul's Return
2015 - Season 1
Emperor Caligula demands that his statue be placed in the Temple. Pilate and Caiaphas know such desecration will cause rebellion. Saul returns a changed man

8. The Road to Damascus
2015 - Season 1
Saul hunts for Peter and has a life-altering vision on the road to Damascus. Also: Claudia's nightmares become a reality; Pilate's destiny turns for the worse

7. The Visit
2015 - Season 1
Saul's persecution intensifies as he targets Peter. Many flee the city, spreading the Word as they go. With Jerusalem in chaos the Roman Emperor arrives to decide Pilate's fate.

6. The Persecution
2015 - Season 1
Having failed to silence the disciples, Caiaphas is challenged for the position of High Priest. He authorizes Saul to begin a bitter campaign of persecution against Jesus' followers.

5. The First Martyr
2015 - Season 1
Pilate closes in on the Zealot assassin and the disciples stand trial again. Stephen speaks out against the temple and pays the ultimate price.

4. The Wrath
2015 - Season 1
Pilate avenges the murder of a Roman soldier with mass crucifixions. Caiaphas fails to convict Peter and John. The church grows, attracting some with impure intentions who are punished by the Holy Spirit.

3. The Spirit Arrives
2015 - Season 1
Zealot revolutionaries try to assassinate Pilate during the festival of Pentecost. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, the disciples start to preach the Gospel. Caiaphas arrests Peter and John.

2. The Body is Gone
2015 - Season 1
Jesus' tomb is empty. Pilate and Caiaphas believe the disciples stole the body and search in vain to find it. The disciples flee to Galilee where Jesus gives them their mission.

1. The Tomb is Open
2015 - Season 1
High Priest Caiaphas and Governor Pilate crucify Jesus to restore order in Jerusalem. For Peter and the disciples it is their darkest hour.