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Where to watch "Sabrina: The Animated Series"

26. Time Flies
2004 - Season 2

25. Witchycology
2004 - Season 2

24. Cat Man Do
2004 - Season 2

23. A Midsummer’s Nightmare
2004 - Season 2

22. Greendale Idol
2004 - Season 2

21. What’s In A Name
2003 - Season 2

20. Hot Item
2004 - Season 2

19. Here’s Looking At You
2004 - Season 2

18. Best Of Show
2003 - Season 2

17. Pet Peeve
2003 - Season 2

16. Just A Rumor
2003 - Season 2

15. J’Achoo
2003 - Season 2

14. Food ‘Tude
2004 - Season 2

13. Wiccan of the Sea
No release date yet
Sabrina is just sick of the winter weather. She, Chloe and Salem would give anything for one hour at the beach. Sabrina dabbles in the Spookie jar and off they go. When they get to the beach they realize they have been transformed, Sabrina and Chloe are mermaids and Salem is a catfish! They get swept away at sea and are captured by Queen Stingy. They must escape and return to the island in order to return home!

12. Working Witches
No release date yet
Hilda and Zelda want a car, and need some cash fast! Quigley explains that they need to get a good old-fashioned job. They reluctantly work at the local fast food joint, but trouble brews when Hilda gets promoted for Zelda's hard efforts. The success goes to Hilda's head and she has to hit bottom before she realizes how much she needs her sister and the importance of teamwork.

11. Witchwrecked
No release date yet
It is field trip time as Sabrina's class heads toward Monument Island where an important statue is kept. The class is disappointed to have chaperones and worse yet, to write a paper on it. UHGG! Sabrina decides to take matters into her own hands by kicking up a small sea storm. The storm gets outta control and they are shipwrecked on a remote island (in the Bermuda Triangle). They are in trouble when Sabrina discovers her magic won't work. The kids pull together to rebuild the ship and get out of there. They are stalled when Salem freaks out and steals the propeller of the ship. Sabrina must delve into the jungle to retrieve it... and Salem.

10. Truth or Scare
No release date yet
Sabrina and her classmates go on a camping adventure! Her Uncle Quigley is acting chaperone. Gem uses this opportunity to get to Sabrina by daring her to play a prank on her sweet Uncle. Sabrina does it to save face but feels horrible all the while. The tennis match of pranks goes on until Harvey is in danger. Sabrina realizes that dares are stupid and people only end up getting hurt.

9. Generation Hex
No release date yet
Sabrina is on a quest to raise the most amount of money for the Library fund. She does and even earns a little extra. Sabrina gets sidetracked while eyeing a vintage collectable doll in a store window. She takes the extra earnings and splurges on herself. Why not? She earned it? That night the doll comes to life and shows her the error of her ways. Sabrina learns that because of her, her friends and family's lives have been ruined! She wakes up the next day, feeling guilty. She returns the doll and learns a very important lesson in stealing.

8. Fish Schtick
No release date yet
Sabrina is determined to be the best swimmer in order to get Harvey's attention back from another swimming beauty. But she forgets that it's Cliche Week and a jealous comment turns her into a fish! Desperate to return to normal, Sabrina forces Salem to help her locate Hilda and Zelda. When Salem lets her out of his sight for one second, Sabrina is on a wild river-type adventure. Hilda, Zelda and Salem turn themselves into submarines in order to rescue Sabrina. But Harvey has to kiss her (as a fish) before she can be herself!

7. Witchmas Carole
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It's Christmas time and Gem's selfish antics are driving everyone mad! Sabrina and her family conspire to show her the error of her ways by giving her a Christmas Carole type visit. After Salem, Hilda, Zelda and Sabrina visit her, Gem is still her nasty little self. It isn't until Quigley and Sabrina show up at Gem's house with a gift as a true act of kindness that Gem is moved. Even if it's only for five minutes!

6. Key to My Heart
No release date yet
Sabrina has a crush on Dave, her new piano instructor. She is devastated when she learns that he already has a lady in his life, Melinda. Sabrina is so jealous that she casts a spell to hurt Melinda's career so Dave can focus on her. It isn't until Dave abandons his own dreams to help Melinda does Sabrina realize what she has done. Sabrina has to give up something important to her in order to restore things to normal.

5. Brina Baby
No release date yet
Sabrina's abuses her magic one too may times and Quigley is not pleased. He warns her of the consequences of goofing off. Sabrina, not wanting to be a failure in adulthood, swears off magic altogether! Suddenly, strange things start happening around the house. The whole family is shocked when they discover that Sabrina's inner witchlet is the culprit. Sabrina must decide between keeping her vow (not to use magic) or face the consequences and save her family from the havoc that her little self has wrought.

4. La Femme Sabrina
No release date yet
Sabrina uses her magic to conjure up an advance copy of the latest Spy flick to make Harvey happy. But instead of getting the movie the spell throws herself and Harvey into the spy world. They must fight the evil Furfinger (Salem) and stop him from stealing everyone's thumbs in order for the spell to wear off!

3. Board & Sorcery
No release date yet
The Spellman's take a trip to the mountains, with Hilda and Zelda skiing, Quigley ice-skating and Sabrina and Harvey snowboarding a good time is had by all! That is until Quigley runs over a celebrated Ice Capades character and has to fill in for him and Harvey is challenged to a race by Slugloaf! Sabrina casts a spell to make Harvey One with the snow and instead of becoming an awesome boarder he becomes a snowman! Sabrina must switch Harvey back before he melts away!

2. Straight Outta Paris
No release date yet
While visiting France, Sabrina accidentally changes the Eiffel tower into a person. This causes a major uproar in France. Once back in Greendale, Sabrina and the aunts cannot return young Eiffel home without his help. He's lovin' his human form way too much to want to return. Harvey and Pi need a lesson in perseverance and Eiffel is right there to give it to them. This confident boost makes him nostalgic for home and he agrees to go. World peace is restored.

1. Hexcalibur
No release date yet
Sabrina needs help on a Netherworld term paper. She sneaks into Zelda's prize possessions to look at a journal written by the famous Wizard, Merlin. But the fragile book crumbles upon Sabrina's touch. She goes back in time to visit the famous wizard in hopes of getting another copy and replacing it before Zelda finds out. But she and Salem go back a little too far and wind up in a time when Merlin and Arthur are the same age as Sabrina. Arthur pulls the famed Excalibur sword from a stone unaware that his jealous sister Morgan wants the sword for herself. Morgan plots to capture Sabrina and steal Excalibur. But Merlin comes to the rescue saving Sabrina, Arthur and Salem from Morgan's dungeon.