26. Tomorrow Is at Our Doorstep

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What else is there for mankind to invent, after all those countless discoveries, now that even the moon has been visited?

25. Armstrong and the Moon

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In Ancient Greece it was thought that a ship could be catapulted up to the moon by means of a tornado.

24. Lorenz, Father Goose

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Young Lorenz discovered his love for animals at a very young age.

23. Einstein

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1945. An American airplane drops the first atomic bomb upon the Japanese city of Hiroshima. An awful event!

22. Marie Curie

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On November 7, a little girl is born: Marie Sklodowska, who made history as Madame Curie.

21. Aircrafts

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Man's eternal dream - to fly!

20. Ford and the Automobile

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In the beginning, Maestro arrives in a real veteran car, which already introduces today's topic: the automobile.

19. Marconi and the Waves

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"Transmission" is today's keyword when Maestro starts telling his story.

18. Edison and Applied Sciences

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Maestro tells the story of one of the greatest inventors of all times: Thomas Alva Edison.

17. Pasteur and Micro-Organisms

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In the 19th century, the French scientist Louis Pasteur made the groundbreaking discovery that the earth is full of microscopically small organisms.

16. Mendel and the Peas

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Maestro will tell us the story of a man who succeeded in identifying and expressing the laws of genetics: Gregor Mendel.

15. Darwin

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1860. Bishop Wilberforce is mocking Charles Darwin's theories in an assembly: "So the man originates from the ape?

14. Faraday and Electricity

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Today, Maestro chose the topic "electricity" for his lecture.

13. Stephenson and Co.

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The power of steam was known already at the time of Hero of Alexandria, but people didn't know how to use it properly back then.

12. Lavoisier

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"It's very hot today". This is how Maestro starts his story and today he invites us to a journey through chemistry.

11. Buffon Discovers the Past

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Let's remember: Galileo showed that the earth is rotating around the sun. Newton discovered the law of gravitation.

10. Newton

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Maestro explains that it only became possible for astronauts to move in space thanks to the brilliant discoveries and calculations of a certain Sir Isaac Newton.

9. Galileo

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We get to know young Galileo in Pisa, where he grows up.

8. Doctors (Paracelse, Vesale, Pare, etc.)

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A headache happens every once in a while - and is treated easily with a pill.

7. Leonardo Da Vinci, a Jack-of-All-Trades

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In Master Verrocchio's workshop, the young Leonardo studied painting and sculpture.

6. Gutenberg and Writing

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In Europe, it was Johannes Gutenberg who invented printing with moveable characters.

5. Henry the Navigator and Cartography

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Until the medieval times, it was Ptolemy's maps which were considered to be the bible of every navigator at sea.

4. The Measuring of Time

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This time, we're taking a closer look on the history of the clock.

3. Hero From Alexandria

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In the beginning of today's episode, we make the acquaintance of Aristotle.

2. Archimedes and the Greek

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In today's episode, Maestro invites us on a journey to ancient Greece.

1. The Chinese, Our Ancestors

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The Chinese were the ones to first invent paper, which was an invention that changed the entire world.

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