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Where to watch "Flavor of Love"

17. Reunion
2008 - Season 3
Flavor Flav and all of the Flavorettes from season 3 are back for a reunion show like you've never seen before. Flav and the girls will update us on their lives, give their two cents on the show, and air their dirty laundry.

16. Reunion
2008 - Season 3
On the reunion episode, Flav and 20 girls (5 girls did not show up) talk about what happened on the show and what is going on in the lives right now. The first to be brought out to speak on the show was Sommore, who felt the show was a bad alternative to meet a man. The first contestant from the show to be brought on the stage by Sommore was Ice. Ice explains that she was only on the show to get where she needed to be and she admitted to Flav that them as a couple would never happen. Next to be brought to the stage was Shy, who was upset at how she was portrayed on Flavor of Love. She and Prancer then talk about the disease their mothers had/have and Flav respects their modesty. Next up were Hotlanta and Sinceer who talk about their constant drinking on the show and how they felt about being on the show. Sinceer gets into an argument with Seezinz which almost turns into violence. Afterwards, Black comes up and explains that her and Flav had a lot of kindling off-camera and that she is very shy and takes a long time to open up her feelings and she wished she had done so. Finally, Thing 2 and Flav reunite and share that their relationship as a couple had ended and Flav has begun his relationship with his son Karma's mother. The show ends when Flav proposes on stage to Liz, Karma's mother.

15. Parlez-Vous Flavor?
2008 - Season 3
They say the third time's a charm! Check out which lovely lady wins Flav's heart.

14. Clip Show
2008 - Season 3
Hot tub threesomes, jumping rope in bikinis… check out the season highlights and never before...

13. Von Boyage
2008 - Season 3
Flav and his final three ladies are going on a romantical journey to France! Will Flav's trip to...

12. It's a Family Flav-Fair
2008 - Season 3
Flav meets the parents of the final four ladies before three of them join him in Paris

11. When Flavorettes Attack
2008 - Season 3
This week love is on the air waves! Check out what happens when Flav and the ladies take to the...

10. The Neverwed Game
2008 - Season 3
As if the ladies didn't create enough drama on their own, Flav brings in their exes to up the...

9. Till Death Do Us Part
2008 - Season 3
Flav stages three mock weddings. His brides must then attend and his "funeral" and eulogize him. The winner goes on a high-flying date with Flav the next day.

8. A Night at the Hip-Hopera
2008 - Season 3
The contestants put on a hop-hopera.

7. Halitosis Ohmyosis
2008 - Season 3
Flav brings back some familiar faces to help him out this week.

6. Dial 'M' for Mystery Pimp Caller
2008 - Season 3
An outside caller creates a tempest among the final eight contestants, and two more are sent home.

5. The Lyin', The Witch, & The Wardrobe Malfunction
2008 - Season 3
To test the ladies' maternal skills, Flav has them write a bedtime story and read it to a group of children. Later, the successful authors go on a date with Flav, while the losers plot to ensure one contestant gets eliminated.

4. Things That Go Bump On The Lip
2008 - Season 3
Two ladies are picked to be ridicules by two opposing teams in the first Flavorette Roast Challenge. The best roaster wins a date with Flav that takes place at a shark tank.

3. Reindeer Games
No release date yet
Flav asks the remaining 13 girls to create a theme restaurant for him.

2. Pimp My Gurney
2008 - Season 3
The ladies dress up as nurses and explain to Flav how they would mend his broken heart. The three contestants with the best remedies earn a date with Flav. Meanwhile, the remaining gals hang around the house and, before long, tempers flare.

1. In Flav We Trust
2008 - Season 3
The third season kicks off with Flav meeting a new group of ladies.