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Where to watch "Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader"
20. Behavioral Scientist
2019 - Season 1
A brain expert puts her own mind to the test by answering questions and taking the final exam for her chance to win $100,000!
19. Football Coach
2019 - Season 1
A gridiron great is ready to tackle elementary school! But when he’s brain blocked in the 3rd grade, he just might have to cheat to be competitive in the game.
18. Truck Driver
2019 - Season 1
This transporter is used to working alone, but it isn’t long before she decides she needs the help of these 5th graders!
17. 6th Grade Teacher
2019 - Season 1
A schoolteacher is convinced she can ace elementary school, but when a question stumps her early on, she’ll consider cheating much earlier than she expected.
16. EMT
2019 - Season 1
An emergency technician stays calm under pressure and fights her way through the 4th grade. But she’s not afraid to ask for a classmate’s help in the 5th grade!
15. Policeman
2019 - Season 1
This law enforcement officer is all about following the rules until he’s caught without an answer! Will he cheat to move up the money ladder?
14. College Dean
2019 - Season 1
An Ivy League professor aims to prove his years of schooling haven’t gone to waste. But when his big brain starts to overthink, he considers cheating off a 5th grader!
13. Zookeeper
2019 - Season 1
This animal expert aims to prove she’s brainy enough to ace the 5th grade! She likes a team effort, but will she cheat for a chance at $100,000?
12. Personal Trainer
2019 - Season 1
A fitness instructor is confident he’s strong enough to climb his way up the money ladder! But will he be able to keep up with these 5th graders?
11. Pilot
2019 - Season 1
This high-flyer is sure he will soar his way through elementary school. But when he runs out of a gas, he might consider cheating sooner rather than later!
10. Marine Expert
2019 - Season 1
A shark diver plunges into the classroom and finds herself in the deep end! Will she cheat to save her chances of winning big?
9. Doctor
2019 - Season 1
A medical practitioner thinks she has enough degrees to ace elementary school, but she only gets to 2nd grade before she considers using a cheat!
8. Firefighter
2019 - Season 1
This contestant fights fires for a living, but will the heat in the classroom be too much for him to take?
7. Astronaut
2019 - Season 1
This contestant has traveled to outer space, so he’s confident he can land on $100,000. He blasts through the questions, but feels the pressure along the way. He even considers cheating when he gets lost in the 5th grade!
6. Registered Nurse
2019 - Season 1
A licensed medic is put to the test and it isn’t long before he considers using a cheat! Will he leave his fate in the hands of a 5th grader?
5. Agriculturalist
2019 - Season 1
An urban farmer puts his brain to the test by answering questions and taking the final exam for his chance to win $100,000!
4. Emergency Operator
2019 - Season 1
This 911 dispatcher is used to dealing with stress, but will the 5th grade be too much for her to handle?
3. Elementary School Principal
2019 - Season 1
A school administrator is confident, but it doesn’t take long for the class to totally school him! Will he actually cheat to get through the 5th grade?
2. Catholic School Teacher
2019 - Season 1
A nun walks into a classroom…and is sure she can ace elementary school! With the help of these 5th graders, will she dance her way up the money ladder?
1. 3rd Grade Teacher
2019 - Season 1
An educator aims to prove herself to her students. But when she’s stumped in 3rd grade, she considers breaking all school rules and cheating off the class!