26. Time Flies

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Sabrina is excited when Maritza asks her to go to the Plain Brain concert, but when her aunts invite her on a trip to the hyper spa at the same time as the concert, Sabrina must make a hard choice! Sabrina finally phones the bad news to her crushed best friend and wishes she could go back in time and fix the situation.

25. Witchycology

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Sabrina and Maritza unsuccessfully try to convince Cassandra that littering isn’t cool.

24. Cat Man Do

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Salem is terrified to learn that the evil Toc-Toc is being released from suspended animation (a Netherworld corrections facility) for a crime Salem committed! No doubt, Toc-Toc is coming to seek revenge! Sabrina encourages Salem to talk to Toc-Toc, but the frightened cat insists on going to school with Sabrina disguised as a sporty teen.

23. A Midsummer's Nightmare

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Shakespeare's Puck leads us into this Bard-inspired story. Sabrina and Cassandra both use magic to sabotage each other's auditions to win the lead role opposite Harvey in the school play. Ms. Magrooney catches on to the supernatural antics, and casts Cassandra in the desired role and makes Sabrina the director.

22. Greendale Idol

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At the witches' academy, Sabrina and Cassandra learn about the dangers of using magic carelessly. After class, they hear that the Teen Talent Competition is coming to Greendale, and the winner gets to compete in the finals on television! Sabrina and Cassandra up the stakes and decide to compete-- without magic-- for a date with Harvey to the backwards dance (girls ask the boys).

21. What's In A Name?

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Sabrina and Cassandra bicker their way through another potion-making assignment at the witches' academy. Their arguing causes them to spill the entire vial of Salvia Muscaria: an extremely rare herb! Mr. Snipe sends them to the Netherworld to replace what they wasted, but instructs them to stay out of the Grey Zone! Worst of all, they are supposed to work together.

20. Hot Item

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While shopping with Sabrina, Maritza ogles a necklace that Cassandra buys. Knowing how much Maritza wants it, the unkind young witch uses it to taunt Maritza. While traveling in the Netherworld with the witches' academy, Sabrina finds a "rock" that she sneaks home even though she is not supposed to take souvenirs.

19. Here's Looking At You

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Sabrina agrees to help Maritza with her science project but oversleeps and forgets.

18. Best Of Show

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There's a dog show in Greendale. Cassandra has a stunning entry. Margaux and Tiffany are helping her train and show it. Harvey has a nice little dog that he is entering as well. Sabrina decides to help Harvey so she can spend time with him, but also so she can beat Cassandra. But Cassandra's dog is so good looking and so talented that Harvey is almost ready to give up before the big day.

17. Pet Peeve

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Sabrina wishes she had a pet. Oh, Salem’s okay as a pal, but as a loving furball, he doesn’t cut it.

16. Just A Rumor

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Using typical teenage bad judgment, Sabrina starts repeating a rumor she has heard from Tiffany & Margaux. It’s a fairly hurtful sort of rumor about one of their classmates.

15. J'achoo

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Down in the Netherworld, anticipation is building for a witch-specific holiday (like our Valentine's Day or Halloween - like Mardi Gras, with everyone wearing masks). Sabrina has looked forward to participating all year, but days before the event she's struck down with a nasty head cold. Her aunts order her to bed, but she just can't stay put.

14. Food 'Tude

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Sabrina is given cafeteria work for two weeks (all students rotate through). She's cramming for a big test coming up in Ms. McGrooney's normal English class, and she's started a crash diet for school pictures soon. Surrounded by food, she tries to distract herself with her studies, but falls behind on the pan-washing detail.

13. Lather, Rinse, Repent

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Sabrina's move to high school with its more demanding physical education classes has forced her to dash from the showers to her next class with her hair a disaster. With help from her aunts, Sabrina concocts an herbal hair conditioner that does help with her fly-away frizzies. Sabrina adds a 'little magic' to her hair brew. The result: Sabrina's hair instantly looks magnificent.

12. Green-Eyed Monster

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Sabrina is obsessing over the whole romantic triangle thing with Harvey and Cassandra. Salem and Chloe each advise her to stop being so insecure and jealous, but she just can't help herself. Sabrina overhears a conversation between Cassandra and Harvey that convinces her that Harvey likes Cassandra more than he likes her.

11. Half There

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Sabrina’s cauldron blows up and splatters Cassandra with purplescent slime… and when she tries to clean it off, every place it touches her, it turns her invisible (for a short time).

10. And Baby Makes 3

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Hilda and Zelda are going to the Netherworld for some much needed Rest & Relaxation. Although Sabrina does everything her power to dissuade them, they insist on hiring a babysitter - er, make that chaperone to take care of her. Sabrina, being 14 now, is convinced she is an adult and takes it hard, especially since she had a pajama party planned with Maritza.

9. Spell-Ing Bee

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It’s Witch vs. Witch in the annual spell-a-thon, and Sabrina is determined she is going to cast the biggest and best spell of all.

8. Sabrina, Part Two

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Hilda & Zelda have been warning Sabrina about using magic she's not ready to use. Sabrina promises she won't, but she doesn't keep that promise. Thanks to some spells that go awry, Sabrina ends up with a week's worth of detention in both schools for the same days. Sabrina sees only one solution, to create another version of herself. Unfortunately, Sabrina II turns out not just right.

7. Matchmaker Sabrina

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Sabrina finds a forbidden spell book on Mr. Snipe's desk and casts a spell to make him fall in love with the first person he sees - which turns out to be Ms. Magrooney, not her! Comic chaos ensues as the lovesick Mr. Snipe pursues the horrified Magrooney across campus. Sabrina desperately tries to undo the spell, but only manages to make things worse.

6. Putting Off

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Sabrina knows there's a big assignment due at school - a term paper on a world conqueror. (She chose Attila the Hun, thinking he'd been given a raw deal by history; she's going to tell the true story.) But she keeps putting the assignment off. All her friends are getting their work done, but Sabrina keeps putting it off until finally, it's the day before due day. Sabrina freaks.

5. I'm A Slave For Who?

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Sabrina’s tired of sharing Harvey with all of his extra activities: sports practice, science club, after-school job at the local market, etc.

4. Teacher's Pet

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Sabrina is shocked when Salem shows up at the witches' academy one day, and tries to hide him from the faculty. Salem puts up a fight, and finally reveals to Sabrina that he's the instructor in a class on the History of Warlocks. At first, Sabrina's pretty smug about the whole thing. She thinks she'll ace the course easily, since Salem's teaching it.

3. School Spirit

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It's fundraising time at both of Sabrina's schools. Sabrina bites off much 'more than she can chew' and decides to win top sales at both schools, simultaneously at the same time. And she does, working herself ragged, pounding on every door she can find. She's the hero of the day! But when the cookie dough gets mixed up, comical chaos ensues.

2. At The Hop

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Cassandra asks Harvey to a school dance only to find that Maritza beat her to it. When Sabrina hears, she is crushed. She thought Maritza was her friend.

1. Living Her Dreams

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Sabrina is having a tough week. Cassandra, Margaux, and Tiffany are being a pain at school. Her aunts blame her for a mess Salem made in her room. Even reliable Harvey seems to be ignoring her. So Sabrina takes a break and tries out the Doors of Dreamland in the Netherworld. There, a witch can live out her fantasies. Sabrina chooses to be a "warrior princess," admired and feared.

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