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Where to watch "Big Love"

101. Free Season Preview
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Bill Henrickson was elected to the State Senate in Utah, then made the shocking announcement that he was a polygamist. Now, Bill, his three wives and nine children must deal with the consequences in the fifth and final season of this hit drama series.

10. When Men and Mountains Meet
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In the Series Finale, the Henricksons brace for an uncertain future, with or without Bill.

9. Exorcism
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With Alby on the run and posing an imminent threat, the Henrickson family finds itself in lockdown mode; a frazzled Nicki decides to break Cara Lynn's 'dependencies'; Barb spars with Bill about her new church's stance on polygamy and more.

8. The Noose Tightens
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Bill looks to Alby's past in an effort to thwart his ambitions, leading Alby to concoct yet another diabolical scheme to bring down the Henricksons. Meanwhile, an incredulous Barb finds herself targeted as her husband's accomplice.

7. Til Death Do Us Part
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Bill eyes a wedding as a chance to reseal his commitment to his three wives. Meanwhile, Nicki looks to take full advantage of her special day; Alby makes a game-changing power play; Lois resists Barb's vision of her future; and more.

6. D.I.V.O.R.C.E.
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Barb capitulates on Bill's marital plans, but not on her hopes to attain the Priesthood. Meanwhile, Bill faces new impeachment pressure; Nicki chafes at the status quo; Margene eyes a sponsor for her pro-polygamy children's rally; and more.

5. The Special Relationship
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Bill makes a deal in the Senate, but finds new obstacles to his livelihood being raised by LDS officials. Meanwhile, Barb considers a dramatic life change; a legal obstacle hinders Bill and Nicki's efforts to adopt Cara Lynn; and more.

4. The Oath
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'The Oath.' (Season Five) Bill fights for his right to be sworn in as Senator; Barb, Nicki and Margene struggle with personal revelations.

3. Certain Poor Shepherds
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'Certain Poor Shepherds.' (Season Five) The Henricksons try to put on a unified face during Christmas despite some numbing revelations.

2. A Seat at the Table
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'A Seat at the Table.' (Season Five) Bill stages a 'safety net' meeting for polygamist leaders; Barb seeks common ground with her mother.

1. Winter
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'Winter' (Season Five Premiere) In the aftermath of his election, Bill faces an uphill battle to win over his constituents and employees.