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Where to watch "Southie Rules"

11. Recipe for Disaster
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Jon sees an opportunity to establish himself as the big-man of the family by taking over Sunday dinner. With prep cooks in Devin and Matty, Jon commandeers the kitchen and sets out to make a roast. But following a recipe for disaster, things reach a slow burn as the boys cooking quickly spirals out of hand. Meanwhile, Jess finds herself joining Leah, Jenn and Camille at a boxing class. Wanting to fit in, Jess puts on the gloves and gets a little ahead of herself when she volunteers to fight the champ.

10. Dress to Impress
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Jon, Leah and Matt decide to take a family photo for Camille and spend the day finding matching shirts and going to the photo studio. When things go awry, the three try to do whatever they can to salvage the picture. Meanwhile, Devin brings Jarod and Jenn to the spa to help him romance a spa worker he met at the bar.

9. Lights, Camera, Laundry!
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Camille and Walter discover that Jon and Matt have been slacking at the tattoo shop, and challenge them to attract more customers--or else. So the boys embark on filming a commercial, but Jon takes his director role a little too seriously. Back at the house, Leah and Jenn must figure out how to do 10 peoples' laundry when the only working washer is on the first floor, and the only dryer is on the third floor.

8. Who's the Boss
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Jon and Jen both become frustrated with Matt for very different reasons. Jon fires him from the Tattoo shop and Jen finally becomes impatient with his unemployment status, so she moves out of the house. Leah, Jarod and Devin take on the Green Yuppies who are acting like the recycling police as Camille finally shows everyone who is the boss.

7. The Passion of the Couch
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Jenn discovers that the family couch Devin has been living on is a disgusting mess. Camille lays down that law and demands that the sofa be cleaned. Matt and Devin come up with a surefire way to clean the couch. Meanwhile Jon and Jenn settle an old score with a game of "Hands Off" resulting in a test of wills.

6. The Initiation
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Leah and Jenn test the mettle of Jon s new girlfriend Jess by putting her through a uniquely Southie initiation. Meanwhile, the return of a renegade wild turkey puts Matt, Jon and Devin's hunting and tracking skills to the ultimate test.

5. We Need a Bigger Boat
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Matt and Devin break Liana s stroller and attempt to make a quick buck giving tours in their minivan. When that doesn t work, Jenn steps in and they give a bigger, better tour using a duck boat. Meanwhile, Jon and Leah try to get Walter to quit smoking.

4. She's Having A Friggin' Baby?!?!
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When Jenn starts acting strange, everyone becomes convinced that she is pregnant... everyone except for Jenn that is. So Camille breaks out the Southie-style pregnancy tests to prove to Jenn that she has a bun in the oven. Meanwhile, the idea of having another kid leads Matt to get serious about finding a second job, so he recruits Jarod, Leah, and Devin for career training.

3. Devin's Adventures in Babysitting
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Matt forgets his anniversary and tries to salvage the evening by taking Jenn out to a sentimental dinner. Devin sacrifices his own romantic encounter to babysit for Matt and soon finds himself overrun with kids.

2. Poseidon: King of South Boston
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Jarod s encounter with a Yuppie Mom at the park sparks a plan to get Abby on the path to Ivy League admission. He volunteers Leah to host a make-or-break meeting with an upscale mommy group; Leah recruits Jenn for backup. Walter's strange behavior leads Matt, Jon and Devin to try to boost his spirits with a spur-of-the-moment fishing trip.

1. Bill Roulette
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It's time to pay household bills and everyone chips in their share. By luck of the draw, Matt and Jon end up with the biggest tabs. They each concoct foolproof schemes to beef up the family bank, but they'll have to get their hands dirty to pull them off.