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Where to watch "Grand Star"

26. Chapter XXVI
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Cal learns the full truth about his parentage. Despite the urgency of the situation, the Renewers debate when to fire the canon.

25. Chapter XXV
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Cal brings a vital chemical formula to the Renewers for their cannon, and in exchange asks for help freeing his father. Meanwhile, Palidor's leadership is challenged.

24. Chapter XXIV
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Hamsun is arrested for having led Cal to his father's cell. Damien tells Suki his plans for Grand Star and offers to free Liam in exchange for her testimony about Palidor's mental illness.

23. Chapter XXIII
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The drugs and heat affect Nara, prompting Kurt to move her to a cooler location in the underworld; news of Liam's disappearance impacts a Council meeting.

22. Chapter XXII
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Damien is sent to capture a Person of the Cold for Palidor's gene transplant experiment. When Suki informs Cal that Liam is still alive, Cal and Kurt decide to try bribing a former Pointsman for more information.

21. Chapter XXI
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Cal discovers proof that his father is a Renewer, and suspects that this is what motivated Palidor to want him dead. Palidor, meanwhile, checks into the possibility of protecting himself by incorporating genes from the People of the Cold.

20. Chapter XX
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Damien threatens to destroy the Polar Station unless the populace agrees to a takeover. Suki tells the Council what life has become for a young person like her. Cal relates his personal experiences.

19. Chapter XIX
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While searching for the Polar Station with Cal, Damien is captured by the People of the Cold. But Cal learns more about his past.

18. Chapter XVIII
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Palidor learns of the existence of the Polar Station and its geothermal resources. He sends Damien and Cal to convince the people of Polar Station to share their energy.

17. Chapter XVII
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Liam is worried that the Renewers plan to blow up the new station regardless of the risk to the lives of millions of innocent people. Meanwhile, Cal and his friends take over the radio station and broadcast the truth.

16. Chapter XVI
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Palidor decides that the only solution to Grand Star's energy crisis is to evacuate to a new station, but he throws the population into chaos by instituting a lottery to decide who will get to go and who will have to remain behind, facing a slow death.

15. Chapter XV
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With a storm raging outside Grand Star, Liam and Suki become worried about Cal and go out into the frozen landscape in search of him. Meanwhile, Cal is introduced to the Wiseman, one of the leaders of the People of the Cold.

14. Chapter XIV
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Cal secretly leaves Grand Star in search of answers about his past. Everyone is worried about his disappearance. Through Yana, Jonah's mother, Cal meets some People of the Cold and obtains valuable information about the Renewers. Cal is now convinced of their existence and is determined to take up their cause. Palidor throws an extravagant party which Margo and Kurt crash.

13. Chapter XIII
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Grand Star is becoming a more and more expensive place to live, and life is becoming less and less pleasant. There are more power outages and shortages; necessities such as heat and light are scarce. Word spreads through the general population that life in Grand Star will change soon.

12. Chapter XII
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The Cabaret is to leave Grand Star but Suki wants to stay behind with Cal. However, Angelus, Suki's owner, forces her to take care of a pair of orphans he recently acquired and out of concern for the young girls Suki decides she has to remain with the Cabaret. Damien is aware of Suki's imminent departure and asks Cal to convince her to stay. The Pointsmen are on Marcus's trail.

11. Chapter XI
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After a ten year absence, Kurt's father Marcus returns to Grand Star. Kurt is troubled by his unexpected arrival. Palidor mandates his friend Marcus to investigate and identify his opponents on the Council during an evening organized by Damien at the Cabaret.

10. Chapter X
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Cal regains Suki's trust. Exploiting Kurt's relationship with the younger Pointsmen, he and Cal enter the Prison Train. Jonah realizes how much he enjoys his new-found freedom and decides never to return to his village. Everyone tries to convince him otherwise. When his parents are finally released from prison, they blame Cal for their son's decision.

9. Chapter IX
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Jonah shows up at Grand Star and pleads with Cal to find his parents who have been taken away by the Pointsmen. Cal feels guilty; he and Kurt try to find out what happened to them. At Grand Star, power cuts are becoming more frequent. Palidor orders Damien to find out who is behind the power failures. Liam tries to convince Tara to vote against Palidor's proposal to evacuate Grand Star.

8. Chapter VIII
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Liam defies the authorities by driving the Pacific into a forbidden zone to meet the Renewer's leader. Liam informs them that Palidor plans to shut down Grand Star, and asks their permission to reveal a geothermic source required for the construction of a new station. 30,000 people will die if this new station is not built in time. The Renewers refuse his request.

7. Chapter VII
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Zel, a Man of the Cold, is captured. He is put on trial for a murder he did not commit. In a brief meeting with Zel, Cal realizes he has telepathic power. Liam seems to know Zel and takes on the challenge of defending him. Despite Liam's best efforts, Zel is convicted and sentenced to death. Cal believes the verdict and sentence is unjust and helps Zel escape.

6. Chapter VI
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In the Pointsmen Academy train, brainwashing is used to make students forget their past and accept every aspect of the Pointsmen philosophy. Damien manipulates Kurt into destroying some famous artifacts to prove his loyalty to the Academy. Cal and Suki are determined to find Kurt. On his way to the Academy train, Cal encounters a Man of the Cold.

5. Chapter V
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After Kurt's ID cards are discovered in the underworld, he is forced to choose between being arrested or joining the Pointsmen Academy. Over Cal's objections, he chooses the latter but promises to put it to good use. As Kurt adapts to life as a Pointsmen he discovers that he likes it. He is a natural and enjoys being judged for his accomplishments.

4. Chapter IV
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Suki goes to the underworld and discovers old videotapes in what appears to be a television station vault. She shares her precious discovery with Cal, but he is upset by the risks she continually takes to help him. Frustrated by Cal's reaction, Suki accepts Damien's offer of a dinner date. Kurt and Cal go to the underworld, in an attempt to discover more about humanity's past.

3. Chapter III
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Cal and Liam search for geothermic sources. There is a major accident which forces Cal to remove his gloves despite the -80 degree Celsius temperature, but he suffers no frostbite at all. Cal, Kurt, and Suki go to a remote fishing station to meet Ma Ker and learn more about Cal's past. Meanwhile, Liam is tortured by Damien when the Pointsmen become suspicious of him.

2. Chapter II
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Cal, Kurt and Cal's father Liam hide Ma Ker from Damien as they nurse her back to health. Ma Ker tells Cal that he is an important individual and has a duty to the rest of the world. As this happens, Cal and Suki discover they have a mutual attraction for each other, although neither will admit it to the other. With the Pointsmen closing in on them, Liam escapes from Grand Star.

1. Chapter I
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We meet Cal, Kurt, and Suki. A strange beam of light illuminates Cal; he doesn't know what to make of it and hides in the train trying to figure out what actually happened. He discovers he has strange powers. We meet Ma Ker, one of the Sun Renewers, when Cal and Kurt discover the site of a massacre. Despite the great risk, they take her back to Grand Star Station.