39. The Benson Case
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A killer tries to discover which of her cellmates is a police agent.

38. Sunset Strip
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The Sheriff’s office tries to help a once famous actor who now desperately needs a job.

37. The Search
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Police search for a lost child in almost impenetrable mountain terrain.

36. 999
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Teenage hoodlums try to force an emotionally disturbed youth to murder a rival gang leader.

35. Lonesome Whistles
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A train nearing town is carrying enough explosives to blow the town to kingdom come.

34. Death in an Alley
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Just before a murder victim dies, he gasps a one-word clue to his death: “Arkansas.”

33. The Killer
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Police search for a compulsive killer attracted to aspiring young actresses.

32. Bail Out
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Officer Dillon attempts to locate the survivor of a plane crash in the California desert.

31. The Harbor Incident
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Sgt. Zavala is convinced that an old derelict did not commit murder and robbery.

30. A Night of Terror
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A deranged concert pianist escapes from a mental hospital and comes home to kill his brother-in-law.

29. The Misery Chiselers
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Refugees are being swindled by a con man who promises to expedite the emigration of relatives.

28. The Man With Many Names
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A clever forger eludes police by using many disguises, until a distinctive mannerism gives him away.

27. You Can't Kill a Marine
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Police search for a psychopath who robbed and nearly killed a Marine.

26. Charged Bottle
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A schoolboy finds a box containing radioactive explosives but refuses to turn it over to the police.

25. The Ashes Will Whisper
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Newspaper comic strips, found at the scenes of several fires, give police the clue to the arsonist.

24. The Hired Man
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A hysterical woman’s story about her husband’s murder sends the police after a maniacal killer.

23. The Nelson Case
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A priest helps a Mexican boy whose employer tried to blackmail him into committing murder.

22. Family on Trial
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A wealthy couple try to find the sender of an anonymous letter threatening their son.

21. The Sniper
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A woman suspects that her husband is the sniper who is terrorizing Los Angeles.

20. Case 2206
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The Sheriff’s department begins to suspect one of its own deputies of theft.

19. Revolt on the Freeway
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An eccentric old woman stages an armed attack on the construction crew of a new freeway.

18. The Thief
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A kleptomaniac is stealing jewelry and her boyfriend seeks help from the Sheriff’s office.

17. The Trap
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Hollis and Delacort crack down on a billiard parlor fronting for a bookie joint.

16. An Ounce of Prevention
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Three boys wreck an uninhabited house and then must rebuild it.

15. Junk Detail
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Police investigate the illegal sale of Government merchandise.

14. Suspect Number One
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Four interesting people are suspected of killing a playboy.

13. The Water Skier
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A young man with a water skiing school is threatened by an unknown blackmailer.

12. The Oil Well Incident
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Police attempt to rescue an injured youth trapped in an abandoned oil derrick.

11. The Bite
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An ex-convict flees from the scene of a robbery unaware that he has been bitten by a rabid dog.

10. Gold in an Old Tin Can
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A woman attempts to get her husband a more lenient sentence by locating where he hid stolen money.

9. The Fishing Trip
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A man on a fishing trip goes missing and all that is found is his empty adrift boat.

8. The Fugitive
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The police have only one clue to an Arizona fugitive’s identity – matches stolen from a gift shop.

7. The Greener Grass
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Despite warnings from fellow inmates, a prisoner on an honor farm attempts to escape.

6. The Uninvited
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A bank manager and his family are terrorized by a killer who has invaded their home.

5. The Menace
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A man joins the police in a search for his daughter, who is suspected of being a killer.

4. The Guilty Ones
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Hoping to avoid further violence, victims of teenage hoodlums refuse to testify against them.

3. The Print With a Face
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A wealthy widow is found murdered and robbed. Lt. Morse is sent to investigate.

2. The Road Back
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An insanely jealous husband escapes from a prison farm to kill his wife’s supposed lover.

1. The Rookie Sheriff
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A young deputy’s experience as a Czech refugee makes him feel that brute force is essential.