FLEA tells the story of an eclectic tribe of mystical forest dwellers known as the Shadow Clan, led by it's counsel of three wise souls, The Tribal leader, Raven (Suza Lambert Bowser), Marsh Man (Barry Williams) & Poet (Josef Cannon) they meet the mysterious boy, Flea (Westleigh Davies) whose arrival was foretold to them. Time works against them as evil forces, Badger (Bruce Cole) become aware of his existence and soon began hunting him down with the help of Scavenger (Brian O'Halloran) who plays both sides of the fence. Will FLEA become aware of his destiny in time or will EVIL conquer all?!FLEA tells the story of an eclectic tribe of mystical forest dwellers known as the Shadow Clan, led by it's counsel of three wise souls, The Tribal leader, Raven (Suza Lambert Bowser), Marsh Man (Barry Williams) & Poet (Jo... Read more
Starring Josef Cannon, Barry Williams, Brian O'Halloran
It's a drama and fantasy movie, and has a rating of 7.1 out of 10 from Imdb which is usually fine for this kind of movie.
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