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Where to watch "Kuzcos Königsklasse"

57. Graduation Groove
2008 - Season 2
As Kuzco prepares to graduate, he must watch a Emperor orientation video. The video makes him question whether or not he can lead his people and if he really wants to become the Emperor again. Yzma, needing to make a last-ditch effort to prevent his graduation, decides to prey upon Kuzco's new insecurity. She gives him a potion that will turn him into a chicken forever. He decides to take it, and runs away and accidentally winds up in a Mudka's meat mug manufacturing plant. With Yzma becoming Empress inevitable, Kronk and Malina must find Kuzco and turn him back into a human so he can become Emperor.

56. Cornivale
2008 - Season 2
It is time for the annual Cornivale celebration and Kuzco wants to avoid it. He fakes being sick and then decides to head to the beach for the weekend. However, his cab driver annoys him constantly and ends up getting them stranded in the forest and robbed. However, talking with the cab driver might be just what he needs to realize what is really important. Meanwhile, Yzma disguises herself and joins Pacha's family for Cornivale so that she can turn Kuzco into an ear of corn so that Pacha will eat him.

55. Kuzco's Little Secret
2008 - Season 2
While golfing, a cute little chinchilla becomes attached to Kuzco, so he decides to keep it. However, Chicha bans all animals from the house, so Kuzco must hide "Fuzzyco" from her. Meanwhile, Malina admits she likes Kuzco, but after talking to Yata, she thinks he has a girlfriend. And while all this is going on Kronk attempts to turn Kuzco into a parrot for Yzma.

54. Kuzcokazooza
2008 - Season 2
When Malina refuses to go out with him yet again, Kuzco decides that since she likes Dirk Brock so much, he will become a rock star so she will date him. However, he becomes a huge jerk and forgets all about Malina. He plans to have a huge concert called "Kuzcokazooza". However, since he is not very good no one plans to show up.

53. Eco Kuzco
2008 - Season 2
Yzma is cleaning up her old potions and wants to throw them into the river. Kronk tries to prevent this and make her recycle. However, she tricks him and they end up in the river. This begins turning all of the townspeople into various animals. Meanwhile, Malina is trying to make the school paper more interesting so she can get into KuzCollege, and she may have just found her biggest story yet.

52. Faking the Grade
2008 - Season 2
By some kind of miracle, Kuzco gets all A's on his report card, while Chaca gets all D's. This leads to Kuzco being put in the SD class where he immediately begins to fail miserably in all of the little games the class plays. Meanwhile, Yzma has received some new potions that flip things around giving the opposite of what is already there. However, before she can use it, the potion switches the floor and ceiling causing her and Kronk to become stuck on the ceiling.

51. Too Many Malinas
2008 - Season 2
When Malina won't pay attention to him, Kuzco uses Yzma's new machine to separate all of her personalities. He then begins to date "Smoochy Malina". However, when she becomes to clingy he dumps her. This causes all of the Malinas to turn on him and now he and Kronk must find a way to turn them all back into one Malina.

50. The Emperor's New Show
2008 - Season 2
Kuzco sits down to read fan letters and finds one saying he should change his show. He does, but receives yet another letter. It turns out it is Yzma trying to use the new shows as a method to destroy Kuzco

49. Overachiever's Club
2008 - Season 2
Kuzco gets detention again. However, knowing the he will enjoy that, Mr. Moleguaco decides to make him join the Overachiever's Club. Meanwhile, Yzma, thinking Kuzco is still in detention, sneaks in there but gets stuck in there when Kronk doesn't recognize her.

48. Groove Remover
2008 - Season 2
When Kuzco begins making fun of many of his classmates, Yzma creates a special soap that will cause Kuzco to look like the things he is making fun of. All of this happening just as the school has to vote on Hutcoming King and Queen. This makes Kuzco upset as he believes he will lose to Ramon.

47. Camp Kuzco
2008 - Season 2
Malina and Kuzco attend Kamp Kuzco as tutors for a group of Junior Chipmunks. Soon Kuzco's statements about 'male advantage' lead the tutors to set up a race between the girls and the boys of the group. Through an attempt to ensure the victory of his boys, Kuzco gets himself and the girls lost in the jungle. So now Malina and Kronk have to rescue them and even Yzma uses this opportunity for a further attack on Kuzco.

46. Kronk the Magnificent
2008 - Season 2
Yzma's plan to wipe Kuzco out of the Royal Records backfires when Kronk replaces Kuzco on the records after rescuing the Royal Record Keeper. To repeal this change Kuzco and Yzma team up until the former Emperor-to-be recognizes his chance and turns against her.

45. The Puma Whisper
2008 - Season 2
When Kuzco is attacked by pumas, Pacha saves him, and Kuzco thinks it is because of his amazing dodging skills. When he brags about it at school, Guaca arranges a puma wrestling match for him, but will he be revealed a phony?

44. Yzbot
2008 - Season 2
Yzma leaves for a week to pursue her dream of stardom. Since she can not trust Kronk to keep track of things, she leaves a robot version of herself to take care of things. When Kuzco turns his homework in late, he finds out that he can get Mr. Moleguaco to look at it if the principal tells him to, so he tries to get Yzbot from Kronk.

43. Take My Advice
2008 - Season 2
Yzma has to take her annual royal adviser review and fails because she never advised Kuzco in the last year. She is replaced by Obsessia, a change Kuzco is at first pleased with but shortly her overbearing turns up to be worse then Yzma's plots. Unfortunately, Amzy got fired too and so Yzma left after her unsuccessful efforts to find another job. Kuzco and Kronk follow her to convince the former adviser and hire her back.

42. Puff Piece
2008 - Season 2
Kronk and Kuzco team up together for their school assignment and open a spinach puff stand. Although Kronk's puffs are a great success Kuzco takes over the team and turns the puff stand into a industrialized restaurant. Finally Kronk quits due to Kuzco's treatment opening his stand again while Kuzco ruins his restaurant.

41. Everybody Loves Kuzco
2008 - Season 2
Yzma's latest destroy Kuzco scheme may be the best one yet. After realizing that Kuzco pays more attention to girls then school, she has Kronk trick him into taking a potion which makes girls, including Malina, attracted to him. The girls then begin chasing him everywhere, which is more then Kuzco can deal with.

40. Father O' Mine
2008 - Season 2
A man arrives in town that claims to be Kuzco's father. Kuzco, who does not remember his father, immediately thinks he is telling the truth and the two becomes inseparable. However, everyone else is suspicious of the man, and it turns out that he might not be who he says he is.

39. Hotel Kuzco
2008 - Season 2
Kuzco fakes a termite infection in Pacha's hut to get the permission to live in the palace. Unfortunately Pacha's family and later the whole village move into the now overcrowded palace and Kuzco has to handle all his guests. In the meantime, Yzma uses Kuzco's presence in the palace to try and destroy him and sets up several traps.

38. Malina's Big Break
2008 - Season 2
Malina is stressed out by the preparation for an interview for an internship at the teen magazine Incan Teen. She asks Kronk and Kuzco for help and they decide to teach her how to relax properly.

37. Guaca Rules
2008 - Season 2
When Kuzco's class visits the museum, an ancient tablet reveals that Kuzco is not the true heir to the throne, Guaca is! Guaca immediately takes over the palace and starts to treat even Kuzco unfairly. Yzma decides to take advantage of this and trick him into hiring her as his adviser, however none of her old tricks work on Guaca due to his obsession with Kuzco. Then he demands that Malina become his empress or he will build a store over her house. Kuzco and Malina then decide to seek out a special chalice that will reveal the true heir to the throne.

36. The Astonishing Kuzco-Man
2008 - Season 2
Yzma's latest scheme to destroy Kuzco backfires and gives Kuzco superpowers, such as flying and x-ray vision. Kuzco then begins to treat his friends badly. Then, Yzma decides to take matters into her own hands, and gets superpowers of her own, and vows to use them to destroy Kuzco.

35. Auction Action
2008 - Season 2
A charity bachelor auction is being held to raise money for charity, and Kuzco, Kronk, and Guaca will all be in it. When Kuzco insults Malina, she bids for Kronk instead to make him jealous. Kuzco then convinces Yata to bid for him to make Malina jealous. Then the four just happen to end up at the same restaurant for their dates, which turns the jealousy fest into an all out battle.

34. Mudka's #13
2008 - Season 2
While lost in a storm, Kuzco, Kronk, Malina, and Guaca end up lost in the woods and wind up at Mudka's #13, a supposed cursed restaurant. They decide to stay there until the rain stops, against Kuzco's will. However, soon the secret of the restaurant is revealed when Kuzco wanders into unknown parts of the building.

33. The Good, the Bad and the Kronk
2008 - Season 2
When Yzma gives Kronk the assignment of disintegrating Kuzco, Kronk consults his shoulder angel and devil. However, the two of them get into another fight and Kronk tells them to go away. With those two gone, Kronk can no longer make decisions. Yzma then captures his shoulder angel in a cage, and gives the shoulder devil back to Kronk. This causes Kronk to agree with everything the devil says, which causes him to try and disintegrate Kuzco.

32. Last Ditch Effort
2008 - Season 2
Kuzco decides to ditch school for the day. However, it turns out that this will be Kuzco's tenth absence from school, meaning he will be expelled, and his chance of becoming emperor will be forever gone. Malina and Guaca then ditch school to get Kuzco back to school before the final bell. Meanwhile, Yzma learns of this and together her and Kronk try to keep Kuzco away from the school.

31. Graduation Groove
No release date yet
Graduation is finally approaching and no one could be happier than Kuzco, who finally gets to rid himself of his student status and become a real Emperor. But when he begins to learn about everything being the emperor entails, he realizes being a carefree student isn't so bad.

30. Cornivale
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It's time for the annual Potato Festival and Kuzco wants no part of it. He skips town and ends up on a road trip adventure with an old lonely cab driver. Meanwhile Yzma disguises herself as Pacha's aunt and infiltrates their holiday feast in order to poison Kuzco.

29. Kuzcokazooza / Kuzco's Little Secret
No release date yet
Kuzco's Little Secret: When Kuzco befriends an adorable little chinchilla, he doesn't want anyone to know for fear of looking soft. Kuzco Kazooza: When Kuzco sees how much Malina loves Dirk Brock, he decides to start a band.

28. Faking the Grade / Eco Kuzco
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Faking the Grade: Kuzco discovers Guaka switched his grades with Chaca's and now it's up to Kuzco to make things right. Eco Kuzco: Kronk tries to be a responsible citizen by recycling Yzma's old potions.

27. Emperor's New Show / Too Many Malinas
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Emperor's New Show: Kuzco's getting tired of making the same show every week, so he decides it's time to try something new. Too Many Malinas: Kuzco is tired of Malina when she's nagging him so he uses one of Yzma's potions to extract all her annoying parts and just keep the part that's attracted to Kuzco!

26. Groove Remover / Overachiever's Club
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Groove Remover: When Yzma turns Kuzco into a nerd he has to figure out a way to overcome his new awkwardness. Overachiever's Club: When Kuzco gets yet another detention, Mr. Moleguaco decides to lay some real punishment on Kuzco.

25. Kronk the Magnificent / Kamp Kuzco
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Kronk the Magnificient: When the RRK and village leader propose that Kronk be made the new emperor, Yzma and Kuzco have to team up! Kamp Kuzco: Kuzco and Malina are camp counselors and end up competing in a cross country race - boys against girls!

24. Yzbot / Puma Whisperer
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Yzbot : Yzma's decided it's time for her to pursue her dream of pop stardom in Hollywood, so she takes off and leaves a robot version of herself. Puma Whisper: Kuzco discovers he is an awesome puma tamer.

23. Puff Piece / Take My Advice
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Puff Piece: Kronk and Kuzco pair up for a school project where they have to start a business. Their business is a spinach puff restaurant featuring Kronk's famous spinach puffs. But as business starts booming, they discover they have very different philosophies - Kuzco's out to make a fast buck while Kronk wants to ensure a quality product and maintain the "purity of the puff." Take My Advise: It's time for Yzma's annual review as the royal advisor, and she doesn't exactly pass with flying colors. Kuzco gets a new advisor - a sweet little old lady who turns out to be a little too sweet and overbearing for Kuzco's taste.

22. Father O' Mine / Everyone Loves Kuzco
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Father O'Mine: When a strange man shows up and claims to be Kuzco's father, everyone is suspicious - especially Pacha. Kuzco, on the other hand, is more than happy to start spending quality father-son time with him. That is, until the mystery man assumes the role of emperor and starts taking over the kingdom. Everyone Loves Kuzco: Yzma decides a new way to distract Kuzco is by making him irresistible to women and therefore completely occupied by their attention. So she creates a love potion that makes all the girls in school fall in love with Kuzco - even Malina. But Kuzco realizes he doesn't want Malina's false love - he wants her to like him for who he is.

21. Malina's Big Break / Hotel Kuzco
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Malina's Big Break Down: Malina is totally stressed out about her interview for her internship at the hottest teen Incan magazine around. She's driving herself and everyone around her crazy, so Kuzco decides it's time to show Malina how to relax and have a good time. Hotel Kuzco: When Pacha's hut is infected with termites, Kuzco finds a clause that says he can move back into the palace. And he wants it all to himself. But when termites start infecting the rest of the village, everyone wants to move into the palace and now Kuzco is playing host to the whole village.

20. Guaka Rules
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When the class takes a field trip to the museum, they learn that the real heir to the throne isn't Kuzco -- it's Guaka. Since Guaka does everything Kuzco wants, Kuzco assumes Guaka will still let him still act as emperor, but instead Guaka starts ruling with an iron fist (just as he's seen Kuzco do). Malina thinks this is all a bit fishy, so she and Kuzco take it upon themselves to go on a Da Vinci Code-like excursion and find out who the true heir is. Meanwhile Yzma is delighted to have a new emperor for her to destroy.

19. Auction Action / The Astonishing Kuzco-Man
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Auction Action: At the Kuzco Academy charity bachelor auction, Kuzco and Kronk are both up for the taking and Kuzco assumes Malina will bet the farm on him. But when she picks Kronk instead, Kuzco gets Yata to bid on him in order to make Malina jealous. The Astonishing Kuzco-Man: When an Yzma plan goes awry, Kuzco accidentally gets turned into a super hero. But he's not using his super powers for good; he's using them to annoy everyone and they're sick of it.

18. The Good, the Bad And the Kronk / Mudka's #13
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The Good, The Bad, and the Kronk: When Kronk’s shoulder angel and devil decide to go on vacation, Kronk all of a sudden can’t make a decision. Now his friends are worried about him and Yzma thinks he’s gone insane. But when Yzma gets wind of what’s happening, she seeks out his shoulder devil so she can get Kronk to finally destroy Kuzco once and for all. Mudka's #13: Kuzco, Kronk, Malina, and Guaka are all lost…thanks to Kuzco. They wander into a strange diner where things don’t seem quite right, and suddenly they realize they’ve been sucked into a weird twilight zone-version of a Mudka’s diner. Now they just have to find a way out.

17. Yzma Be Gone / Last Ditch Effort
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Yzma Be Gone: Kuzco's decided he's finally had it with Yzma trying to destroy him, so he's going destroy her! Last Ditch Effort: Kuzco is ditching school again, but this is the tenth time he's been absent which is cause for automatic expulsion.

16. Citizen Kronk / The Pajama Llama Dilemma
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Citizen Kronk: When the current school Vice President has to step down unexpectedly, an election starts up to fill the vacancy. Kuzco runs initially to get closer to Malina (the President), but then Mr. M puts him to the challenge in order to get a passing grade in politics. The Pajama Llama Dilemma: When Kronk finds out about a contest where he can win a party with Pajama Llama, he buys every comic scroll in town to get the one with the ticket. But when the ticket ends up in Kuzco's hands, Kuzco makes Kronk be his butler in exchange for the ticket.

15. Come Fly with Me / Project Poncho
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Come Fly With Me: It's Malina's coming out party and she wants every detail to go perfectly, but Kuzco keeps messing everything up. When an Yzma potion turns him into a fly, he gets to hear directly from the source what a jerk he's been and tries to do something about it. As he's caught in a "Groundhog Day"-type device, Kuzco goes back in time to try and repair the damage he's done. Project Poncho: When a fashion contest comes to Kuzco Academy, everyone scrambles to design the coolest poncho ever. Kuzco gets bored with the contest quickly and tries to take the easy way out by stealing Guaka's poncho.

14. Air Kuzco / Kronkenitza
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Air Kuzco: When Kuzco joins the basketball team, it turns out he's not that good at basketball. But he still wants to be the star even if he can't dribble or shoot. This drives the other team members away and Kuzco is suddenly all alone on the court…and not having too much luck at beating Kuzco Academy's big rival. Kronkenitza: Lately Kronk has been feeling more and more out of place at school and even around Yzma. So it's not surprising when he learns that he's actually not Incan like the rest of his classmates - he's from a town called Kronkenitza, where everyone is a lot like him.

13. Vincent Van Guaka / No Man is an Island
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Vincent Van Guaka: Kuzco learns that Guaka's father is pressuring him to be a successful artist, even though Guaka is pretty terrible at art. Kuzco decides to help Guaka out and get a potion from Yzma's lab that makes him a talented artist. No Man Is An Island: When Yzma realizes her elaborate schemes to get rid of Kuzco aren't working, she decides it's time to get simple and just ship him off to a deserted island. But Kronk botches the plan and accidentally sends Malina with him too, so he decides to go after them.

12. A Giftmas Story
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It's Giftmas time, and Kuzco is acting like quite the scrooge. When he and Kronk head to Papa Santos' magical ice fortress, Kuzco learns that he's at the top of the naughty list. This would explain why his Giftmas wish to become Emperor hasn't been granted. Papa Santos tells Kuzco that if he makes up for all the rotten things he's done to people in the past then he'll grant Kuzco's wish. Now Kuzco has 48 hours to make up for all the bad things he's done to people in his life.

11. Emperor's New Musical
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Kuzco Academy is broke and in danger of being shut down, much to Yzma's delight. The kids decide to put on a musical to save the school, and they get teen idol Dirk Brock to star in it. This makes Kuzco just a little jealous, especially when he learns that Dirk will get to kiss Malina in the final number. For once Yzma and Kuzco are in agreement: Dirk must be stopped.

10. The Emperor's New Home School / Mudka's Secret Recipe
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The Emperor's New Home School: When Kuzco realizes he can go to "school" without ever having to leave his house, he thinks this sounds like a great plan. But Chicha doesn't agree. If Kuzco thinks being home schooled means he won't have to do any work, he's going to have a rude awakening when Chicha starts teaching him. Maybe Kuzco Academy isn't so bad after all. Mudka's Secret Recipe: Kuzco is addicted to Mudka's mugs of meat - so much so that he doesn't want to eat anything else. So when Yzma steals the recipe from Kronk, Kuzco is desperate to get ahold of a Mudka's meat mug. He and Kronk venture out on a journey to meet the real Mudka and get the recipe straight from the source.

9. Emperor's New School Spirit / Card Wars
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Emperor's New School Spirit: Kuzco has suddenly noticed that everyone is fawning all over the school mascot, Louie the Llama. Kuzco wants to get in on this whole school spirit thing, so he does everything he can to become the most spirited person. But when he accidentally loses the school mascot, he has to show his spirit by turning into a llama….again. Card Wars: The latest craze at Kuzco Academy is Shuaka Quest, and everyone is addicted to this card-collecting game. Kuzco decides he wants in on the action and gets Kronk to trade him his best card. However, Kuzco unknowingly traded away the best card and now he'll do anything to get it back from Kronk.

8. Aw, Nuts! / Curse of the Moon Beast
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Curse of the Moon Beast: It's Prank Day, but this year Kuzco is too distracted by the scary Moonbeast haunting him to pull any good pranks on Kronk. He's so freaked out that Malina and Kronk make him go to the cave where he thinks the Moonbeasts live in order to prove that they don't exist. Aw, Nuts!: It's time for the Annual Nut Festival, which everyone in the village loves except Kuzco. When Kuzco blames the squirrels for destroying the Nut Feast, the villagers decide to exile all the squirrels. Meanwhile Yzma has heard about this and turns Kuzco into a squirrel hoping he will be exiled too.

7. A Fair to Remember / Working Girl
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A Fair to Remember: When the school carnival comes up, Kuzco acts "too cool" to ask Malina, so she ends up going with Ramon. Kuzco doesn't like this so much, so he tags along and tries to sabotage their date. Meanwhile Kronk has to overcome his fear of clowns. Working Girl: When Malina gets a job as a waitress at Mudka's Meat Hut, she is determined to be the best waitress ever - even if that means stealing the limelight from Yata. When she accidentally gets Yata fired, she enlists Kuzco to help Yata get her job back.

6. Kuz-Cop / How Now Sea Cow?
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Kuz-Cop: Kuzco is causing trouble at the mall….so much so that he gets the mall cop fired. Now he has to find a way to get the mall cop's job back. Meanwhile, Yzma is planning a bank robbery for herself and Kronk, which ends up coming in handy for showcasing the mall cop's bravery. How Now Sea Cow?: Malina thinks she's just being a good citizen by signing up for the "Save a Manatee" program, so she's a little surprised when an actual manatee shows up on her doorstep. Now she has to feed him and take care of him, not to mention try to keep him from being such a bad influence on Kuzco, who soon becomes his new best friend.

5. Picture This! / TV Or Not TV
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Malina thinks Kuzco is being way too superficial about looking good in his yearbook photo - that is, until her own yearbook photo comes out looking horrific. Now Malina will stop at nothing to make sure every copy of her picture is destroyed, including the one that's supposed to go in the time capsule for generations to see.

4. Demon Llama! / Show Me the Monkey
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Kuzco brings Pacha to school for career day to talk about his job as a llama herder, which Kuzco thinks is a pretty lame and easy job. Pacha asks him to put his money where his mouth is and try some llama herding himself. Meanwhile Yzma still hasn't perfected her "demon" potion - it keeps wearing off. When she throws it away, it accidentally gets licked up by some llamas, and now Kuzco is herding not just regular llamas but demon llamas.

3. Ramon's a Crowd / Guakamentary
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New kid Ramon is making an impression on everyone - he's taking over Kronk's job as Yzma's assistant and he's stealing Malina's attention away from Kuzco. He must be stopped. Kuzco and Kronk devise an elaborate plan to get rid of him (which involves a rodeo and a scorpion), but at the last moment just can't seem to go through with it.

2. Cool Summer / Prisoner of Kuzcoban
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Kuzco takes a summer vacation to the beach with Pacha's family, but he learns that hanging out at the beach with two old people and a couple kids is anything but cool. Meanwhile Yzma is trying to sabotage Kuzco by taking a youth potion to turn herself into a hot young beach bunny. Unfortunately this youth potion also turns Pacha and Chicha into teenagers as well, and now they're more popular than Kuzco.

1. The Emperor's New Tuber / Room for Improvement
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The Emperor's New Tuber: When the village hosts a potato-growing contest, competitive Malina decides she has to enter - and win at all costs. But when her potato isn't growing, she stoops to cheating, something she never thought she'd do. Mr. Moleguaco is suspicious of her extra large potato, and assumes that Kuzco must have cheated on Malina's behalf. Room for Improvement: When Pacha's family does a little spring cleaning, Kuzco, Chaca and Tipo realize what they really want to do is clean each other out of their attic bedroom. This turns into an all out turf war between Kuzco and the kids to decide who gets to stay in the attic and who gets sequestered to the uninviting basement.