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Where to watch "Strange Hill High"

13. A Strange Hill Christmas
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Animated series. Mitchell's desperate attempt to start his Christmas holiday early is scuppered when he accidentally traps everyone in the school.

12. The Snide Piper
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Animated series. With the annual Strange Hill spring festival approaching, Mitchell drives the music teacher mad, and the kids get a mysterious new replacement.

11. The MCDXX Men
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Animated series. Mitchell, Becky and Templeton stumble across an underground lair that was home to a league of medieval superheroes.

10. Mitchell Junior
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When Mitchell is issued with a strange simulation baby doll to teach him responsibility, his first reaction is to bin it, but it keeps coming back.

9. Ken Kong
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Animated series. During a swimming test in the dreaded Strange Hill swimming pool, the kids discover a mysterious island in the middle of the pool.

8. Innercrombie
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Animated series. It is Valentine's Day and while attempting to sabotage Abercrombie's zero tolerance approach to romance, the trio discover a portal into his head.

7. Mitchell Who?
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Animated series. Mitchell erases himself from history after deleting his school record. At first his anonymity is fun, but he soon starts to disappear entirely.

6. Crushing Embarrassment
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Animated series. It is April Fools' Day and Mitchell is pranking everyone, but the embarrassment he is causing is making something stir beneath the school.

5. Big Templeton Is Watching You
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Animated series. A new school security system is installed - and the cameras seem to record what happens in the future.

4. Little School of Horrors
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Animated series. When Becky coaxes a wilting plant back to life in the old Strange Hill greenhouse, she gets more than she bargained for.

3. The 101% Solution
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Animated series. Mitchell cheats at maths and ends up earning the mythical grade of 101 per cent, threatening the entire world in the process.

2. Invasion of the Templetons
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Animated series. When Templeton's attempt to blast into the cosmos backfires, he accidentally instigates an invasion by some familiar-looking aliens.

1. The Curse of the Wereteacher
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Animated series. Mitchell is bitten by a sick deputy head and, every time the school bell rings, transforms into a disciplinarian wereteacher.