6. Space Wall
2017 - Season 6
President Decker Jr. and his subordinate Kington go on an other-worldly mission.

5. Rock and a Hard Place
2017 - Season 6
Terrorism turns Kington's dream cruise into a nightmare; Decker finds a calling in rock 'n' roll.

4. Desert Caravan
2017 - Season 6
Kington experiences health issues when he and Decker trek through the desert.

3. DavidsonCare
2017 - Season 6
When a fellow veteran is murdered, Decker's search for truth pits him against the whole healthcare system.

2. Trouble on the Bayou
2017 - Season 6
Decker is visited by his oldest friend, Lanoi, who tells the story of a much-needed vacation in New Orleans.

1. Lesser of Two Evils
2017 - Season 6
A traumatic experience leaves Decker in rough shape; Davidson recounts a time when Decker helped him win a presidential election.