11. Miami: The 4 T's Kitchen

2006 - Season 101

# 428 Miami: The 4 T's Kitchen Designer: Chayse Dacoda Carpenters: Leslie Segrete and Jason Cameron Here's what we know to be true: ·Kitchens are the hardest room to makeover in any house. ·Evan is not a super-hero even though we often think he comes pretty close. ·You are about to witness the most amazing WYWO reveal in the history of the show. Hooked? You'd better be! So here's the deal: WYWO's in Miami, Florida at the home of the Veal Family. Mom, Sabrina, is such a great mom that her four daughters...wait for it...Te'Ja, Tia, Tara and Tayla, are just dying to surprise her with a new kitchen. These feisty, fabulous girls, better known as the 'T sisters,' admit their mom's always been passionate about her old sorority, so they want a design that's going to incorporate its bold colors - especially red - and give her the 'Delta kitchen' of which she's always dreamed. With the 'T-sisters' home alone and mom in Georgia for two days, the team's got its work cut out. To start with it's a HUGE kitchen and Chayse has got not one, but four strong minded ladies to convince. Secondly, the greatest host in the world - Evan - is stricken by flu and so worried about infecting his co-workers and the T sisters he insists on wearing a mask for most of the second day. (And incidentally, just remember how bad you feel when you're sick and then watch out for how Evan rallies the energy to greet Sabrina when she comes home…) And that leads us on neatly to Sabrina's homecoming. It's the best! Without any doubt at all, no one has ever reacted quite this way when they walked through the door. Don't dare miss a second of it and be warned, have a very large box of Kleenex on hand.

10. Austin: Carpe Diem

2006 - Season 101

SHOW 418 Austin TX "Carpe Diem" DESIGNER: NADIA GELLER CARPENTERS: ANDREW DAN-JUMBO AND JASON CAMERON After working their way through school and having lived in five states over the past five years, Ashley and her husband Jason were enormously excited to move into their first proper home. It felt like a dream come true. Ashley wants to redecorate their den as a thank you to her hardworking lawyer husband who has spent every spare weekend renovating the entire house - bar this one awful room. The den has the same nasty curtains, burned carpet, dark shelves, and garishly sponged walls left by the previous homeowner; the couches are salvaged from Jason's previous homes This room would be a challenge for any designer but it's double trouble for Nadia Geller because when she's got to come up with a design on the fly and just to add an extra layer of difficulty, Ashley would really like to give the room an underwater theme… yes, you heard right, "underwater." You see Ashley and Jason are heavily into scuba diving and Ashley thinks that something that evokes the sea would be perfect - in fact she's already got her heart set on incorporating a 90 gallon salt water fish tank. The challenge is for Nadia to design a room on the fly that evokes the colors and atmosphere of the sea without becoming totally kitschy. Given that Ashley's own design plans are veering towards Kitsch with a capitol K, this may prove a difficult one to pull off. Fortunately for Nadia, she has Evan, Jason and Andrew to help and an imagination that knows no bounds.

9. Austin: The Room of Sensations

2006 - Season 101

SHOW 415: AUSTIN TEXAS "THE ROOM OF SENSATIONS" DESIGNER: JOHN BRUCE CARPENTERS: JASON CAMERON AND LESLIE SEGRETE CONTRIBUTOR: WAYNE SIBSON FOR WIFE JAMIE The WYWO teams have tackled some difficult spaces in the past and met some amazing people along the way but never before have they been as challenged as they are in this episode. Why? Because this is a room for a blind couple and their sighted children. Suddenly, everything John Bruce and the team know about design is changed; everyone has to rethink and relearn and what transpires is both very clever and very different. Wayne and his partner Jamie are completely blind. Jamie lost her sight when she was 15 and Wayne lost his at 7. They met out in California where they were working with their Seeing Eye dogs and Wayne jokes that it took him 3 years to convince Jamie to marry him! They now live in Austin, TX where they have 2 sighted children-a 2 year old and a 3 month old. Wayne wants to surprise Jamie because he says she is always looking after everyone else; when she's not caring for him and the kids, she works at a local Rehabilitation Center where she teaches Braille and daily living skills (cooking, organization, budgeting, financing) to blind citizens. Wayne wants to give her a room where she can relax, feel rested and also spend time with their children. Weeks ahead of filming, John is deeply immersed in research: he knows the basic form and function of the room cannot change - start moving the furniture round for a blind couple and you're creating a dangerous obstacle course - so he thinks out of the box and taps into mood and tactile sensations. His inventiveness is simply brilliant. Carpenters Jason and Leslie are also facing new challenges and in order to help the team see with their ears and sense of touch, they spend an afternoon at the Rehab centre wearing blindfolds as they work at tasks that are all so easy and familiar one minute and oh so different when the gift of sight is taken away. It sharpens their awareness and is particularly helpful when Wayne works alongside them in carpentry and sewing world. Jamie's homecoming and her reaction to the new room is fascinating because this is a room of sensations and though she can't see what the team and her husband have achieved, she can feel it, touch it and smell it. Whether you're sighted or not, you cannot fail to be moved and inspired by this episode.

8. Kansas City: Temple of the Gods

2005 - Season 101

Designer: Nadia Geller Carpenters: Jason Cameron & Leslie Segrete Somewhere beneath the tranquil Kansas prairie, While You Were Out is working feverishly on its most unique room to date. Originally built as a secret nuclear missile silo at the height of the cold war, homeowner Ed and wife, Diana have turned a subterranean reinforced bunker into a home. Living completely underground, Ed and Diana have been working on this space for 20 years, slowly transforming it from a decaying military relic into a comfy place to live. The task in hand for Nadia Geller and the WYWO crew is to transform the massive "power room", which once held the mighty generators that ran the facility. While Diana visits her parents' farm, Ed and the team struggle with an enormous design project for the largest room ever attempted on WYWO. And as the winds of fate blow carpentry world over, things take a turn for the worst. By the end of Day 2, the entire project is stopped in its tracks as we're forced to fight a raging wildfire in the fields surrounding the home. Never before has WYWO dealt with such a major catastrophe. The team is in a race against the clock while battling the most extreme forces of nature. Without any doubt, this is by far the toughest challenge WYWO has ever faced.

7. Annapolis: The Silver Maple Mansion

2005 - Season 101

We get many requests at WYWO from wives who want us to create a getaway space for their hard working husbands. Most of them ask us to design a den, lounge or sports bar, but this time we've been asked by Sarah from Annapolis, Maryland to branch out and build her man Ted a tree-house! As soon as John Bruce unveiled his ambitious design it was obvious this was a monumental task and the WYWO team would need a helping hand. Enter Raymond Dan-Jumbo big brother of the legendary Andrew, brought in for a special guest appearance in carpentry. But even with an extra man aboard WYWO is going to have to go out on limb if they want to get this done in time.

6. Milford: Blue, White & Beach

2004 - Season 101

Scene One: The sky is blue, the sand golden, the sea warm and inviting. CUT Scene Two Evan walks into the seaside cottage with designer Nadia Geller and greets the home owner; they walk into the main room of the cottage. CUT Scene Three: Evan spies the glittering sea, runs straight out of the room ripping his clothes off as he goes and dives into the water.CUT Scene Four: Design reveal with half naked host making a large puddle on the floor. CUT! Yes, it's true - every word of it. For those of a nervous disposition, fear not - nothing untoward is revealed - however, you may feel your cheeks blushing pink at intervals throughout this show. It's all Audrey's fault, actually; she called us in to makeover the living room of her family's seaside cottage for her husband Mark and, by default, their large extended family who have deep feelings for this very special place. The 125 year old, and utterly gorgeous house, is right on the beach in Connecticut. How could our host ignore the beckoning waves? How could Jason, Leslie and Nadia (gloriously hot and sweaty from their endeavors), not follow suit and frolic in the waves? Now, please don't get the impression this is the "WYWO On The Beach" (vacation edition). In two days our fabulous foursome transform this venerable but faded beach home into the epitome of seaside style. There's about 600 square feet of wall to be painted (double coat) and a bookcase in the shape of a boat to be built, but how much more enjoyable one's tasks are when you're in your swimsuit and you're wet.

5. Los Angeles: Birds of Paradise

2004 - Season 101

Never has there been a While You Were Out episode fraught with such peril. When Marc invited the While You Were Out crew to his girlfriend Gahlit's swanky condo, we thought we were on easy street. That was before the neighbors began to complain, before the shocking emergency room drama, before we were kicked out of the condo complex, and before Gahlit decided to return home on Day 1! Add to the mix designer Mark Montano's bold plans for this conservative home, and you get the most explosive, wild, and unpredictable While You Were Out yet!

4. Deerfield: The Blue Room

2003 - Season 101

Beth Weis is a typical American Mom: great husband, four fantastic kids, lovely house. Nothing unusual there you might say. What distinguishes Beth from the norm is her hobby, though perhaps calling it a 'hobby' is understating it somewhat. Meet Beth Weis, Lego Queen. Beth's love of the small modular plastic toy has, to put it mildly, taken over her home. Apart from the couches, most of her living room furniture is made out of Lego, including a Grandfather clock that took over two years to assemble. The children, (like children do), run into things all the time, shattering and scattering the Lego objects that Beth has so painstakingly designed and built. Husband Jay is a patient soul, but Beth knows he would love a Lego-free room; a grown up room the family can enjoy without fear of breakages. Within minutes of Chayse Dacoda and the WYWO team's arrival there's serious jeopardy in the air. Can they remove all the Lego furniture without damaging it? Will Beth (who's pretty close to changing her mind about this whole thing), turn everyone out of the house before they've even started work? Where's it all going to go? And is that hysterics Leslie's having? Folks, you'll never see a room clear like this one again !

3. Baltimore: Feng Shui Office

2003 - Season 101

Cynthia and husband Jason live in a traditional 3 story row house in Baltimore. Her Pediatrician husband works very long hours and wife Cynthia wants to give Jason a relaxing space to work and hang out in. The room in question is located on the top floor, up 6 flights of stairs! As the 'While You Were Out' team get prepared for a workout, Jason and his friend Ben travel to New York's Chinatown - the largest Chinatown in the US. While designer Chayse Dacoda and the team work on creating a Feng Shui Office, the guys sample some authentic Chinese cuisine and get to grips with the arts of Tai Chi and Kung Fu. Back in Baltimore the temperature's rising in Cynthia and Jason's 1900's style home and with no relief from air conditioning, the team continues to face an uphill struggle. Carpenter Andrew Dan-Jumbo takes the initiative and instead of using the stairs, he hoists two rather large columns up to the room using a pulley system on the outside of the house. Although the 'While You Were Out' team are slowed down by the number of stairs they have to climb, especially host Evan Farmer who's struggling with a knee injury that hampers him even more... Jason's right on schedule for his arrival home. The question on everyone's lips? Will he arrive home to a room that brings back fabulous memories of his many trips to China or a total mess? With the clock ticking, the team seems defeated. Be prepared for a stunning reaction!

2. Philadelphia: Edinburgh Drive

2003 - Season 101

A While You Were Out first! Lisa and her husband Richard are known for their backyard margarita parties, but their deck area needs help. So Lisa wants to surprise her husband with a deck makeover that reflects the fete's philosophy: a relaxed and colorful space where people can let loose and have fun. To get Richard out of the house, his buddy Ron tells him that he won an Arena Football get-away trip sponsored by the Long Island Board of Tourism. While Richard is off playing football with the New York Dragons, our secret cameraman will be posing as a representative from the Long Island Board of Tourism. Meanwhile, While You Were Out landscape designer Peter Bonsey and his team have big plans to turn their deck into a real Caribbean beach party. With plenty of canopies, water and sand, the project is off to a good start. But it's not long before things begin to unravel. Carpenter Andrew Dan-Jumbo has a lot of work to do since his partner Leslie Segrete has to be rushed off to the emergency room with sawdust in her eye. Also, Lisa is concerned about Peter's design; he's cut a large hole in the deck, and turned a wall of the house into a bright blue seascape. Will Richard love the new blue, or will he just see red? Tune in for a first-of-its-kind reveal!

1. California: Lowell Court

2002 - Season 101

Kathleen contacted us to help surprise her husband, Brian, with a back patio transformation. Kathleen stated that her husband let her purchase the house after she fell in love with the walk in closet! Brian'sfavorite place on their property is the outdoor area and she thought he'd enjoy a colorful Moroccan theme. Kathleen wanted something funky, a space that would be great for parties as well as romantic for the two of them. She stated that when it comes to decorating they "are not traditional people." Enter designer, Mayita Dinos, who envisions a Moroccan inspired outdoor room for Brian and Kathleen. She has designs on the existing futon, and has plans for Andrew and Leslie to work their magic and transform the piece into a Moroccan banquet. There are also plans to create a hexagonal table, a water feature and a swing! In addition, Mayita wants to outline the room border with some colorful plants and flowers. Throw into the equation a couple of hungry pot-bellied pig pets and all may not go as planned! Kathleen contacted Brian's friend Alan to help pull off the surprise. Brian and his daughter, join Alan and his son for a weekend away in Monterey and Santa Cruz. They'll visit an Aquarium in Monterey and the Santa Cruz Boardwalk. But will the two exhausted fathers be keen to leave earlier than planned? And will the team finish the surprise in time?

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