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56. Episode 56
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Kim Jun and all of his old friends sit around a table to feast and to reminisce about the old days. Later on, has a dream where he is visited by former Overlord Choe U and Lady Songi who says she's still waiting for him in the afterlife.

55. Episode 55
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Everyone celebrates Kim Jun's rise to Overlord, and he pledges that his true desire is to unite Koryo and to help people rise above famine. But, being Overlord comes with the burdens of paranoia about traitors and all the jealous people who want him dethroned.

54. Episode 54
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After the emperor dies Kim Jun makes a military reform, saying that any man who discusses returning to Kaegyeong will be tried with treason. During dinner, Anshim and Kim Jun talk about the state of the country, and he tells her that there's no such thing as peace.

53. Episode 53
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After the Overlord dies Yangbaek can't bring himself to ally with Kim Jun anymore and each man's troops reluctantly line up to fight each other. In a duel, Kim Jun strikes down Yangbaek and Uga orders his men to kill Kim Jun but no one will step forward.

52. Episode 52
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Yangbaek visits Kim Jun late at night because the Overlord only started getting sick after moving into the guard corps so he's suspicious of Kim Jun. The Overlord's condition steadily deteriorates as he becomes feverish and claims to see the ghosts of all the people he's had murdered.

51. Episode 51
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Koryo is quickly being torn apart from the inside by the Overlord, by war, and from thieves who are stealing children either to sell them or to eat them. The Overlord is also panicking, scrounging for generals and ordering Koryo's men killed left and right.

50. Episode 50
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Kim Jun is torn apart by conflicting feelings, one half of him wanting to keep his promise to protect the Overlord while the other half wants to expose him for the monster he truly is. The Mongols seek revenge for Sartai's death and slaves fight for their freedom as soldiers.

49. Episode 49
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Choe Hang orders the execution of two men after they refuse to give information. A group of mongols hold Yi Hoon hostage as the council works to secure his freedom.

48. Episode 48
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The Overlord holds the arena tournament once again, thinking that the warriors forged into champions will be unstoppable against the Mongols. Kim Kyongson carries out his death sentence by drinking poison while Song Kilyu tearfully watches, telling him that he wished he could have died in battle instead.

47. Episode 47
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When they're alone, Kim Jun begs the Overlord to have mercy on people and to put his personal feelings aside for the good of Koryo. The Overlord argues that he can't have mercy on anyone who commits treason because people from all sides want him dead.

46. Episode 46
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The Overlord orders Oh Seungjok to be killed by drowning after accusing him and his grandfather of wanting to kill him in order to take his position on the throne. The Overlord's stepmother begs him to save her son and father but he says a stepmother isn't a true mother.

45. Episode 45
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Very soon after his father is dead the new Overlord orders that the period of mourning be cut short, joking that people must not be very busy if they have time to mourn for three years. A boisterous, bumbling drunk, the Overlord harasses all the women servants.

44. Episode 44
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The Overlord gives the throne to his son Choe Hang, telling him to trust the guard corps with his life and to never turn on them. Choe On reluctantly gives his daughter away to Hang for marriage and soon after he verbally abuses her and treats her like an animal.

43. Episode 43
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The Overlord watches as his granddaughter succumbs to her illness, her final words asking him to not hurt her brother like he murdered her parents and that she will never forgive him. Afterwards, he summons Kim Jun and says to take over when his son doesn't rule properly.

42. Episode 42
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Kim Jun visits a prisoner named Im Yon sentenced to death for killing a magistrate's brother because he violated his wife. Thinking his sentencing was unfair, Kim Jun goes to confront the magistrate about stealing women, robbing people of their animals, food, land and for sentencing without gathering evidence first.

41. Episode 41
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Kim Jun visits Songi before her death sentence is carried out and she tells him that she doesn't feel like they had enough time together. She also tells him that she knows her father won't harm Anshim and asks him to give her the love that he couldn't give Songi.

40. Episode 40
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Before Kim Jun can commit suicide he's interrupted by Yangbaek who tells him that his life and death both belong to the Overlord and that he has orders to bring Kim Jun back. Later on, the Overlord decides that he must kill Songi by making her drink the poisonous wine.

39. Episode 39
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Songi's informant visits her while she prays to tell her that Lord Kim's case is being reopened because of Kim Jun's investigating, but she replies by saying the case has nothing to do with her. While the informant is being tortured, he says both he and Songi framed Lord Kim.

38. Episode 38
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With Anshim watching helplessly, the Overlord asks Kim Jun to marry Songi after she's widowed because the future of the guard corps is the most important thing. Later, Songi sits with her husband as his death sentence is carried out--drinking poisonous wine that Songi herself pours into his cup.

37. Episode 37
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Songi's children visit her and tearfully beg to see their father so they can talk to him before he's executed for treason. When Anshim summons Kannon, the head lady tells her about Songi's feelings for Kim Jun and how she would sacrifice anything to be with him.

36. Episode 36
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Songi is put in a difficult position when her informant tells her that she has to choose to save the lives of either her husband and children or Kim Jun. After some thought, Songi's husband puts the pieces together and realizes that it was Songi who had him framed.

35. Episode 35
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Kim Jun decides that he has to save Anshim from serving the Overlord because since her family is dead she has no real reason to sacrifice herself anymore. Songi tells Kim Jun that his enemies know about him and Anshim and will use that as an excuse to murder him.

34. Episode 34
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Despite reality, the Overlord believes that Songi and Kim Jun are in a relationship and he has to whether to let her divorce or not. Chamberlain Choe tells Anshim about how Kim Jun never stopped searching for her and how he thought he found happiness again with her.

33. Episode 33
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Anshim is very uncomfortable in her new lifestyle, not liking being called "My Lady" and tells her servant Jade about how she was in love with someone once. The Overlord summons Kim Jun and asks him difficult questions about Songi and the guard corps that he doesn't feel comfortable answering.

32. Episode 32
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Songi asks her servant to find out the identity of the woman whom Kim Jun wants to marry, discovering that her name is Anshim and that she looks exactly like Wola. Anshim pretends that she doesn't know Kim Jun and is strict in her duty to attend to the Overlord.

31. Episode 31
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After praying at the temple and realizing that the feelings she has in her heart for Kim Jun will never go away, Songi tells her father that she wants to divorce her husband. No one can find out any information about Anshim's past which frustrates Kim Jun.

30. Episode 30
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Lord Choe orders Kim Jun's slave papers to be burned so that he can live as a real man and wants to make him a military chamberlain. Anshim tells Kim Jun that she feels that she has found nirvana when she's with him and refuses to marry anyone else.

29. Episode 29
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After defeating Mongol Sartai and his small group of generals, Kim Yunhu orders his warrior monks to seek out more Mongols and defeat them. Never having fought Mongols before, Anshim takes a walk with Kim Jun and he explains to her that Mongol soldiers are brutal and fierce.

28. Episode 28
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Kim Jun is stunned into silence when he sees a young woman named Anshim, nicknamed "The Poppy of Taegu", who looks exactly like Wola. While out riding one night, Mongol Sartai and his group of generals are ambushed and defeated by Kim Yunhu and the other warrior monks.

27. Episode 27
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Yangbaek awaits his execution for having betrayed Kim Jun, ordering him to take his head to the Overlord, but Kim Jun can't bring himself to behead him. Nanjang is hysterical after Songi appoints Kannan as the new Head Lady since she has worked as the kitchen lady for years.

26. Episode 26
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Kim Jun refuses to just surrender to the Mongols, thinking that his men should march on not as slaves but as proud soldiers. Songi watches Kim Jun leave with his troops and tells her servant that she's noticed that he's more imposing and confident than he used to be.

25. Episode 25
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Kim Jun enrages Choe U when he tells him frankly that he runs a military dictatorship and that Koryo has surrendered to, not made peace with, the Mongols. Songi and her husband invite Kim Jun for tea but he declines to drink any because he suspects it may be poisoned.

24. Episode 24
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The emperor tells the men to open their gates to the Mongols since Koryo doesn't have enough soldiers left to fight them off and a treaty is enacted. Abbot Subop comes across a village where the monks are terrorizing the people, taxing them highly and throwing dirt in their faces.

23. Episode 23
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The Mongols are approaching the capital, sending a warning to the Koryo troops by burning down the temples first. Songi and the other ladies are shocked when they see that Kim Jun has returned and the two have a reunion, one where Songi is emotional and Kim Jun is cold.

22. Episode 22
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The Mongol troops rejoice in their recent victories over the Koryo troops, laughing about the tens of thousands of men slaughtered. The warrior monks ambush Kim Jun and his men who mistake them for bandits, but they quickly recognize each other and are overjoyed to find one another alive.

21. Episode 21
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Songi summons a servant of her husband in order to ask about Kim Jun, who tells her that Fort Cholju was attacked and there's no chance that Kim Jun survived. Before all of Song Kilyu and Choe Yangbaek's men could be slaughtered by mongols, the warrior monks rescue them.

20. Episode 20
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The wars become more intense and the common people are suffering from famine as the young are forced into slavery, leaving only the elderly to tend to the fields. Kim Jun watches in horror as all the women and children are burned alive so they can't be captured by Mongols.

19. Episode 19
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Six years after Songi's marriage she has a son and a daughter and her mother, on her death bed, tells Songi that her children and husband are the most important in her life. Her mother dies knowing that Songi's heart is forever divided and she still dreams of Kim Jun.

18. Episode 18
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Songi disobeys her father's orders to never see Kim Jun again and tricks him into running away with her, telling him that they're only going to visit a shrine. Later, she confesses that she could have stopped what happened to Wola but she couldn't stand him being with her.

17. Episode 17
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Kim Jun brings Wola's body back to the monastery, destroyed inside that he couldn't save the woman he loved when she needed him the most. Songi is interrogated by her father about her part in Wola's rape and death and she confesses to him that she wants Kim Jun.

16. Episode 16
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Kim Jun is stunned after Songi asks him to stop his wedding and to escape with her instead but refuses because he says his duty is to be with his Lord. Songi replies by saying she has a feeling that something bad is going to happen to him soon.

15. Episode 15
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Chunsim, having just been rejected by the man she loves, blames Kim Jun and Wola for everything and plans to kill them both. Songi seeks Kim Jun out and tells him that she thinks his marriage is wrong and asks him to run away with her.

14. Episode 14
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Choe U takes his father's place and begins his reform of the government, exiling Choe Hyang and all of his followers. Songi, still bitter with jealousy, tells Wola that her happy life and marriage to Kim Jun were all possible only because she allowed it to happen.

13. Episode 13
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Wola is warned that her good fortune is making people jealous and to not be excited about her wedding. Songi is growing more and more jealous as the wedding approaches, becoming colder to Wola and scolding Lady Choe for giving away a slave for marriage.

12. Episode 12
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During a battle Lord Choe is injured while his cowardly sons leave him behind and Kim Jun stays to protect him. With his successes in war and with the beautiful Wola, Kim Jun is warned that his kind of luck makes people jealous and to watch his back.

11. Episode 11
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Abbot Subop comes to Wola and tells her that she must come back with him because being a slave is lower than being an animal and that her children will be born slaves as well. In order to take care of Wola, Kim Jun agrees to marry her.

10. Episode 10
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Kim Jun scolds Wola for staying behind since he worked so hard to let her be free, but she can't be happy if she were to leave him alone. When she calls him "Musang", he tells her that their old lives are gone forever and to call him "Kim Jun".

9. Episode 9
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Even though all the men laugh at Kim Jun because he fought to the death to save Wola, Lord Choe grants his request to release Wola into abbot Subop's care. Songi, feeling jealous and deceived, confronts Kim Jun about lying to her about his intentions from the beginning.

8. Night IV Part II
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Cleve joins a group attempting to overturn California's discriminatory proposition banning gay marriage, which makes its way to the Supreme Court. Ken finds salvation by joining an inclusive church and becoming a minister. Cleve, Ken, and Roma come together at Roma's wedding to Diane, and are struck by the victory they helped achieve.

7. Night IV Part I
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In 2008, an energized Cleve inspires a group of activists to organize a march in Washington to demand full LGBTQ civil rights, while Ken struggles to reconcile his sexual orientation with his membership in a conservative church.

6. Night III Part II
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An out of touch Cleve moves to Palm Springs in the late 1990s for his health, and finds happiness while caring for his drug-addicted neighbor's baby. Diane's daughter struggles with her identity as the child of a lesbian couple and a gay man.

5. Night III Part I
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AIDS continues to ravage the gay community in the early 1990s. Ken enters a VA hospital to receive treatment and is closeted in the midst of "Don't Ask Don't Tell." When Diane's daughter Annie begins asking about her father, Roma and Diane hunt down the biological father.

4. Night IV
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An energized Cleve inspires a group of young activists to organize a march on Washington to demand full LGBTQ civil rights, while Roma uses her skills to reform healthcare in San Francisco. Elsewhere, a group forms to try overturning California's discriminatory proposition banning gay marriage.

3. Night III
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AIDS continues to ravage the gay community. Cleve creates the AIDS quilt in order to get the President's attention, while Diane's daughter Annie struggles with her identity as the child of a lesbian couple and a gay man.

2. Night I Part II
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Roma is a dedicated member of the women's movement who has not come to terms with her sexuality. When NOW purges lesbians from its ranks, Roma moves to San Francisco and dedicates herself to opening the first women's center in the country by women, for women.

1. Night I Part I
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A young peace activist escapes his repressive life in Phoenix and heads to San Francisco, hoping to find refuge and community, but finds that the struggle for survival is just as difficult as it was back home.