6. Project Iceworm, Mystery of Sea Lab, Soviet Night Witches, Weirdest Tank Ever

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What dangerous materials are held in an abandoned American Cold War military base in the Northern Arctic? Did a saboteur shut down the US Navy's classified Sea Lab?

5. Mystery of the USS Scorpion, B-24 Air Explosion, Backyard Bombs, Operation Bolo

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What's the real truth behind the mysterious sinking of an American nuclear submarine and why did the Navy try to cover it up? Did design flaws cause a WW2 American bomber aircraft to explode in the Pacific?

4. The Korean at D-Day, Stealth Chopper, Arctic Nazi Base, The Caspian Sea Monster

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Was a Korean soldier captured during D-Day fighting for the Nazis, and was he the most captured person in the history of war? What silent and secret weapon helped U.S. Navy Seals kill Osama Bin Laden?

3. Curious Case of Major Logan, the Lost Cosmonaut, Battleship Explosion, Dolphins as Secret Weapons

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What really happened to a Korean War pilot from the U.S. Air Force who vanished without a trace? Is a bizarre recording evidence that the Russians covered up the macabre death of history's first female cosmonaut?

2. Horrores de la jungla

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¿Qué provocó que un 747 cayera del cielo sobre Afganistán? ¿Reclutó la CIA a fantasmas para su guerra psicológica en Vietnam? Los veteranos Rudy Reyes y Ronnie Adkins diseccionan las pruebas.

1. Ejércitos fantasma

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¿Cómo trataron de sobrevivir seis pilotos de la Segunda Guerra Mundial en el desierto de Libia? Los veteranos Rudy Reyes y Ronnie Adkins diseccionan las pruebas.

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