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Where to watch "Silvana sin lana"

121. Juntos para siempre
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Una ceremonia en la terminal sella el amor entre Chivis y Manuel, y Lucía asiste al acto.

120. Episode #120
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Angie gets recognition from the superintendent office. Stella, Poncho and Dominique are back from Las Vegas and they are eating tacos and looking at souvenirs at the terminal.

119. Episode #119
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Chivis leaves, determined to see Antonio Jose, but her heart is broken and her eyes are full of tears.

118. Episode #118
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Manuel encourages Chivis to send a message to Antonio Jose, who replies ending his address and asking her to go and talk to him.

117. Episode #117
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Stella talks to Chivis and advices her to get back together with Manuel, she offers her help. Chivis is surprised.

116. Episode #116
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Stella goes to talk to Manuel to ask that Lucia take the kids so that she can get married in Las Vegas.

115. ¿Amigas y rivales?
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Lucía intenta hacer las paces con Majo antes de irse a México. Las Villaseñor buscan a Antonio José.

114. Episode #114
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Chivis accepts to work with Cristina in the business of decoration although her experiences in the neighborhood and the terminal crash with Christina’s way of life.

113. Episode #113
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Chivis agrees to talk about the issue. Trini motivates her. Pedrito tells them about what happened with Paco Javito – Fluffy.

112. Retirada
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Antonio José se despide para siempre de sus hijas. Chivis sospecha que es otra de sus artimañas.

111. Episode #111
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Dominique reveals to Stella that Paco Javito is missing.

110. Episode #110
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Antonio Jose leaves furiously. Pedrito, who keeps the dog hidden in a little box in his bedroom, discovers on Facebook that Paco Javo is no other than Fluffy, a lost dog for whom a ransom is being offered.

109. Episode #109
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Angie can’t believe how careless she was and advices her to talk to Vicente.

108. Episode #108
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Poncho and Dominique prepare the last details of the wedding.

107. Sacrificios
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Para evitar represalias con sus hijas, Chivis le hace una confesión a Antonio José.

106. Episode #106
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Manuel tells his children that he has ended his relationship with Silvana because she has chosen to.

105. Episode #105
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Silvana offers her support to her daughter about her relationship with Jorge.

104. Episode #104
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Manuel scolds Stella because of the picture. Silvana argues with Antonio Jose.

103. Episode #103
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Mr. Jonas meets for a prayer group at Stella´s house, but Vicente comes out in his underwear.

102. Episode #102
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Lupita asks her mother for permission to go on the trip.

101. Episode #101
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Stella gives a made-up explanation to Manuel about the hole in the wall.

100. Episode #100
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Maria Jose tells her mother she is no longer a virgin.

99. Episode #099
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Antonio tells Esteban to follow Chivis and his daughter and inform him of what they do. Poncho asks Stella about renting her house so he can live with Genesis.

98. Evidencia fotográfica
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Antonio descubre el cuadro que le dio Manuel a Chivis con una foto de ellos en Key West.

97. Objetivo: El Tiburón
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El objetivo de Stella es reconquistar a Manuel. Como vecina, le pide que vayan juntos a la terminal.

96. Episode #096
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Lucia does not win the elections at the university, and Andres comforts her.

95. Episode #095
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Manuel is devastated when he peeks out the balcony and realizing his neighbors aren’t there, he calls Chivis one last time and Chivis hangs up on the call because Trini is right in front of her.

94. Episode #094
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Chivis suffers because she knows Manuel is waiting for her but she cannot answer his calls.

93. Un cumpleaños diferente
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Luego de ayudar a Stella con sus planes, Antonio prepara una fiesta de cumpleaños para Chivis.

92. Episode #092
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Margarita tells Antonio Jose that Maria Jose came straight looking for Vicente in her bridal dress.

91. Episode #091
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Trini goes out dancing with Benito. Sara sees them and attacks Trini whom arrives home all scuffed up. Chivis decides to fire Sara.

90. Episode #090
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Lucia gets to where Andres is and practically drags him, he is very drunk and sad, Lucia melting with love for him.

89. Episode #089
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Lucia manages that Andres answers one of her calls, he tells her he is at a bar.

88. Episode #088
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Antonio Jose´s words cause terrible shock and confusion.

87. Espléndida
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En camino a la iglesia, Antonio José descubre que Majo no ama a Andrés y suspende la boda.

86. Episode #086
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Maria Jose looks for Vicente without being seen.

85. Episode #085
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Chivis demands that Antonio Jose speed up the legal proceedings because he can´t stay living at her house forever.

84. Chismoso
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Antonio trata de averiguar por qué Manuel rompió con Stella y Chivis lo presiona para que se vaya.

83. Episode #083
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Stella behaves kindly towards Antonio Jose.

82. Episode #082
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Poncho tries to spread the message from the terminal´s chief.

81. Episode #081
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Antonio asks Manuel to stay away from his family. Angie and Jorge enjoying their romance. Silvana realizes the changes that Antonio Jose made in the house and she is mad about this.

80. Padre modelo
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Antonio José le consigue a Majo un vestido de novia de un diseñador y hace la tarea con Lupita.

79. Episode #079
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Francisco Javier gets lost. Chivis informs her daughters that Antonio Jose is going to stay there for a while, but in Trini´s room because they are separated.

78. Episode #078
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The canine psychologist proposes a treatment to Stella and she uses his to try to involve Manuel in the same plan with the intention of getting him back.

77. Hombre de la casa
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Ante el estupor de Chivis, Antonio José pretende recuperar sus privilegios como cabeza de familia.

76. Episode #076
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Stella, with Poncho and Dominique, takes Paco Javo to the canine psychologist.

75. Cómplices
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Como dos adolescentes, Chivis y Manuel se hacen cómplices en su primera aventura.

74. Episode #074
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Trini sees Benito and Sara in a compromising situation. Trini is jealous.

73. Al descubierto
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Manuel celebra cuando descubre la mentira de Stella. Andrés se siente en una encrucijada.

72. Episode #072
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Manuel and Vicente go to the hospital to see Poncho.

71. Tramposo con suerte
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Antonio gana en las apuestas y reúne para la fianza. Majo afronta su boda con una actitud fatalista.

70. Episode #070
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Sara looks for a job. Chivis is about to hire her to lighten Trini´s load.

69. Episode #069
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Chivis surprised by Manuel´s proposal, she rejects the invitation to the motel and admits she is a prude.

68. Episode #068
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Maria Jose has an episode and goes into a crisis.

67. Episode #067
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Lucia advices him to tell the truth to Maria Jose. Antonio Jose, in his “leader” mode at the prison, proposes to earn money with dirty bets with the help of Gregorio Cabeza.

66. Defensa ardiente
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Chivis confronta a Manuel por el embarazo de su exnovia.

65. Salida peligrosa
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Manuel cree en el embarazo de Stella. Lupita huye de un pedófilo y regresa a casa asustada.

64. Episode #064
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Manuel asks Silvana what is wrong. Andres tells Silvana that Antonio scammed his father.

63. Episode #063
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Angie finds out the truth. Angie scolds Benjamin.

62. Episode #062
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Alejandra and Vicente start to bond. Andres leaves, upset, and tells her to think about his relationship with Maria Jose.

61. Episode #061
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Dominique says that Stella would not have it bad if she were pregnant with Manuel´s baby.

60. La voz de los hijos
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Lucía y Vicente advierten a Manuel que se aleje de Chivis para evitar represalias de Antonio José.

59. Episode #059
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Maria Jose visits Antonio Jose at prison and Chivis defends her friendship Manuel has with all of them, she does not say everything she knows about the relationship between Chivis and Manuel.

58. Episode #058
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Manuel, excited, announces the return of Chivis to the employees.

57. La duda de Manuel
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Aunque esté preso, Stella celebra el regreso de Antonio José y busca su amistad.

56. Episode #056
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The day of Lupita´s first communion arrives.

55. Episode #055
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Stella tells on Esteban’s lie in front of Roberto and slaps Esteban on the face.

54. Episode #054
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Antonio Jose is being followed by the detectives and a couple of police officers but he is able to escape from them.

53. Episode #053
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Cata surprises Chivis and Manuel kissing. Manuel says it is all his fault and Chivis supports that comment but Cata is very suspicious.

52. Episode #052
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Maria Jose admits to Angie that she is in love with Vicente.

51. Fugitivo y encubierto
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Antonio José sees Chivis and Manuel together. Then, he follows Manuel to the terminal and spies on him from his office until the police show up.

50. Acoso de lujo
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Esteban invites Stella to a gathering but the date becomes quite romantic - sometimes awkward and sometimes funny. Andrés proposes to Majo.

49. Chivis, un torbellino de celos
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After the invitation, Catalina provokes Manuel but he manages to cover it up. Meanwhile, Chivis is dying of jealousy.

48. Majo abandona la casa
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María José makes a radical decision about her family and Andrés. Stella pretends to be a millionaire and rubs shoulders with high society.

47. Embargo en puerta
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Chivis is notified that her house is being repossessed and shares the news with Manuel. He, on the other hand, was sent sensual photos by Catalina.

46. De cara a la verdad
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Manuel and Lucía argue about the right to fall in love while Chivis confronts him with a decision. Majo is furious about her mother’s obsession.

45. Mi Bella Stella
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Antonio José is determined to get back with Chivis. The police come to her house and he hides. Majo is rude to Manuel. Stella takes etiquette classes.

44. Infidelidad y mentira
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After she sees them kissing, Majo confronts Chivis about her romance with Manuel. The mother thinks about divorce and the daughter makes demands.

43. Stella persevera
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Even though Manuel swears to Chivis that the relationship is over, Stella tries to win him back. On the other hand, Vicente insults Majo.

42. Silvana y Stella pelean
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A heated argument between Chivis and Stella ends in a pitched battle. Meanwhile, Andrés wants to take the next step in his relationship with Majo.

41. Chivis se quiere divorciar
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Chivis tells her family that she is planning on divorcing Antonio José and Majo reacts badly.

40. Nuevo rumbo para Chivis
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Chivis’ husband reappears but she has decided to change. Don Benito hopes Trini will reconsider. Andrés bets on a new stage in his relationship.

39. Confesión de amor
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After Stella insists, Manuel admits that he’s in love with Chivis.

38. Ultimátum a Manuel
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Majo tells Vicente she is going to marry Andrés and Vicente confesses that he loves her. Stella tells Manuel that she will remain isolated.

37. Poncho se refugia con Manuel
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Poncho leaves the house and moves in with Manuel. Stella is still wearing her wedding dress and won’t change until Manuel apologizes.

36. Dejan plantado a Poncho
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Stella has made it to the altar. However, when Poncho says yes, she has a nervous breakdown.

35. Majo debe decidir
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María José and Vicente kiss but suddenly, Andrés appears. Now she has to choose between them. Benito tells Trini how he feels and she faints.

34. Chivis se lleva una sorpresa
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Chivis sees Manuel kissing Stella. After, he tries to apologize. Meanwhile, the police are on Antonio’s tail.

33. Chivis enfrenta a Antonio José
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Antonio José goes to Chivis and tries to explain what happened. She is filled with pain and rage and tells him to stay away from her and her children.

32. Chivis se siente acorralada
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The police interrogate Chivis about her husband and she covers for him. Jorge gets confused by mathematics but everything gets better with a kiss.

31. Pedida de mentiritas
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Stella continues with her plan to make Manuel jealous and asks Poncho to propose to her in the fish terminal.

30. Chivis abofetea a Majo
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Angie and María José ask Chivis what will happen when Antonio comes. She says she won’t see him and is upset when they say it’s because of Manuel.

29. Chivis está confundida
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Antonio José sends Chivis money, gifts, and a card telling her that he’s coming back. She is upset and confused so she tells Manuel.

28. Poncho en plan conquistador
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Poncho shows up at the market with a new look and roses for Stella but Manuel sees them. Chivis gives Antonio’s gifts to her daughters.

27. Chivis se queda en el barrio
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Chivis visits Manuel and tells him that she isn’t going to move. Lucha shows up and gawks at them while they are celebrating. Jorge kisses Angie.

26. Stella quiere correr a Chivis
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Stella threatens Chivis and tells her to get out of the neighborhood. Angie asks her if she has feelings for Manuel.

25. Manuel no quiere hacer más el bobo
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Manuel tells Chivis that he is done being foolish. He has broken up with Stella so that he can be with her.

24. Manuel toma una decisión
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Manuel decides to turn his life around. What will he do?

23. Chivis se confiesa
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When Manuel insists, Chivis opens up to him. What will he say?

22. Manuel preguntón
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Manuel visits Chivis and asks her what she would do if her husband decided to come back.

21. Chivis cacha a Majo y Vicente
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Chivis goes to the salsa club to look for Angie and is met with quite the surprise: Majo seems to be dancing with Vicente and kissing him.

20. Manuel llama Chivis, a Stella
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Manuel and Stella go to a motel and she is in full seduction mode. He gets confused and calls her Chivis.

19. Stella le habla mal a Chivis de los hijos de Manuel
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Stella visits Chivis and complains about Manuel’s children in an attempt to convince her to move out.

18. Chivis le hace una escena de celos a Manuel
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Chivis falls into Stella’s trap and cannot disguise her jealousy of Manuel.

17. Stella: auto invitada
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Stella makes Chivis believe that she moved in with Manuel because he asked her to.

16. Hijos espiones
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Pedrito finds Jorge spying on the neighbors and tells his father, without realizing that Chivis is at his house.

15. Chivis reconoce que se siente atraída por Manuel
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Although her first kiss with Manuel is interrupted, Chivis admits that under other circumstances it would have happened.

14. Manuel intenta besar a Chivis
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Manuel tries to kiss Chivis at a romantic lunch and tells her that he has feelings for her.

13. Manuel le pide consejo a Chivis
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Manuel invites Chivis to a glass of wine and asks her if he should marry Stella.

12. Chivis se está enamorando
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Manuel and Chivis are on the balcony, as usual, when he tries to seduce her. This time, she seems more and more attracted to him.

11. Majo es descubierta
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Chivis finds out that Majo is still going out with Vicente. Poncho appears, and he tells her that they’re very much in love.

10. A punto de besarse
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Manuel and Chivis almost kiss during the welcome party.

9. Chivis recibe oferta de trabajo
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Manuel and Chivis go out to dinner to celebrate and he takes the opportunity to offer her a job.

8. Manuel y Chivis a pura química
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Manuel and Chivis have a good time at the welcome-to-the- neighborhood party thrown by Benito. Things between the two already seem to be heating up.

7. Manuel defiende a Chivis de Rafael
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Rafael goes overboard with Chivis and Manuel arrives to defend her just in time.

6. Manuel tiene otro gesto con Chivis
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Chivis goes to Manuel’s house to pay for the damage to his car but he refuses to accept the money and goes with her to buy a television instead.

5. Manuel entre la espada y la pared
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Manuel’s children ask him and Stella questions at dinner and make them feel awkward.

4. Chivis empieza con el pie izquierdo
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Chivis’ new coworkers are not at all welcoming because they think that she is Rafael’s new lover.

3. Manuel y Chivis flechados
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Manuel helps Chivis with the garbage and it is just then that they fall for each other.

2. Chivis en la ruina
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Silvana’s husband leaves her and she is destroyed. Then, she meets Manuel Gallardo.

1. Stella presiona a Manuel
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Stella pressures Manuel to introduce her as his girlfriend but his kids don’t like the idea.