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Where to watch "Manhunters: Fugitive Task Force"

22. The Ex
2011 - Season 3
Supervisor Tommy Kilbride, Deportation Officer Dennis Carroll, and the ICE team are working a brand new illegal reentry case. Their target was deported several years ago after brutally assaulting his ex-wife, but has returned to the country and could be after her again. Tommy and Dennis, along with Detective Roxanne "Roxy" Lopez, brief Commander Lenny DePaul, are reporting that the fugitive may be hiding out in Spring Valley. Since Roxy covers that area, she'll be able to work some leads. After interviewing the ex-wife, the Marshals are one hundred percent sure that the fugitive is in the country. But the woman has no clue where her ex-husband is hiding, and the Marshals become concerned for her safety. Lenny reaches out to an informant and gets a credible lead, but it's not going to be easy. The Marshals will have to use their wits to get a bead on their fugitive, before he can track down his ex-wife.

21. Hot and Cold
2011 - Season 3
Senior Officer Vinny Senzamici and Officer Jesus Dumeng start off the day by nabbing a parole violator who raped a nine-year old. Without missing a beat, they jump right into another case. Their next fugitive is a man wanted for violating parole on a manslaughter conviction. He killed his girlfriend's eight-year old daughter with a metal pipe. After hiding her body for two weeks in his home, he dumped her in a lot. Though the body was never recovered, he was eventually arrested and confessed to the killing. He served a dozen years of his 19-year sentence, then ran shortly after he was released on parole. With Commander Lenny de Paul, the Marshals search for their perp among his family and friends in New York and Puerto Rico. Because of the fugitive's serious anger issues and violent record, and the rumors flying around that he may be unstable and suicidal, the Marshals take all precautions to prevent "suicide by cop" and bring him in safely.

20. Patience
2011 - Season 3
In the Syracuse office, Supervisor Joe Ciciarelli and his team--including Investigator Lyn Fox and Deputy Julie "Jules" Gossin--are working the case of a dangerous and elusive fugitive, a man who once robbed a Burger King with a sawed-off shotgun. Now the fugitive is on the loose in Syracuse with many places to hide. Commander Lenny DePaul lends a hand to the investigation as the Marshals fan out across town. Unlike some cases, the Marshals have a huge network of locations and associates to check out, but if the fugitive gets word, he could slip away--or worse, he could load up for a violent confrontation.

19. Young Gun
2011 - Season 3
Supervisor Mike Woerner and his team are hunting "Young Gun," one of upstate New York's Most Wanted fugitives. Young Gun earned his name because he always carries a weapon. When he walks into a bar, people walk out, afraid for their lives--and with good reason. Young Gun is wanted for murdering a man in Schenectady, New York, with an AK-47. Mike reaches out to Commander Lenny DePaul for help, and Lenny immediately assigns Detective Roxanne Lopez and Investigator Dennis Tait to the case. Roxy and Mike urgently pursue leads in the Schenectady area while Lenny and Dennis scour New York City. The Marshals must find the armed and dangerous Young Gun--before he strikes again.

18. Murder For Hire
2011 - Season 3
Five years ago, state witness Kendra DeGrasse was found murdered in her S.U.V. at a Trenton intersection. Her death devastated those who loved her and brought fear to the community of Trenton. When a witness is murdered, no one wants to talk to police, making it even more difficult to solve crimes. Now, five years later, detectives have a murder suspect and need to locate him to prove to the city that innocent victims and witnesses will be protected.

17. Déjà Fugitive
2011 - Season 3
A deputy pursues a fugitive she caught once before, and the case takes her to the Bronx.

16. Ticking Time Bomb
2011 - Season 3
When Senior Officer Vinny Senzamici is assigned a parolee who's on the most wanted list, he knows he has a "ticking time bomb" on his hands. He assembles his team and assigns the manhunt to his lead investigator, Officer Al Fernandez. The fugitive has a number of hideouts in Harlem, and it's a building-to-building search as the officers interview family members and friends in an effort to find the hideout. After a security guard claims to have seen the fugitive mere hours before, the team follows the lead into a dark tenement basement, where danger lurks in the shadows. As the Fugitive Task Force clears the underground hallways, they think they're closing in on their man--but actually the high-stakes hunt had just begun.

15. Gun Store Heist
2011 - Season 3
In Virginia Beach, Virginia, nearly 30 handguns were stolen after thieves broke into a gun store through the roof. The case made all the local news reports. When Supervisory Inspector Greg Holmes learned that the fugitives might be hiding out in Brooklyn, he called an emergency 5 a.m. briefing with Commander Lenny DePaul, Inspector Dennis Tait, and Supervisor Ed McMahon. Holmes suspects that the thieves will try and sell the guns on the street, so the team must act fast to secure the firearms. When Holmes gets a lead on where the fugitives are hiding, his team wastes no time in gearing up to apprehend them.

14. City of Troy
2011 - Season 3
Senior Inspector Mike Woerner of the Albany Marshal's office has a lead on a "Most Wanted" fugitive in upstate New York. Allegedly the suspect participated in an attempted murder--a drive-by shooting in Troy. Mike fears that the shooting was the opening salvo in a larger drug war. If he can apprehend the fugitive and put him behind bars, he may stem some of the impending violence. Commander Lenny DePaul is on his way to the Albany office to brief on the case. Lenny, Mike, and the Albany Marshals focus their investigation on the target's fianc e. They covertly follow the fianc e's vehicle, hoping she will lead them to their target. Instead, she travels all over town, forcing the Marshals to call off the tail. They then confront the woman directly, asking her to surrender the man she's pledged to marry and prevent a drug war from exploding on the streets of Troy.

13. Predator Pursuit
2011 - Season 3
Senior Inspector Mike Romani is in the Sex Offender's Unit and is eager to rein in everybody that breaks the law. But for Mike, cases involving children are especially urgent. Dr. Michael Bourke, the U.S. Marshals' Chief Psychologist from Washington DC, is in New York City to join Mike, Commander Lenny DePaul and a team of Marshals on a briefing of Mike's latest case. The fugitive is a twice convicted pedophile and sexual predator from Georgia and particularly dangerous because he works by "grooming" or earning the trust of his young victims over time. Many of these cases are not reported so convictions point only to the tip of the iceberg of actual assaults. Mike has received word that the fugitive is in N.Y.C. In a chase that takes the Marshals' team from the northern section of Manhattan to the industrial warehouse areas of Brooklyn, Mike is absolutely determined to find this sex predator before he hurts another child.

12. Family Secret
2011 - Season 3
Detective Roxanne Lopez has a full plate helping to clean up the crime in her New York City suburb when she pulls an urgent new case. A woman comes forward to tell Roxanne a heartbreaking story: her uncle allegedly had sexually molesting her after a family barbeque. And now the uncle (who's also one of the area's most prolific criminals) has disappeared. Roxanne seeks the assistance of the U.S. Marshals Fugitive Task Force.

11. The Ruse
2011 - Season 3
After committing attempted murder in the United States, a Mexican gang member is deported back to his country. Soon after, federal authorities learn that he has slipped back into the U.S., and the Marshals' Fugitive Task Force is called in to track the convicted felon down.

10. Unthinkable
2011 - Season 3
Senior Parole Officer Vinny Senzamici and his team make it their priority to find a level three sex offender on the run. The fugitive sexually abused a six-year-old girl over a two-year period; and almost certainly will strike again.

9. One to Go
2011 - Season 3
An alleged drug-gang leader who evaded capture during a raid in Puerto Rico and fled the country is believed to have relocated to New York City.

8. Moving Target
2011 - Season 3
A Dominican national who violated probation and has been on the run since 2008 is pursued.

7. Scarred for Life
2011 - Season 3
A violent woman who allegedly assaulted a former friend with a box cutter is pursued in Utica, N.Y.

6. The Ghost
2011 - Season 3
A suspect in a 1994 murder is believed to be in Houston and is trying to get to his native Jamaica, so the team moves to catch him before he leaves the country.

5. Punto Com
2011 - Season 3
The hunt for a computer expert suspected of identity theft and who is in the U.S. illegally takes the team to the Bronx and an early morning stakeout to catch the fugitive by surprise.

4. Chinatown Takedown
2011 - Season 3
A chase in Manhattan for a man accused of murdering his family and who is one of the most wanted fugitives in Washington D.C.

3. The Boxer
2011 - Season 3
A retired corrections officer and former boxing coach who is wanted for kidnapping and sexual assault is hunted from New Jersey to Florida.

2. Tommy's Nightmare
2011 - Season 3
A convicted felon who enters the U.S. illegally is tracked in a case led by a supervisor who is celebrating his 20-year work anniversary.

1. Perfect Storm
2011 - Season 3
In the third-season opener, a fugitive wanted for second-degree rape is hunted, and a tip leads to a stakeout in the Bronx.