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Where to watch "Live to Tell"

12. A Soldier's Best Friend
2017 - Season 1
U.S. Army Ranger, Trent McDonald, was feeling stagnant when he discovered dog handling and found a new purpose.

11. Objective Berlin
2017 - Season 1
U.S. Army Rangers on a battle damage assessment mission in 2009 learns that bullets don't discriminate when they lose two of their own on the same operation in Afghanistan.

10. Ranger Machine
2017 - Season 1
Iraq 2006, a team of U.S. Army Rangers leads a covert operation to take out a group of Al-Qaeda high value targets.

9. Roberts Ridge
2017 - Season 1
Afghanistan 2002: A quick reaction force of U.S. Army Rangers heads into the snowy mountains of Afghanistan to rescue a missing Navy SEAL. Things quickly go awry when enemy fighters bombard them and multiple teammates are killed.

8. Objective Breton
2016 - Season 1
Afghanistan 2009: A group of U.S. Army Rangers goes after a jihadist network when their unit hits a roadside bomb and suffers multiple casualties. The team comes together to deal with the chaos of the mass casualty situation and cope with the loss of one of their teammates.

7. Ranger Machine UN-AIRED
2016 - Season 1
***Un-aired episode*** Iraq 2006: A team of U.S. Army Rangers lead a covert operation to take out a group of Al-Qaeda high value targets. Deep in enemy territory it's the implicit trust amongst the team that allows them to overcome hurdle after hurdle.

6. Objective Breton UN-AIRED
2016 - Season 1
***Un-aired episode*** Afghanistan 2009: A group of U.S. Army Rangers goes after a jihadist network when their unit hits a roadside bomb and suffers multiple casualties. The team overcomes the chaos of the mass casualty situation and try to cope with the loss of one of their teammates.

5. Roberts Ridge UN-AIRED
2016 - Season 1
***Un-aired episode*** Afghanistan 2002: A quick reaction force of U.S. Army Rangers goes into the snowy mountains of Afghanistan to rescue a missing Navy SEAL; things quickly turn bad when enemy fighters bombard them and multiple teammates are killed.

4. Task Force Merrill
2016 - Season 1
Afghanistan 2010: A team of U.S. Army Rangers sets out on a mission to engage the Taliban and gather intelligence when their unit hits an IED. After the blast, the platoon pushes through their fears to aid a fellow soldier who is critically injured and together they display a level of fortitude that ultimately saves his life.

3. A Battle For Haditha Dam
2016 - Season 1
Iraq 2003: A group of U.S. Army Rangers fights to seize control of Haditha Dam, a strategically key location in Operation Iraqi Freedom, when they realize they are outnumbered by a strong Iraqi force. As the battle rages on, a young medic must face his fears when his skills are put to the test in order to save the life of a teammate.

2. Red Wings Recovery
2016 - Season 1
Afghanistan 2005: A quick reaction force on a mission to recover the remains of a helicopter crash learns that there is a lone survivor they must now rescue. Driven by the standards of the Ranger Creed, these men push themselves to the limit, both mentally and physically, and persevere and complete the mission.

1. Charlie Platoon & the Story of Marc Lee
2016 - Season 1
Iraq 2006: SEAL Team 3 and conventional U.S. Forces battle insurgents to take back the war-torn city of Ramadi, when a beloved teammate is struck and becomes the first Navy SEAL killed in Iraq. Faced with heartbreak, but still believing in the mission, the team rallies together to fight on.