6. The Last Day of Manio Sempronio

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Agorastocles, now a free man, decides to try his luck and join up by himself with Marco Antonio's side, leaving Antonine to look after Manio.

5. Hopes II

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A special envoy of Marco Antonio turns up at camp. For many years, Cneo Valerio sent letters to Marco Antonio full of invaluable advice.

4. Hopes I

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The news that his father also went through a bad spell before being known as 'The Magnificent' fills Manio with fresh hope.

3. The Ring

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In a skirmish with the Thracians, Manio is immobilized by a one-armed giant - but what an arm it is too!

2. The Thing

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Manio receives a letter from his mother. Sick with the flu, she asks her son to carry out a noble act.

1. The Teacher

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Agorastocles returns to camp claiming to be important because Octavio has named him special liaison between his Legion and that of Cneo Valerio.

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