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Where to watch "DÓ, RÉ & MI"

6. Shoobop Gone/Flap Your Own Way

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SHOOBOP GONE: Mi loses a favorite guitar, Shoobop and can't find inspiration to sing without it. FLAP YOUR OWN WAY: Do flies! Do wishes he could flap faster, but discovers his flying speed might be just what's needed to save the day.

5. Music Blossoms and Blooms/Vine and Dandy

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MUSIC BLOSSOMS AND BLOOMS: Do, Re & Mi are taking the Flamingo-gos to Falsetto Forest for the blooming of the instruments. VINE AND DANDY: It's a race through Falsetto Forest and Mi is determined to win, but may need to learn how to try again when things don't go as planned.

4. Sing it Forward/Do, Re, Remember Mi?

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SING IT FORWARD: Mi and Re help Do organize his workshop and end up going down memory lane as Do gives sentimental items away to his friends.DO, RE, REMEMBER MI?: Do, Re & Mi go grocery shopping for Mama Maddie, but keep forgetting what's on their shopping list.

3. Flight School/All About Juan Peacock

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FLIGHT SCHOOL: Do goes to flying school, but is nervous about flying in front of the other students, espcially Chester, who he imagines is good at everything. ALL ABOUT JUAN PEACOCK: With Pequena away, Do Re & Mi play with Juan Peacock - but the group has some trouble getting along when Juan Peacock insists on doing things his unique way.

2. Re the Brave/Cooling to the Beat

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RE THE BRAVE: Do, Re & Mi go camping and tell spooky stories about a Ghost Crow until Do gets frightened. Re insists she's never afraid, until she hears a mysterious sound in the woods. COOLING TO THE BEAT: On a hot day in Beebopsburgh, the birdies are trying to stay cool and discover one dance move that makes its own cool breeze.

1. Ha Ha Hummingbird/Buzzing the Way

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HA HA HUMMINGBIRD: Re loves to get a laugh and today she's gonna make ten birdies laugh--easier said than done when everyone is so distracted. BUZZING THE WAY: When Mi gets stuck, Presto has to go find help--but the other birds can't speak lightning bug-- how can he get them to understand his message?

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